mass shooting misogyny racism roosh v white supremacy

Texas shooter Mauricio Garcia was steeped in the incel subculture, and a regular reader of

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By now you’ve probably seen the pictures of Allen, Texas mass shooter Mauricio Garcia showing off his freshly inked Nazi tattoos. His social media account on is filled with racist material and quotes from far-right white supremacist sites like VDare and the Daily Stormer.

But he also seems to have been at least a semi-regular reader of the forums, cutting and pasting several rants from the site into his own social media posts. They’re filled with incel lingo, referring to women as “foids” and “fuckable meatbags.” It’s not clear if he had an account on the site; the rants he reposts are by different people.

Here’s a portion of one of his posts:

These are indeed quotes. Here are a couple of the threads he got quotes from: 1, 2. Here’s a VDare article he got another of the quotes from. And he also quoted from our old, er, friend Vox Day as well as from a thread on Roosh V’s forum. It’s practically old home week here; these are all sites I’ve written about before, most of them quite extensively. This, evidently, is the sort of shit Garcia was reading while he was putting together his plan to murder as many people as he could at the mall. Clearly in his mind white supremacy and misogyny were mixed up together into an extremely toxic sludge.

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1 year ago

Oh, man. I’d managed to forget that Pox Day existed.

The shooter was also a Tim Pool fan. So beanie boy is claiming it’s a false flag. Because of course he is.

1 year ago

White supremacist is a misogynist. Also water is wet.

Camestros Felapton
1 year ago

Day has praised mass shooters before, so this isn’t a surprise even if it is horrific

Crip Dyke
1 year ago

It’s almost like to kill people you have to hate people, and to kill random people you don’t know, you have to hate people without knowing them.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
1 year ago

This guy wanted “the chance to raise a family” with an individual for whom he felt “unapologetic hate.” It’s too late for him now. But others who feel this way should get help.

1 year ago

In order to commit violence to a group of people, you dehumanize them first. These are extremist hate groups are getting women and men killed. Social media is throwing radicalization fire on vulnerable men.

Marc McKenzie
1 year ago

This is where I would usually post the gif of Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm in JURASSIC PARK saying, “Well, there it is”.

1 year ago

Iago, surprised.

1 year ago


Okay, not really

1 year ago

This one hits too close to home for me. I lived in Allen from 8th grade until my junior year of college, when I transferred to the University of Texas at Austin. My mom still lives there. I just took my 3 year old up to visit her in March.

Allen is a pretty conservative, affluent suburb of Dallas, but it’s become a lot more diverse recently. When I lived there in the 90s there were hardly any non-white people around. Now when I visit I see a lot more Asians, black people, and Latinx folks. It’s a trend I’ve heard is happening in a lot of suburbs in Texas.

The El Paso Walmart shooter was also from Allen. Perhaps this is part of a backlash to increasing diversity?

The irony: my mother-in-law lives in New Braunfels, a conservative suburb of San Antonio. That same day of the shooting in Allen, she went to a drag show a local United Church of Christ put on. There were Nazis protesting, but the police were there to make sure things stayed peaceful and it turned out fine.

Yet Governor Abbott is VERY CONCERNED about protecting me and my family from drag queens. Nazis with AR-15’s though? Eh, what can you do? Mental illness, blah blah blah.

1 year ago

Juniper wrote:

Nazis with AR-15’s though? Eh, what can you do? Mental illness, blah blah blah.

There’s always thoughts and prayers…

…funny how those don’t seem to work as well for the snowflakes “hurt” by drag shows.

1 year ago

I, too, am not surprised to find out Garcia was a white supremacist and misogynist. There definitely is a toxic overlap between those two spheres, as we have seen many times before.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

That quote of his…it must be nice to be so convinced of your own superiority. Unless, it’s the opposite. He may have been trying to build himself up, or psych himself up, for the atrocity he was planning.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Three holes and two tits.

I take offense: I have way more holes than that! Magnitudes more, if you count skin pores!!

…I know the situation’s serious and terrible, but his writing (and/or plagiarism) is fucking ridiculous.

Also, I’m currently in a library-type space in Germany (for a German course – I should be doing grammar homework right now) so I very quickly scrolled past the Hitler happy face.

@Juniper – glad to hear everyone in your circle is safe, but yeah, it’s scary when things are so close. And when politicians do shit-all. :/

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

Well, I guess it’s time to throw in the fucking towel. Here I thought I might actually finally have found a community where I might be welcomed, but nope. Whatever has cursed me forbids that, and it has done its mysterious thing and caused this whole place to wither. Everyone’s drifting away and the site has gone from getting 30+ new comments a day to two or three.

To whomever is following me around and blighting everything I touch in order to keep me in my horrific conditions, I say: FUCK YOU!

To those here who have been driven or lured away by the machinations of my tormentor: my apologies, to the extent that I can be held responsible for his actions. I suppose I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. But then what am I to do? Capitulate to this bastard and give up on having any kind of a life or any kind of community? If I do that, the fucker wins. If I don’t, he harms other people just for being anywhere near me, online or off. What am I supposed to do in such a situation? (Track down the shithead and make sure he never, ever, ever again even thinks of interfering with me or harming me or anyone around me, I suppose? Leave him quaking in his boots and needing a clean set of pants? Yeah, but that means finding him first, and getting the upper hand over someone who seems to be able to hack, track, and crack anything and everything.)

1 year ago

Bye, Felix.

1 year ago

Some of us saw this coming. It was only a matter of time until our inability to make a non existent foe go away made us part of the conspiracy . Some tried to help the best they could but were rejected. There is not much more we can do.

Last edited 1 year ago by Fabe
1 year ago


No, there really isn’t. Helping someone requires that they be willing to accept help, and that requires that they be willing or able to recognize the problem. And unfortunately, you cannot reason somebody out of a belief that they did not arrive at by reason in the first place.

As someone who benefited greatly from checking myself into a psychiatric hospital on several occasions, I wish that there was something that I could do. But every angle that I and others have tried has been met with hostility and doubling-down.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago


Who’s Felix? I don’t see any comments here by anyone using that name.


This is the 2nd time in as many years that someone on this site has suggested that I ought to be locked up. Considering both my innocence of any serious wrongdoing and the evils of the carceral state (and that includes asylums as well as jails), that’s rather harsh and uncalled-for.

It is a credit to this place that whatever-it-is failed to turn enough of the people here against me as to get you to drive me away, and had to resort to making the whole site wither on the vine instead, however exactly it did so. Kudos to all of you who did not cooperate with its wish that you start hating me. But that also further underscores the value, and precious rarity, of what is being lost here, probably because of me. I may not be the lightning, but I do seem to be a lightning rod, if not by choice.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Surplus – There usually are more comments when there are more blog posts. As for me, the place I’m staying at has pretty slow internet and I’m taking an intensive class, so I haven’t been here much this past week.

@Nequam, @Fabe, I think you’re cool people, but I’m kind of disappointed with answers like that. It reminds me of last month when someone answered Surplus with “Get help.” It made me not want to look at the page again. (OK, so it was also before my power went out for three days.)

But the thing is, just writing “Get help” seems dismissive and ableist. To me, anyway, it implies that the person addressed can’t function at all before “help” is applied, which is clearly false and reductive. Someone can be unreasonable and still functional. Someone can need help of whatever kind and not be intolerable without it. Someone can seek help incrementally, in stages.

If I was having a panic attack and someone told me, “Kirsten…get help,” I’d feel that my experience was being dismissed in totality, that I was being told to go away and not interact with anyone until some sort of help was applied.

Isn’t talking with others a sort of help in itself? Surplus said so, right above. If he’s blaming this comment section without cause, just say “It’s not our fault the site is slow,” and move on. Can’t we get used to the way different people talk without getting angry about it??

Maybe I’m oversensitive because I know I catastrophize things (thanks, anxiety) and get scatterbrained (thanks, ADHD) so it bugs me when similar things are picked at. So I’m sorry if I’m taking this too personally, but I don’t want Surplus to feel left out, and I don’t want anyone else to feel left out either.

1 year ago

@Surplus: So you failed to stick the flounce. Oh well.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ epitome

I don’t want Surplus to feel left out, and I don’t want anyone else to feel left out either.

You’re a very sweet soul.

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Gaebolga
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

@Surplus: I can see why you are frustrated- being lonely and isolated is incredibly hard and I’m sorry it’s happening to you. I’m sorry the site isn’t what you need it to be right now. And I get it, it’s really terrifying when it looks like something you depend on might be going away. About a year ago I would’ve been having panic attacks if this site had been the way it is right now but thankfully I’m in a better place now. I really hope you can get there too. We all want you to be in a good place, none of us here are working against you, even the people who are annoyed with you right now.

Remember how I had David send you my email so you could talk if you need to? Please, please talk to me if you are feeling lonely or isolated. Sometimes I might be exhausted and might tell you I’ll get back to you the next day but I will get back to you. I think you are a good person, and I know this world is a frustrating, shitty place. I know it’s hard losing something you feel like is your circle of friends. I’m not pretending to know exactly how you’re feeling at this moment, but I know you are going through something hard right now.

Also remember this site has gone through some really hard shit in the past. Remember when David was sick for like 9 months and didn’t post anything new for like that whole time? Most of us just kept checking and came back once we saw there were new posts again. If the site is meant to, it will get through this as well

Last edited 1 year ago by Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
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