incels misogyny

New incel theory: If you wear a condom during sex, you’re still an incel, somehow

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Incel logic strikes again. Apparently, if you’re wearing a condom during sex, you’re being “cucked,” and the sex doesn’t count as sex.

“You are still an incel if you had sex with a condom,” someone called WastedLife19 explains on the forums.

The foid literally used you as a dildo lmao, if she actually was attracted to you she would not care about the condom. She would naturally want to be impregnated with you cause of your great genes.

So I guess any birth control is out, then.

If I ever get to have sex, I would never even think about the idea of using a condom, such a fucked up idea to wrap your dick in plastic, doing the thing you were born to do and your cock doesn’t even get to touch her pussy. Also if I ever got to have sex it would have to be with an attractive girl, hence I want to impregnate her.

Dude, with an attitude like this, you’ll never get to have sex.

It would be pointless to fuck a girl with a condom, she clearly doesn’t want you, nor does she care about your enjoyment. Would be more fun to punch the foid in that case

Er, what?

All of what I’m saying is pretty reasonable yet nobody on earth seems to understand…

RIP To all the guys who thought they lost their virginity when all they did was waste their time.

Spoken like a man who has never had sex, with or without a condom, and likely never will. Not because of “a few millimeters of bone,” or a small dick, or a height that’s an inch under the average, but because he’s an entitled shithead who resents women and fantasizes about physically assaulting them. Once again, there are good reasons why some men are incels.

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Ada Christine
Ada Christine
1 year ago

this smacks of conservative christian views of sex. it’s for procreation first and the man to enjoy second. the woman is only to enjoy it to the extent that it serves the man.

1 year ago

So, the whole utility of condoms in reducing the transmission of disease – no worries about that, then?
I suppose this deluded man’s fantasy of the purest of pure virgins being the one he plans to impregnate just makes it all the more lovely for him to dream about.

1 year ago

And this sort of attittude is why anyone with a uterus and functioning ovaries needs to take reponsibility for their own contraception, sadly there are too many men who can not be trusted to do their part.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

I wonder if this “thinking” is tied into that ridiculous notion that a woman carries around the “genetic material” of every man she’s ever had sex with? Which to me smells a lot like men thinking they can mark their territory with their semen.

I probably carry more of Mr. Parasol’s genetic material on my body from kissing and holding hands – at least, until my next shower.

ETA: “Mr. Parasol’s genetic material” = skin cells and possibly saliva if he’s a secretor, which I don’t know because I don’t really give a rat’s furry behind about whether or not my husband’s DNA is present on my body.

Last edited 1 year ago by Victorious Parasol
Tabby Lavalamp
1 year ago

Are you really having sex if you don’t get syphilis?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ tabby

Are you really having sex if you don’t get syphilis?

This painting is called Sentence of Death. It features a patient having just been given bad news from his doctor. It’s actually based on a real person.

comment image

But for years people have speculated as to what the diagnosis was. Apparently there are clues in the painting that it’s syphilis.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
1 year ago

Once again, there are good reasons why some men are incels.

The reasons are indisputable: their actions are loathsome.

. . . doing the thing you were born to do . . .

No, you weren’t. You were born to be a decent human being. Try working on that.

Stone Cold Jane Austen
Stone Cold Jane Austen
1 year ago

@Alan that’s fascinating- what are the clues?

And somehow, I doubt these men would argue that a woman who has slept with forty men but always uses a condom is a virgin..

1 year ago

@Alan Robertshaw: I don’t see any symptoms of syphilis in the painting, but there probably wouldn’t be any showing if the idea is that the patient is only slightly ill but now knows they will imminently die. It could be TB, but the painting was made before tuberculin tests and chest x-rays. It could be a cancer such as lymphoma. I think biopsying lymph nodes was already a thing in 1905, and they certainly could not treat it in any way.

Seth S
Seth S
1 year ago

I feel like this is just them proving that the purpose of inceldom is hatred and that hatred is addictive.

They don’t want to be forced to leave their little hate-cult communities, so they’re changing the rules about sex that get you “in” as a member.

1 year ago

@ Seth S

“If everyone is an incel, no one will be”

I suppose given that the character could be read as an unfortunate incel type character who is shunned for not being good enough, that is particularly appropriate

epitome of incomprehensibility

The foid literally used you as a dildo lmao, if she actually was attracted to you she would not care about the condom. She would naturally want to be impregnated with you cause of your great genes.

Well, naturally! That’s what everyone lusts after – their partner’s great genes. Which are totally 100% visible. And everyone wants kids. And no cis women has ever been attracted to another. Good to know.

1 year ago

So they demand the possibility of procreation. Do we think they’ll be happy to pay child support?

1 year ago

Is it bad that I immediately knew exactly where this was headed from the title alone, without reading anything else…?