mass shooting misogyny racism roosh v white supremacy

Texas shooter Mauricio Garcia was steeped in the incel subculture, and a regular reader of

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By now you’ve probably seen the pictures of Allen, Texas mass shooter Mauricio Garcia showing off his freshly inked Nazi tattoos. His social media account on is filled with racist material and quotes from far-right white supremacist sites like VDare and the Daily Stormer.

But he also seems to have been at least a semi-regular reader of the forums, cutting and pasting several rants from the site into his own social media posts. They’re filled with incel lingo, referring to women as “foids” and “fuckable meatbags.” It’s not clear if he had an account on the site; the rants he reposts are by different people.

Here’s a portion of one of his posts:

These are indeed quotes. Here are a couple of the threads he got quotes from: 1, 2. Here’s a VDare article he got another of the quotes from. And he also quoted from our old, er, friend Vox Day as well as from a thread on Roosh V’s forum. It’s practically old home week here; these are all sites I’ve written about before, most of them quite extensively. This, evidently, is the sort of shit Garcia was reading while he was putting together his plan to murder as many people as he could at the mall. Clearly in his mind white supremacy and misogyny were mixed up together into an extremely toxic sludge.

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1 year ago

@Alan, Yutolia, Lollypop

Thank you all, and you have my sympathy for your own losses.

It has been long enough that his absence is just part of my life. My father started appearing in my dreams only after his death (as did my grandmother), and these dreams have always been comforting rather than grief-inducing.


You claimed that my mentioning that I had benefited from checking myself into a psychiatric hopsital was a suggestion that you “be locked up.”

And yet, when two people describe their hospital stays, myself for a week (without intially specifying why) and Yutolia for panic attacks, you responded that perhaps Yutolia had a legitimate need but that others just wanted a “week’s vactaion.” Then, when multiple clearly make the clear inference that the “week’s vacation” refers to my weeklong stay for then-unspecified reasons, you declare you certainly never meant me, just some other mystery people who stayed in a psych hospital for a week.

And then when people call your on your obvious BS backtracking, you claim that they are “determined to find some reason to hate me, me, no matter how I respond.”

So you can respond to what you imagine people say, no matter how uncharitable, but they have to respond only to the most charitable imaginary version of what you say. Got it.

I have plenty to say about that, but the comments policy exists for a reason.

And look, my anxiety causes me to catastrophize all the time. Every time I have to reapply for Medicaid my brain concocts scenarios where my benefits are cut, I can’t obtain dialysis, and I die. Every single election is a nightmare as I see candidates who want to kill everyone like me ahead in polls.

But I am able to recognize that catastrophizing as such, and work through it. A major reason why is that I sought psychiatric help, and they gave me the tools to do so. Because I recognize that not everyone is out to get me, and those that are aren’t targeting me personally, but have it in for everyone like me (whether that be because of my neurodiversity, my kidney disease, my disability, my religion…).

Last edited 1 year ago by Allandrel
1 year ago

The right wing is weaponizing loneliness and social isolation so that they will behave as right wingshock troops

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

(Quick skim, quick reply)

  • I wasn’t the one to suggest that people checking themselves in at psychiatric hospitals were sometimes malingering. The people at the hospital Yutolia went to suggested that. If you’re going to be mad at someone for that, be mad at them.
  • If you’re not catastrophizing, you’re not paying attention.
1 year ago

@ Surplus to Requirements

You are nothing if not intelligent, and Look-at-the-Shiny-Thing is a tactic you would pounce on and denounce immediately if a troll came on here using it