It’s that time again–time to raise the money needed to keep this site running.
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know what a unique beast it is. For the past 13 years, I’ve been relentlessly covering the ongoing backlash against women’s rights; now, I also cover the even scarier attacks on trans rights. I spend my time slogging through the worst that the bigots have to offer, so you don’t have to. And I try to do it with an intact sense of humor.
I bring you this coverage without ads or paywalls, or secret billionaire backers. I rely entirely on donations from you, the readers. Many of you donate on a monthly basis, and I appreciate it enormously. But I get the bulk of my operating budget through these pledge drives; without them, I can’t keep the blog going.
So please click on the button below to make a donation, big o small; you don’t have to have a Paypal account to use it.
You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
I want to thank all of you who support this blog in whatever way you can. It means the world to me.
PS: If you’d like to help this blog in a non-financial way, please help to spread the word about this pledge drive on social media; it can really make a difference.

Happy to pitch in on top of my monthly, your work is invaluable
Thank you for all you do, David. I would make a monthly donation, but Mr. Dormousing_it would piss and moan. I just don’t want to listen to it.
Sadly it is truly over, a sign of end times for today´s young men.
60% of young men are single, while only 30% of young women are, leaving sociologists completely baffled, not being able to find coherent explanations.
“how is that possible? who are the women dating, then? why isn’t it 50-50?” why, the young women are content in sharing the attractive guys, of course.
The young women know in their hearts that he is also with other women, yet the women don’t want to rock the boat and lose him by enforcing monogamy, so they are content living in a fantasy, pretending they are in a relationship with a handsome man, despite being just average women.
but in their hearts, the young women still know, that they are actually just cuckqueans, and at a later age, at around 30, they are faced with the truth, when their calls are no longer answered by handsome guys.
this site will not receive an adequate amount of donations, because it is not truthful in its depiction of reality, for modern young men, or women.
this phenomenon of great loneliness in young men, a failure among the 60%, of most young men, is taboo, even in free societies, yet repeated in all modernly developed societies, and most young men collectively feel it, viscerally. like when no women want to have a relationship with them, all seem to be taken, when -they- ask.
how many men are inside apartments, alone, right now? seems, majority. if all single guys would walk outside, they would be the majority.
yet, the young men are completely gaslighted by old women and men, and young women, that it does not exist, despite statistics showing what young men feel is correct and reality. such is the nature of societal taboos.
and as with all societal taboos, when collectively, fanatically denied long enough, it will eventually sprout from the ground, for “great surprise” of all, like a volcano.
like a house of cards in lies, that collapse.. and societies will feel it, in many ways.
if you want to see how it is, symbolically, in society, when the house of cards of lies collapse, you can watch the 2019 tv-series “Chernobyl”
this site will be part of the collapse. seems it already is, for the evident lack of funding.
it does not resonate with the truth, of the young men. and young men will do anything to have a relationship, including change societies, to anything at all. it has happened before in history, and will happen again, and it will be as natural as the change of seasons.
like the societal, greatly regressed role of women in Korea during Joseon dynasty from 1400 to 1900, despite women having considerable freedoms and rights in the previous Goryeo dynasty in 900-1400.
The time can indeed go backwards, too.. time is indeed relative.
Thanks for everything you do, David! Donating now.
So, you seem to be saying that many young women are in, I would say euphemistically, polyamorous relationships. That may be part of it.
The articles do state that many young women are putting relationships on the back burner, so to speak, to focus on their jobs and careers.
This is a good thing, IMO. Women are foolish to rely on a man to support them, I think. If I were a man, I wouldn’t want to be a woman’s wallet. Men Leave, that was the title of a movie.
According to the articles and study, some of the disparities can be explained by:
-Women tend to date and marry slightly older men.
-20% of young people identifying as queer.
Also, I believe there may be several differences in the ways young men vs. young women define the terms single, in a relationship, and dating, among others. More than just wishful thinking by young women.
Sadly, I think many men are just going all “The world is changing, and I don’t like it!”
I don’t like some societal changes, either. But, I’m an older woman, thus invisible, and my opinions don’t matter.
“this site will be part of the collapse. seems it already is, for the evident lack of funding.”
I still have two grand left in emergency room bills I’m paying on, mantikitten. It’s very difficult to find the money to pay for other things, no matter how important they are, when you have something like that over your head.
Find somewhere else to go if all you’re going to do is shit on the floor.
What weird diverticulum of your monstrously bloated colon did you pull those numbers out of?!
Oh. The Daily Heil. What a shocker.
Write back when you have a credible source to back up these bizarre numbers.
@Mediocrities, Longtime Lurker and Surplus to Requirements:
LOL, I love both of your responses. I decided to play it straight, probably a mistake on my part.
What I just love is the not-so-thinly-veiled threat of Mandikitten’s at the very end of his regurgitation.
Except be worthwhile partners, apparently
Unrelated to anything, but keeps this thread at the top. But anyway, We have a lot of craft peeps here, so Malaga crochet teacher and her class did a little community arts project.
It’s cool in both the metaphorical and literal sense.
That is some serious crocheting, amazing work!
I’d be too terrified to go near it…
That’s part of why I say that is some serious crocheting, the parts must all be pretty strong in order to take the strain of their own weight strung like that.
@ jazzlet
Bit more here; including a nice video so you can see the full effect.
I wish I could afford to donate more.
Also, redmanglob, kudos on spelling almost all of those random words correctly.
Also, crochet is awesome.
That looks beautiful, thank you for sharing!
I am old enough to remember when The Female Eunuch was published. It put into words so much that I had felt and experienced as a woman but couldn’t make sense of. It genuinely changed my life.
I think that reading (or listening to audio books, join your local library if you have one), is the way forward for you. Get some different voices in your head. Take care where you put your attention- stay away from people spouting hatred.
If you hope one day to have a partner, find a way to like other people, to enjoy their company, to be interested in them. Not to compete with them, not to see them as enemies, but to like them and want to share things with them.
And have a read of this article by John Scalzi – he’s done an update too. He writes a lot of science fiction, you might enjoy it.
@Alan – wow, those weavings are amazing! It’s always cool (although sometimes frustrating for photography) how things like that look absolutely solid in some lights, but translucent in others.
Hmmmm… How do you know I’m not secretly a billionaire who’s cheap when it comes to supporting WHTM? 😁
But seriously, best of luck with the pledge drive!!
David, thanks for providing the monthly donation option in PayPal, I signed up! Much easier to have a set amount regularly accounted for than to root around in the budget during pledge drives for a one-time donation.
@Dormousing_it: “What I just love is the not-so-thinly-veiled threat of Mandikitten’s at the very end of his regurgitation.”
Especially LOL at the attempted analogy with women’s status under the Koryo dynasty in Korea. No, medieval Korean women did not have anything like equal status or access to power or career roles compared to men, even though they admittedly were freer in many ways than their counterparts under the later Choson dynasty.
The moral of that story is not that women need to provide asshole men with more sexual access in order to deter said asshole men from enacting a threatened social apocalypse in which women will be harshly re-subjugated. It’s that you can’t stop at eradicating patriarchal oppression just a LITTLE bit. As long as there are asshole men sulking and whining about being naturally “owed” sex and relationships even though they’re assholes, there’s still work to be done.
And this site is continuing to make valuable contributions to that work. Thanks again David, happy to be able to help out!
@Alan: That crochet is spectacular. It looks, to me, a little like stained glass.
Oh, that town is so lucky to have that fabulous canopy! I imagine people walking down it to point out the work they or someone in their family did.
Random thought of content that would work on both of David’s blogs (saves time!):
AI capybara art.
“AI capybara art”
YES! A thousand times yes!
Women can also date each other. Crazy. I know. But maybe think about that.
I’d ask what’s wrong with you, but we can already guess the answer to that– EVERYTHING.
For real, you’re giving off some serious Nixon-at-the-height-of-Watergate vibes here. The level of paranoia on display in your last comment would scare the most ardent conspiracy theorist.