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Fear and loathing on the Men’s Rights subreddit

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It’s been a little while since I looked in on the Men’s Rights subreddit and I guess I sort of forgot just how grouchy everyone there can get. So here are a few of the grouchier rants I found there today in several different threads, and the lessons we can learn from them.

Lesson One: We need a real patriarchy to put the ladies in their places, except that they’ll actually like it.

According to Correct-Reporter1872,

We need to stop worrying about whether or not women will value us because that’s never going to happen. We’re supposed to make THEM valuable to US. We’re the prize. Women require a separate person to make them feel safe, loved, and protected. They can’t function mentally without that. They will feel miserable and depressed. Us men don’t require any of that. That’s why we’re the prize. That’s not even including the fact that society will crumble without us.

If they want everything men have to offer, we have to make them earn it. That’s where we as men have failed, and that’s why women are able to openly hate, disrespect, and degrade us.

We need to be more like muslim nations in the sense that we put boundaries on women and severely limit their power. A true patriarchy. Not what braindead women call patriarchy in the West. The West has never been a patriarchy, even before fem-nazi-ism happened. If they think this is bad, wait until they experience an actual patriarchy. But ironically, they’ll end up loving it because the genders will finally be in harmony.

Lesson Two: Never trust A BIOLOGICALLY BORN FEMALE, who’s probably going to try to break up your marriage if you’re a female also.

Mrsclaw89–a lady MRA–seems a little bit miffed about something.

Women can dish out alot but can’t handle it being thrown back at em. They cry and then because they cry they “win”. Stop catering to women. I hate my fellow females for this very reason. I’ve seen how vile they can be. And sadly I was even a part of such a girl group until they started to invade my person life and tried to run my life and even went far enough to ruin my wedding day and tried to bully me into divorcing my husband because they didn’t think I deserved a husband BUT THEY DID CUZ THEY WERE PERFECT ON PAPER. like a man truly cares about a women being perfect on paper. He’s looking for more than that which they didn’t have and it hurt their bs ego so much they did the worst to get me divorced and tried to send my husband to jail over his product of incest ex gfs lies.

MEN, DO NOT EVER TRUST A BIOLOGICALLY BORN FEMALE. ever! You’re entire life depends on it.

Lesson Three: Maybe it’s best if she tells you “no,” at least if you don’t want to be driven to homicide.

RandomYT05, who probably should not be around any deadly weapons, has this to say:

Everyone who tries to give me the ‘advice’ that “the worst that can happen is her saying no”, while I don’t think they are lying, they are however extremely out of touch with how risky it is nowadays. Because in the past, things weren’t as bad, and the actual worst thing was her saying no. Nowadays though, the worst thing that can happen is a sexual assault or rape allegation. Or even worse, she says yes and after you think you’ve found love and your happily ever after, she betrays you, divorces you, takes your own children away from you, etc. Sometimes even drives you to suicide, homicide, or she’ll be the one commiting the homicide against you. Seriously, it’s gotten so bad that the BEST thing that can happen is her saying no, and just saying no.

Lesson four: Beware of poltergeists when there are no men around:

B1uefalc0n explains:

Everything that men do no matter how essential or important is taken for granted. Only when something breaks and needs repaired or when something moved in the house at night or when we are in a bad situation that we need to get out of are men valued and as soon as we resolve the issue it is forgotten and we are back at square one.

Lesson five: Maybe we should just all kill ourselves, see if they like it.

This one deserves a little screenshot:

In conclusion, MRAs truly are a bunch of self-defeating misogynist grouches. I mean, jeez, dudes, it’s not healthy to get this mad about a bunch of nothing.

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Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
1 year ago

Right men don’t require another person to love them and protect them. That’s why men’s suicide rates are so low they are basically non-existence

1 year ago

My happiness has always drastically increased after ending a relationship, even my pets were happier. Less drama, less mess, less drama about who is responsible for their own mess.
More time for hobbies, I can wake up early and take off on a hike. I have what I want for dinner without compromise, or nothing at all if I don’t feel like cooking. I play loud music whenever I want, and it’s quiet whenever I want.

1 year ago

May I also add, “The Female Man”, to the books about single-gender societies.

Doubles Trini Roti
Doubles Trini Roti
1 year ago

“We need to be more like muslim nations in the sense that we put boundaries on women and severely limit their power.”

I actually saw an Andrew Tate like figure brewing years ago in the Manosphere. It was just a matter of time.

Last edited 1 year ago by Doubles Trini Roti
Doubles Trini Roti
Doubles Trini Roti
1 year ago

“… tried to send my husband to jail over his product of incest ex gfs lies.”

What type of product is that?