Bwahaha; my secret plan to reintroduce Stannary Law. Arguably it still exists. The act merely abolished the courts; but explicitly says “The powers of the stannary courts shall vest in the county court”. We did once threaten to use that tin bounding procedure to gee someone up into signing a contract.
I would love my own uranium mine though. I just love the glass. N Korea has already put in an order.
@ gss ex-noob
That’s just Dan in the wig. The only picture of me in my fancy dress is from call night; and my mum has that photo. I refuse to be photographed in anything that looks like lawyer garb. This is my chambers photo.
Even this was a compromise. My previous one was basically “How many crimes can you see in this picture?” Which I thought was funny for a set of chambers; but not everyone agreed.
Moon Custafer
1 year ago
@ Alan:
Don’t know whether it’s accessible at the moment, but there’s a subreddit called r/somnivexillology, in which people discuss and post drawings of flags they’ve seen in their dreams; usually with descriptions of the dream context, like “this was the flag flown by the crabs that were hunting me down for war crimes.”
Jenora Feuer
1 year ago
it’s meant to evoke battle flags, which would be flying backwards if you were advancing
Took me a moment on that one, but then it was obvious: the flag would be held up on a standard in front of the unit as it was marching, and it would be placed to be viewed correctly to the people marching behind it as inspiration… which means it would be backwards to the enemy in front of it.
(And now for some reason I’ve got Stanley Holloway’s ‘Beat the Retreat on thy Drum’ going through my head.)
We did once threaten to use that tin bounding procedure to gee someone up into signing a contract.
I think I’ve mentioned before that a jury panel I was involved with ended up getting kept in the courthouse after the original case we were called for had been made judge-alone in pre-trial discussions, because another judge wanted to use the fact that he could start a trial immediately as pressure against a disbarred lawyer who was trying delaying tactics on a plea bargain for his contempt of court charges.
Oddest case of the legal profession using implied threats I’ve ever been involved with.
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago
@ jenora
The idea is that, in t’olden days, soldiers would charge into battle being lead by their flag bearer.
So the flag would trail behind them. The patches on each shoulder are meant to emulate that.
But if you were running away the flag would fly the other way around.
Luckily, most people don’t realise our flag isn’t symmetrical.
Jenora Feuer
1 year ago
Ahh… so in theory the direction of the patch should depend on what shoulder it’s worn on, since the point is that the part of the flag nearest the flagpole would always be towards the front of the person wearing the patch.
And yes, I was aware that the Union Jack wasn’t entirely symmetrical, as the diagonal red lines representing Saint Patrick’s Saltire only take up half of the white lines from Saint Andrew’s, and the half is always leaning in a particular rotational direction. So the Union Jack is still symmetric by rotation, but not by flipping.
(The ‘Great Britain’ version without the Saint Patrick’s Saltire is still used in some sections of Canada as a ‘United Empire Loyalist’ flag, for those of us descended from the colonists who fought on the British side of the American Revolution. Because, of course, that event predates Ireland joining the Union by about a generation.)
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago
@ jenora
Yup. They issue the patches in pairs. One for each shoulder. I’d sew them on backwards so nobody would notice I was sneaking away.
That version of the Union Flag is the one used on the Grand Union US flag too.
@ clever
Bwahaha; my secret plan to reintroduce Stannary Law. Arguably it still exists. The act merely abolished the courts; but explicitly says “The powers of the stannary courts shall vest in the county court”. We did once threaten to use that tin bounding procedure to gee someone up into signing a contract.
I would love my own uranium mine though. I just love the glass. N Korea has already put in an order.
@ gss ex-noob
That’s just Dan in the wig. The only picture of me in my fancy dress is from call night; and my mum has that photo. I refuse to be photographed in anything that looks like lawyer garb. This is my chambers photo.
Even this was a compromise. My previous one was basically “How many crimes can you see in this picture?” Which I thought was funny for a set of chambers; but not everyone agreed.
@ Alan:
Don’t know whether it’s accessible at the moment, but there’s a subreddit called r/somnivexillology, in which people discuss and post drawings of flags they’ve seen in their dreams; usually with descriptions of the dream context, like “this was the flag flown by the crabs that were hunting me down for war crimes.”
Took me a moment on that one, but then it was obvious: the flag would be held up on a standard in front of the unit as it was marching, and it would be placed to be viewed correctly to the people marching behind it as inspiration… which means it would be backwards to the enemy in front of it.
(And now for some reason I’ve got Stanley Holloway’s ‘Beat the Retreat on thy Drum’ going through my head.)
I think I’ve mentioned before that a jury panel I was involved with ended up getting kept in the courthouse after the original case we were called for had been made judge-alone in pre-trial discussions, because another judge wanted to use the fact that he could start a trial immediately as pressure against a disbarred lawyer who was trying delaying tactics on a plea bargain for his contempt of court charges.
Oddest case of the legal profession using implied threats I’ve ever been involved with.
@ jenora
The idea is that, in t’olden days, soldiers would charge into battle being lead by their flag bearer.
So the flag would trail behind them. The patches on each shoulder are meant to emulate that.
But if you were running away the flag would fly the other way around.
Luckily, most people don’t realise our flag isn’t symmetrical.
Ahh… so in theory the direction of the patch should depend on what shoulder it’s worn on, since the point is that the part of the flag nearest the flagpole would always be towards the front of the person wearing the patch.
And yes, I was aware that the Union Jack wasn’t entirely symmetrical, as the diagonal red lines representing Saint Patrick’s Saltire only take up half of the white lines from Saint Andrew’s, and the half is always leaning in a particular rotational direction. So the Union Jack is still symmetric by rotation, but not by flipping.
(The ‘Great Britain’ version without the Saint Patrick’s Saltire is still used in some sections of Canada as a ‘United Empire Loyalist’ flag, for those of us descended from the colonists who fought on the British side of the American Revolution. Because, of course, that event predates Ireland joining the Union by about a generation.)
@ jenora
Yup. They issue the patches in pairs. One for each shoulder. I’d sew them on backwards so nobody would notice I was sneaking away.
That version of the Union Flag is the one used on the Grand Union US flag too.