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Over on the Incels.is forums, a commenter in his twenties sadly laments that he will never experience the alleged endless bliss of teenage romance. Or, as he puts it, sounding just a bitty bit like a serial killer, the pure joy he would feel “owning … a young girl that is yours for the keeping.”
“You will never have the feeling of accomplishment of owning a girl exclusively for yourself,” TheLastandtheFirst informs his incel colleagues.
People cope about “teenage love” being underrated – drama, emotion, tension, and so on. “It’s not worth it”
But nothing, nothing will compensate the feeling of pride and joy that comes from being a teenager among your friendgroup and having a young girl that is yours for the keeping.
Think about it – a nice girl that many fall for, but you get her all for yourself. Her body whom nobody is allowed to touch or even see completely, is yours for your pleasure. You can experience her whenever you want, feel her, play with her, make love to her, whenever you want.
Dude, I think you’re thinking of a sex slave, not a girlfriend.
Her personality, her emotions, everything that she is, is all yours. While many other of your friends may struggle with teenage awkwardness, you have this wonderful thing in your life that allows you to release all that anxiety and tension sexually – all that worry, all that stress, all the uneasiness about the future, you growing older, and having to take on responsibility, all of that melts your heart, and brings you joy.
Now you’re talking about a stress ball, or one of these dudes.

Think of the serotonin that sets you up for the rest of your life that this gives you.
That’s not how serotonin works. That’s not how any of this works.
All the repressed sexual emotions you can get out off the bat with someone whom you can experience with, in their most fertile prime.
If you’re not a literal fertility doctor, you should pretty much never refer to anyone’s supposed fertility. Especially that of teenage girls.
The feeling that you have conquered something nobody else has come close to.
Incels are so obsessed with the terrifying possibility of being judged sexually they insist that they can only achieve perfect teenage love with virgins.
You will never experience that ever in your life.
Frankly, dude, based on what you’ve said so far, you should never experience that in your life.
Even if you manage to betabux and find a girl later in your life, she isn’t yours. She views you nothing more than a cold calculation. You won’t cheat, you are okay enough, your income is okay you can be shown off to her girlfriends with no problem. Worst, you are person no. 20, at least.
For what it’s worth, the median number of partners for women in their prime betabuxxing years (from 25 to 44) is 4.2. Not that having 20 previous partners is bad.
There is no real thrill, accomplishment, or meaning in finding some used up woman who settles for you because what accomplishment is that?
If you define every woman older than a teenager as “used up,” you’re not going to be happy with any adult romance.
Congratulations, you get to have kids now. Enjoy having 0 free time to enjoy anything, dealing with a nagging bitch of a wife who lost any semblance of attractiveness she once had, spending all your valuable free time trying to budget for kids, spend time with kids, etc.
I can’t believe that parents actually have to devote some of their prime video gaming time to their own kids.
Any fun or excitement you had in your life is now gone. Enjoy the suffering of living with someone who doesn’t love you and raising kids who take up your time, energy, and money, who will likely become incelly spergs themselves and either kill themselves, resent you, or shoot up a school.
Actually, they might be onto something here; I wouldn’t be surprised if the children of someone who believes all of this shit might go and shoot up a school.
I’m in my mid 20s and these thoughts makes me existentially numb and void to everything. I got extremely drunk and ate really unhealthy today, and I’m in my apartment alone, crying.
I don’t know about you, but I’m having a little trouble whipping up sympathy for a dude who thinks it’s a terrible injustice that he doesn’t own a virginal teenager sex slave.

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The LEAST of his problems is that he thinks he’s “numb and void” but the next second he’s crying?
Boy, when you’re actually numb, you can’t cry. Or are much interested in booze and junk food.
I guess since he didn’t have a teen sex slave at the right age, it’s too late for him and all that’s left is hating himself and half the population.
Also these boys seem to be utterly unaware of women who don’t want children, and also birth control. A quick vasectomy and a man knows no children will ever be his to interrupt his days at the computer. No matter how fertile the fee-male is.
The first part of this reads like he is more concerned with showing off how he got the girl and his friends didn’t. That’s sort of original. Most of these guys don’t seem to think about that part, much less lead with it
Theoretically (if his vile personality wasn’t a barrier), as a man in his mid twenties and going by the average age gap in relationships, he’s likely to date a woman who’s 20-23. Believing women have aged out of desirability by *twenty* means he deserves all the misery he inflicts on himself.
18 to 25 is actually the peak in terms of ease of falling pregnant for women generally (already rather old for an incel). Adolescent mothers (10-19 years old) are also more likely to experience birth injury and (potentially fatal) complications and their babies are at higher risk of low birth weight, preterm birth and severe neonatal conditions.
I sincerely hope this joker is on at least one law enforcement agency’s watch list.
So she has no parents? No guardians? No legal obligation to attend school? She lives on the streets? Has absolutely no opinions or preferences of her own? Never gets hungry? Tired? Angry? Never gets pregnant?
And you’re crying because you’ll never own this person?
Cry me a river.
So, I’m too old to attract that kind of creep?
Great for me! But I feel terrible for all the teenage girls he’ll come across.
Spends his time lamenting about not having a teenage girl in prime fertility, and then spends his time complaining about how awful kids are. Their stuff always has zero logic or rational thinking. And yet the follow ‘incel idols’ that tell them constantly how they are the rational sex. Yeah, the rational sex doesn’t spend all their time crying on forums over how they can’t treat women like sex slaves. Woe is me. I’m so oppressed that I can’t oppress others.
Because I didn’t know where else to put this article, here have some mythbusting, care of FreeThought Blogs!
For decades anthropologists have witnessed forager women—those who live in societies that both hunt and gather—around the world skillfully slay prey: In the 1980s, Agta women of the Philippines drew bows and arrows as tall as themselves and aimed at wild pigs and deer, and Matses Amazonians struck paca rodents with machetes. Observations from the 1990s described Aka great-grandmothers and girls as young as age 5 trapping duiker and porcupine in central Africa.
A study published today in PLOS ONE has united these reports for a first-of-its-kind global view of women hunters. Reviewing accounts penned by scholars who study culture, known as ethnographers, as well as those by observers between the late 1800s and today, the researchers found that women hunted in nearly 80% of surveyed forager societies.
These data flatly reject a long-standing myth that men hunt, women gather, and that this division runs deep in human history.
Teenagers tend to be way more judgmental about looks and attractiveness then adults are. So basically incels. If a teenage girl didn’t want you when you were a teenager. She’s not going to want you as a creepy unwashed adult man.
I have no sympathy; their misery is entirely self-inflicted.
Also, they’re creeps.
@Lakitha Tolbert
i took an intro to archaeology as an elective at university and the professor did a little skit around the “man the hunter, woman the gatherer” where he taught the stereotype, then his plant in the audience challenged him and they had a mock discussion about it. it was pretty funny. overall the lecture was about not applying our concepts of normative behavior to prehistoric societies because it’s almost impossible to truly know their concept of gender and how it relates to the division of labor. this paper is yet another data point that demonstrates the correctness of that approach.
This guy is giving off scary “future Josef Fritzl” vibes.
@Lakitha K Tolbert
Whaaat? You mean humans living a subsistence existence will acquire food however the opportunity presents itself, regardless of their genitals?
Settle down there, Ariel Castro
@Elaine: So true.
@Kat: What he’s describing there is a sexbot, isn’t it? Or at least a RealDoll.
@Lakitha: Interesting article, thanks! Foragers ain’t got time for useless pontificating, and the meat tastes the same no matter who bags the game. As do the fruit and veggies. A manly hunter can gather while he’s out. Sending little kids up trees to pick fruit/nuts sounds like a good way to use their lesser weight and nimble fingers. You couldn’t keep me out of trees as a kid. And how else are they going to become great hunters if not from early exposure?
I swear I knew this man (or someone just like him) in the mid-80’s. I was finally pried loose from him, but he scarred me deeply. It took me decades to (mostly) recover and the love of a person who truly loved me.
Just reposting this here in case people missed it on the old thread.
But Tennessee also strikes down anti gender affirmation treatment law
This was one they were worried about as the judge is very conservative. But I do find that generally judges take their role very seriously and act conscientiously.
@ Lakitha K Tolbert
Will it come as much of a surprise when I tell you that, when confronted with the evidence, those fucks who perpetuate the “strong male hunter, weak female gatherer”-stereotype will claim that all those women only hunt opportunistically, only small game, and that the game the men provide is still more valuable than the one the women provide, PLUS the literal backbone of their food intake (all the gathered stuff they bring home and that make up a substantially larger part of the food than the big game) as well? The truth doesn’t matter to those shits. Only their own narrative does, and we can’t really change any of it.
You’re right, but the article does go on to talk about women in groups bringing down bigger game, in some tribes, with bows and arrows, like deer and wild pigs!
I don’t really expect such men to care, do research, or even just basic reading on Wikipedia, but I thought the article was fun and fascinating and that you guys might wanna take a look at it.
@Ann Marie Hatzakis
I am so sorry to hear that you knew someone like this original poster. I had some really terrible, emotionally abusive boyfriends in the 1980s (also in the 1990s and even in the current century — yay, me!), whose terribleness didn’t become apparent until I was emotionally attached. Luckily, domestic violence counseling taught me what to look for. It was so good to have the counselors on my side and to engage in reality therapy.
I heard this story today on the radio about early women as hunters. It turns out that We Hunted the Mammoth too!
We Hunted the Mammoth for our own damn selves! (and for the kids and old folks)
Probably while pregnant, too, and in addition to doing all that root digging and cereal collection, along with making and cooking food in baskets/pottery.
Early Man would have starved if it weren’t for Early Woman.
This guy doesn’t want a girlfriend. He wants a colony.
I believe Jordan Peterson, whom we all know and revere (bleeh!), suggested something like this in order to pacify societies’s young males: assign them all a girl they could own and rape as they pleased. I’ve always wondered what his daughter thought about that idea.
I’ve actually been thinking about this recently, in a roundabout way. I started reading The Ruin of All Witches (not got far, was distracted by fiction!) and it’s the first time I really appreciated the sheer amount of *work* involved in not just growing, gathering and cooking food, but preparing it for consumption. The grinding, picking, husking, boiling, stripping, curing, salting, peeling, jarring, distilling etc etc. It actually blew my mind to imagine that pre-industrialisation to make something easy, like pasta with tomato and bacon, you have several skilled processes before you even begin to cook. I cannot believe we somehow as humans decided that work was lesser in general.