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Over on Incels.is, one prolific commenter called Chudpreet asks the question: “Are women even fit to be parents?”
Then he answers his own question with a “no.”
I see a lot of incels and people in adjacent communities hold up the “tradwife” ideal. Now, I’m not against the idea of a woman’s role in society being relegated to cooking and cleaning. Busywork is probably the ONLY responsibility fefails are competent enough to handle.
The thing is, though, I don’t know how to feel about the idea that women should have the largest role in child-rearing. As we all know, women are highly prone to abusing any and all power they get. I myself deal with an abusive, controlling, piece of shit helicopter mother. I don’t know if women can be trusted with ANY position of authority, even one in the household.
The problem is that these women keep making their kids into gay cucks.
We all know how kids in single mother households turn out, usually gay. Of course this is partially due to the lack of a male role model but also due to the actions of the mom themselves. Many mothers, especially liberal Western ones, love to feminize their sons and indoctrinate them into eglitarian progressive cuckold ideology.
Oh, by the way, Chudpreet still lives with his parents.
My mother is an unfortunate combination of being both a self-identified feminist as well as a third worlder. This means that I had to grow up with both ultra-regressive curry cultural bs as well as constant attacks on masculinity and the deeming of everything as sexist.
My mom may very well be the person I detest more than anyone else on Earth. For the time being I’m dependent on her (I’m 19 so I still live with my parents), but when that’s all said and done, I wish nothing but the most tragic death for this living heap of garbage.
And, oh, it gets worse, as Chudpreet lives up to the Nazi symbolism in his avatar.
The ideal role of women in a proper eugenic society imo is to be enslaved and used as incubators for the babies of genetically superior men (obviously mid and ugly femlets as a whole should be incinerated, only Stacies should breed). I see anything short of the total enslavement of women as cucked. This role as a baby vending machine should only end once they age out of their prime. At that point they should be used as human punching bags to help males alleviate stress, since I can see no other use for them beyond that.
Other commenters stepped forwards with their own fantasies about women. According to turbosperg,
Each stacy should be forced to have 20 kids, and the bottom 90% of foids should be sterilized and used as rape practice dummies and punching bags for men to alleviate their stress.
Gattsu explained that
women can not be trusted with any authority. They are less competent than primitive animals. A dog could raise a child better than the majority of foids.
Toilets have never had any problem with brutally murdering their children (the only humans they have a physical advantage over), and the legalization of abortion proved this wasn’t a consequence of some mental illness, but intrinsic to most foids. If they don’t commit outright infanticide, they spiritually castrate their sons by raising them as women or raise their daughters to be useless cum dumpsters.
Others offered more, er, moderate takes. Med Amine wasn’t sure why anyone thinks that parenting is hard.
i wouldn’t really want to have kids if i am going to fuck a toilet, inflation is really bad and no one can financially support his kid the same way parents of the old gen did. …
also parenting isn’t really that hard, just hit your kid if he does something bad and don’t let him use the internet until he’s 18 years old also i think i would just give the kid to my mother to take care of him.
Lonelyus gave his supervillain origin story, explaining that his mother
didnt let me play call of duty as a kid which made me an outcast and a target for bullying, Yeah cuz being in physical pain and mental pain is so much better than seeing a russian get shot which i can see 100x times in replay if i want by watching james bond
But this was hardly the first thread on Incels.is celebrating the idea of murdering all or most women. In another thread from last month, a commenter called coping_manlet stated straight up that “women need to be violently eradicated.” As he put it,
They’re not even useful when enslaved. Their productivity in physical labor is far lower than any male.
Women simply are a detriment on society, a complete waste of resources. They are a burden and need to be replaced.
I suggest hyper realistic AI girlfriends. The only issue is reproduction.
I suggest keeping small enclaves of foids in government labs. They will be used to have their eggs harvested, and the eggs will be shipped off to men who want to propagate a child in their embryonic chamber devices
It’ll be like growing plants. We will grow humans. Just buy an egg off the internet, then water (cum on) the egg and watch it grow!
I once believed we should torture all women before exterminating them. Although I’ve realized that would also be a huge waste of resources. Women are just NPC’s with no soul so they wouldn’t be feeling the pain anyways. Now we should just mass exterminate them as quickly as possible. Maybe dropping napalm on women’s rights marches and abortion clinics? Lmk your ideas. Thanks for the read brocels who made it this far!
I would dig up a few more threads, but honestly, I’ve hit my limit for today, and I suspect a lot of you have as well.
This is why studies adding up the slurs on Incels.is–like the one I wrote about last week–are if anything understating the ferocity of the misogyny among incels because the context is worse than just the slurs. That’s why it’s worth plunging into the actual threads themselves, even if the evidence is “anecdotal.” I’ve written literally hundreds of posts about incels at this point. At what point does “anecdotal” evidence become more than merely anecdotal?

@Alan Robertshaw
Almost unbelievable that these lawyers didn’t double-check. Almost.
They might not have bothered, figuring the opposition and the court wouldn’t.
@ Jenora:
Damn, I was going to write a story about that!
Spirit of the West was a good band.
@Jenora Feuer; @Moon Custafer:
Niven had a plot thread about breeding for luck of all things.
Yes, and then—since Niven found characters perpetually being saved from plot consequences by luck boring—(ROT-13 (https://rot13.com) for spoiler) Grryn Oebja, gur zhygvtrarengvbany raq cebqhpg bs n yvgreny trargvp ybggrel, jvaqf hc cnenfvgvpnyyl genafsbezrq vagb n zheqrebhf cerqngbel zbafgre qevira fbyryl ol gur cebgrpgvba bs ure trar yvar.
@Moon Custafer:
Yes, they were. Shame about what happened to the lead singer. (Early-onset Alzheimer’s, for those who are curious. For the last few tours he had to have the words to the songs that he had written himself constantly with him on stage for reference.)
One of my favourite bits from their ‘wordplay’ bit is the song ‘Wrecking Ball’, a song about destruction of historic buildings by developers, set in St. Johns NL. One of the versions of the chorus goes a little strange:
They could be playful and angry about things at the same time.
Or heck, just the title of one of their songs about pollution dumping: “(Mopping up the) Dirty Pool”
@Full Metal Ox:
Yes, I remember that spoiler. I also remember Safe at Any Speed, one of his short stories which was written just to demonstrate how utterly boring it would be.
I’m sure these persons would be pleased to know their ideological oneness—in this wise—with William S. Burroughs.