andrew tate misogyny rape sexual exploitation

Andrew Tate charged with rape and sexual trafficking and just look at who’s still defending him

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Human carbuncle Andrew Tate and his brother, along with two associates, have been charged by Romanian authorities with multiple counts of human trafficking; one of the four (likely Andrew) has also been charged with two counts of rape. The brothers and their associates are accused of operating a human trafficking ring that used “violence and mental coercion” to force seven women to participate in pornography.

For more about the charges, check out Vanity Fair; for background on Tate, including his long history of misogyny, check out this article in TheCut.

There is no public figure so reprehensible he doesn’t have defenders, and Tate seems to have hung on to most of his, despite his arrest and the charges of human trafficking. After news of the charges broke, some took to Twitter to offer their defenses. This included several well-known figures on the right.

Others loudly proclaimed his alleged innocence.

Still others nattered on about the evil powers of “the matrix.”

“Feline nature,” you say?

If the kitties of the world are helping to bring Andrew Tate down, I am fully on board.

There were some more sensible tweets about Tate’s charges.

I can only say that Tate looks guilty as sin to me, and I hope he rots in a Romanian prison.

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1 year ago

I have no idea who any of these defenders are. Is The Trump Train his campaign?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Gerald*: I think “The Trump Train” is one of the losers/lesser grifters who worship Dolt 45. Probably all of them are.

*couldn’t see your last name 😉

1 year ago

The saddest part is the women defending the rapist and sex trafficker. Do they think they are different from Tate’s victims? That he would treat them differently?

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
1 year ago

@ Alan:

I managed to get hold of the font the Tate galleries use. I was tempted to make some fake signs and stick them up. But I thought that was a bit unkind as I really like the Tate people. But when I mentioned that to them they just said “Do one for the bins!”. 

Nothing could surpass this bin signage:
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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

For reasons I won’t bore you with, I’ve put a call out to see if I can borrow a carpincho. (real or plushy).

But as part of that, someone sent me a link to a load of capy pictures. So a bit of a brain bleach repository.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ moon custafer

Your picture really triggered my Stendhal syndrome! It’s just so mind bogglingly profound.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Alan: Your reasons for needing a capy couldn’t be more boring than some of your legal stuff! Certainly cuter.

I have bookmarked the link of carpinchos for mental health purposes. Business capy in jacket and tie made me laugh

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ gss ex-noob

Well I currently have Lord Luvaduck as a video companion (he’s a rubber duck in a barrister outfit). But I was also thinking of Capybarrister.

I have this chap on stand by. So I’m just trying to figure out how to source the appropriate togs.

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Alan: Pardon me, I had to lie down from the cuteness for a bit.

How big is your future colleague? ISTM that teddy bear clothes, or dog clothes would do him. There must be any number of dog/plushy outfits manufactured for various professions.

Not sure about his nose, though — shouldn’t his nostrils be up higher? You never know when the courtroom might get filled with water.