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BREAKING NEWS: An incel has allegedly made it with an actual adult, living, human female, making him an incel no more. Needless to say, his now-former colleagues in the incel community are taking the news of his “ascension” hard, as he was a rather high-status male in that extremely low-status subculture and a mod of the disturbingly popular Incels.is forums.
Naturally, he announced his successful mating endeavor publicly on Incels.is and on Twitter.

But not all of these connections and friends were happy to see him begin his Wet Dick Years.

Gosh, I wonder how it is that Picnic Boy here is still single. Ladies, form a line!
Now, no one so deeply entrenched in the incel world as to be an Incels.is moderator could be expected to get laid without there being something deeply creepy about the whole thing. It emerged that Komesarj was 33 years old, and his alleged new girlfriend was all of 19.
Back on Incels.is, meanwhile, the regulars weren’t just jealous and mad; some of them were quite suspicious about Komesarj’s claims of non-virginity. One imaginative commenter went so far as to suggest that any woman who would agree to have sex with Komesarj would have to be some sort of plant, sent on this distinctly unglamorous mission by the Feds or perhaps the folks in the Incel Tears subreddit. (As if.)
“Komesarj met this girl on the Incels.is discord verification server called ‘Acheron,’” noted conspiracy theorist My Name Jeff.
This means this girl knew full well who he was and his role within incels.is.
Komesarj stated this girl is a virgin, with no friends, and appears to be a 7/10 (as per the TrueRateMe scale). …
So, a young high tier becky who says she has no friends and is a virgin mysteriously approaches an old unattractive ethnic incel and wants to start a relationship via. discord? And not only that, after just a few months of talking online they meet up irl and start a sexual relationship? …
If we believe everything Komesarj has said, which for the purpose of this post I am, this leads me to believe this was some sort of plant sent in to shake up the moderation team of .is or is a large troll by Komesarj just to get one final laugh out of this forum.
While the “plant” theory didn’t exactly catch on with the assembled commenters, there were more than a few who thought the whole thing was made up. “It’s not like a story about a 33 year old bald ethnic manlet getting with a 19 year old hapa virgin stacylite that he met on fucking DISCORD is fucking absurd or anything,” wrote one.
But Komesarj had an explanation for his critics, writing in his announcement thread that “many young girls will see [an incel] as being some kind of bad boy. They hover around members of the community like flies to shit.”
The skeptics may be on to something. Miles Klee of Rolling Stone actually talked to Komesarj and wasn’t altogether convinced by his story. Moreover, Klee noted in his piece on the contretemps,
as yet, there is no confirmation his alleged girlfriend exists. Komesarj has indicated that @user9263372017 is [a Twitter] account belonging to her, which does not lend much credence to the idea that she is a real person: the profile only appeared a day after Komesarj declared that he was no longer an incel, and its responses to people mocking him are very much in keeping with aggressive incel trolling — raising the distinct possibility that he’s using the account as a sock puppet. The account has replied to Komesarj’s haters with homophobia, casually dropped the n-word, insinuated that a woman who disparaged him is infertile, and linked to YouTube videos with titles such as “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women.” The account user has affirmed wholly misogynist views and tweeted that “A man should hate all women aside from his gf.”
If this isn’t somebody with a lengthy career posting on boards like Incels.is, they’re certainly doing a good impression of one.
Now, it’s not impossible that Komesarj is telling the truth or something resembling it. Fucked-up people sometimes find love or at least sex in the arms of other fucked-up people; it happens every day.
In any case, the theory that Komesarj is actually having sex seems to me at least as plausible as the theory he’s making it all up–and a lot more likely than the idea that @user9263372017 is a supersexy secret agent involved in some supersecret plot to destabilize the Incels.is forums with a little bit of sexy sex.
Art by Midjourney
Note: I found out about this story, and got the screenshots above, from an excellent Twitter thread by @lameypilled.

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The troublemaker is back, and has a new bag of tricks. Now he’s messing with my water supply.
First, as a preamble, it’s been raining nonstop for a week so I’m getting fairly low on supplies. My only chance to get more before running out is going to be tomorrow, as the forecast is for mainly sunny and 16, but there’s no further opportunity until Monday. (The weekend shows clear weather, but the stores would be closed before I could get to them.)
So what does the asshole do? Yesterday something bizarre happened to my water supply: it was contaminated with something that turned it a quite dark brownish. On advice, I ran it for the better part of an hour until it was running clear and there didn’t seem to be any trace of the contaminant anymore. I thought that might be some one-off, but today I woke up to the water just plain not working at all. I called the city operations department, they took my number, and then nothing. I tested it at intervals and eventually it started working again, not until after 6 this evening though — and it was contaminated again, with the same stuff as yesterday from the look. It was nearly 7 by the time I had it running clear again and thought it might be safe.
The obvious continuation of this pattern is that the water will be non-working or unusable again when I get up tomorrow, preventing me from being able to shower and dress and make myself presentable in public until late enough in the evening that it will be too late for me to get to the grocery store before it closes. Thus locking me into having no supply top-up until Monday, by which time I’ll be out of pretty much everything and starting to starve.
What I need to know, urgently, is: how do I prevent this continuation of the pattern? How do I regain control over my water supply from this fucking usurper?
And, longer term, how do I put a permanent stop to this harassment? I cannot have some unaccountable jerkass being able to hold my access to food hostage for weeks whenever the fucking whim strikes him. This has to stop and it has to stop now!
@Surplus: As a friend, I say–
You’re leaning a bit paranoia-esque again.
Quit whining and blaming Them . Are we here on WHTM Them? Should we need to listen to this? Can we directly help you? I think not.
Get up earlier (have a nap later), slap something pleasant-smelling on yourself and just go get the food and water. I’m sure the other people in the building are having the same problems, and maybe even the whole town. If it’s only your building, then everyone should call the manager. You’re not important enough for people to mess with — nobody reading these words is.
(Maybe David, but incels/MRAs aren’t able to control his water supply and make his income precarious. And stop demanding he produce more content here. He does this in his spare time, the donations aren’t up to snuff because we’re all broke, and so he’s got to make a living elsewhere. I’m just glad he’s here at all. I would like to ignore my own advice immediately and ask if David can put up his feline companion(s) some time in the future. No research needed.)
What I do for similar situations (after a hearty “MOTHERFUCKER!” in private):
I went out and got a water filter for my kitchen faucet (my water is hard and gross), and when the whole system gets icky, I just — don’t shower. I’ve got cloths that people use on invalids (baby wipes are what the troops in the desert used), and rubbing alcohol for other bits. I had my water entirely shut off for several days when the main line plumbing needed big fixing. I managed thanks to my friends letting me borrow their shower once; if not, I’d have cleaned pits and bits and muddled through.
This is with several chronic conditions since the early 80s that greatly reduce my mobility, energy, and ability to sleep, plus being on a fixed income because of same, and I have to pay for my insurance and lots of meds every month. Doing anything means I have to get up too early, especially if I need to contact someone in other states, who tend to close by the time I’m at full throttle. Today’s past due bill? The tax refund came in, so I can pay it, but by the time my mail got here, they were closed. I don’t go into a rant about how time zones are personally oppressing me
Capitalism sucks, but we can’t fix things by being paranoid and sorry for ourselves. And wasting our time and energy on conspiracy theories is bad, as we see with MAGAts and the rest of the deplorables. There are no trans people invading bathrooms for evil; there’s nobody who’s personally messing with a random poor dude in Canada.
There is someone who’s definitely out to get me some days, This is not paranoia, because it’s my cat, and anyone who’s ever lived with cats will agree.
Today I finally got around to watching the Tina Turner documentary from several years ago. Lord, that woman was physically/mentally abused and gaslighted every day for decades. And Ike always said “Because you made me do it.” That’s how they work.
As for little tuckie, everything that Fox leaks daily shows what sensible people already knew: he’s a sad, pathetic, rude, crude, racist misogynist whose mind is unencumbered by facts. A wimpy trust-fund baby. Fox will eventually find the next whiny white man to spout the same lies in his timeslot, and the circus will roll on. TV Dinner Tuckie can live off his giant inheritance and blather somewhere else. Like Russia.
Ol’ Rupe has always said that no on air personality is bigger than the channel, and many people have thought otherwise, to their downfall. He’s simply the latest.
I’ve seen men of many ethnicities fight, and let’s face it — the insecure angry White men are exactly the sort who team up 4 on one. I punched a couple boys in my school years, and in all cases, it was because they were either harassing by following around the playground, or once when someone was making fun of my BFF for her disabilites. And I always warned them first. “If you don’t stop I’m gonna punch you in the nose.” They didn’t believe me till the blood flowed. I’m not strong but I have very pointy knuckles. My debutante Southern Belle mother approved in private and my older brother and all his friends approved openly.
@Vicky P: Ooh, deep cut! I LOL. WHTM can nerd out on any subject. (Today I was listening to the radio in the car and the DJ said, “Okay, I’m only gonna say this once: May the 4th be with you. There.”
@Yutolia: I am also sorry for that 20 year old girl and her upcoming baby. I hope she wises up quickly and gets them both out of there, but she’s 20 and her brain’s still growing. If she stays, I hope she’s good with diapers, because he sure isn’t going to change them, and she’s liable to be changing his when she’s 40.
@Jenora: Good article. All true.
As for this douchebag, I hope the girl gets away from him soon as well. Or if he’s trolling, I like the way he’s sent the incels into hysterics. Either way, he’s having fun.
Victorious Parasol:
I was thinking “egg plant”.
When I see the phrases “Fed plant” and “woman”, in the same sentence, I think of Audrey II.
Edited to clarify.
Doesn’t work in my case. Any time I’ve tried I’ve been extremely groggy and unfunctional for far too long, and generally ended up no more on-time than I would have been otherwise.
Also doesn’t work for me. I don’t know how napping is even a thing, given it takes 20 minutes or more to nod off in the first place, and then, well, see above about being super-groggy. If I sleep for less than a minimum of six hours at a time, and preferably closer to nine, I’m worse off for a while after it than I was before.
Furthermore, none of these appears to proof me against an adversary who can deny me personal hygiene on a whim with the push of some button somewhere. What were you figuring, if I got up early enough I might catch him unawares and get showered before he realized I was up and hit the shutoff switch? Why wouldn’t he just shut it off pretty much as soon as I’ve gone to bed and leave it off clear until after the stores have closed? Given his demonstrated capabilities and goals that would be his logical move and you have not offered anything that would work as a counter to that move.
And don’t even think of arguing that this is just some glitch. Nothing remotely like it had happened in years, and then it happens twice in as many days? And instead of being randomly timed, it’s right before I’ll have a very tiny few-hours-long window to get food after a full week of being unable to go and with the next such window not for another 48 hours afterward? The timing was precisely such as to make this a clear saber-rattle in my general direction. Or perhaps a weapons test. If it was really just a random occurrence it would have happened the day after I got some supplies, or in the middle of a mid-week stretch of clear weather, or something instead of precisely when it did.
Don’t forget also that the last time this jerk planned something big, he telegraphed it a couple of days in advance. It’s intentional psychological warfare, terrorizing me by letting me know what he has planned, knowing I don’t have the means to stop him, and then letting me live in fear for days. And, as we saw the last time, if whatever he’s manipulating to attack me fails to cooperate with him, he’ll just move the goalposts or do a bad dungeon-master “rocks fall, everybody dies”. So I’ve got to expect that if I do manage to get showered tomorrow he’ll somehow make it rain all evening, or arrange for a car to splash mud all over me 5 minutes after I’ve set off, or some such bullshit way of forcing his desired outcome anyway.
The message being sent by these incidents is: “My choices are meaningless. What happens to me is foreordained, not by nature or any god worthy of that name but by some petty douchebag with outsized influence of some sort. I can do everything perfectly and I will still be forced into a state of failure at predetermined points, like a character in a badly-plotted novel by a hack author, just the same way certain others can do every single thing incompetently and will nonetheless always succeed and rise upward in power, wealth, and lifestyle comfort. Any contrivance, however improbable, will happen if it needs to to ensure these outcomes; blatant deus ex machina will be the order of the day, like that bizarre remote shutoff of my machine after that ice storm ended up missing me by hundreds of miles, because the plot said ‘Surplus’s machine gets knocked offline’ so that was assured no matter what the storm really actually ended up doing.” So, it isn’t even just my choices that are meaningless. If this guy wants a thing to happen, it happens, full stop. No force on god’s green earth will apparently prevent it. No move I might make, no act of nature, no choice anyone else makes will result in any other outcome. My machine shutting off that day was essentially carved in stone as soon as the dickwad decided that that would happen, and when the storm failed to cause it, it just spontaneously happened without any apparent cause, right on schedule. And I fear that my not being able to obtain supplies tomorrow has likewise already been written into future history as immutably as if it were the past.
If all of this is just a bad novel, I want to know how I can reach out of it and kill the damn thing’s author. Something I can think of to say or do that will cause the jerk to stare flabbergasted at the word processor window and then keel over with a massive coronary from sheer shock or something. (What happens then, though? Does this world end? Or is it freed to evolve under its own internal logic from that point forth without any more heavy-handed plot-railroading from outside of space-time? And what if the guy was writing and editing it in a non-linear way? But then, the alternative is for me and everyone here to live as, in essence, slaves. Whoever is writing immutable things into future history must go. That is a power no-one should have.)
Where have I made such a demand? Comment permalink please.
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: every time you think incels have reached the peak of absurdity, they up the ante.
@Cyborgette: I totally agree. He is absolutely very controlling and manipulative. And yeah she does not have experience with the world. I really hope she can get out of there. I also grew up with controlling manipulators and so I know how easily they can prey on certain people and also how hard it is to recognize it as abuse, especially if you’re 20.
I also hate the whole “women go for money bla bla bla”. My dad used to complain about how he was so great looking and such a better quality guy but women went for guys with money. I had different opinions on this that I generally kept to myself for my own safety and sanity.
@GSS: me too!
@Cyborgette I absolutely do not think most people would tolerate an incel for all the money in the world. But it’s likely someone would. Some people would probably have no choice. But with Komesarj’s obvious serial killer vibes and nothing else on the table, I can’t see it as likely he’d manage to entrap someone.
Jenora, I was thinking that myself. Tucker previously always left some shred of deniability that he was racist. If you called him on it, he would deny it and claim you are the racist for seeing everything as about Black people. But this is about as racist as one can get without wearing blackface. It may have ruined the illusion, and in the hands of a good lawyer on cross-examination, it definitely would ruin the illusion. Not to mention that he all but admitted that his show was making him a hateful person, and then he continued to produce the exact same show.
So, a sort of “reverse dogwhistle”: instead of the racism being unnoticed outside the target audience, the purpose was to make it unnoticed by the target audience?
Meanwhile, the supply run went … OK. Despite the clear threats over the preceding two days, there was not a hint of any sort of weirdness with the water today. What there was, was a bunch of miscellaneous minor glitches that added delay after delay. I still got to the store in time, though, despite these.
Is the source of my woes not quite omnipotent after all? Or was this just an intentional psych-out? Whoever it is has to let me win at least occasionally, or I’ll end up dead, either by exposure, starvation, or suicide, and there goes his primary source of entertainment. Even carnies occasionally let someone win a teddy bear at their rigged games, if only so it will serve as advertising for the rest of the day that’s much cheaper than hiring some guy to wander around for hours wearing a sandwich board. That I got my groceries today doesn’t mean the game’s not rigged …
One thing absolutely is clear. I’m up against two different game-riggers. One is the usual assortment of capitalist bastards, whose sole motive is avarice. They’re the ones who’ve enclosed the commons and thrown tollbooths up everywhere, to where people without money can’t socialize much or do much of anything else.
The other has a clearly identifiable psychological profile, and it is the mentality of a ten-year-old on the schoolyard roughing up weaker students for their lunch money and pulling on little girls’ pigtails for the lulz. And they wield a level of power somewhere between “Donald Trump from 2017 through 2020” and “Loki”. :/
Perhaps my best hope is that these two different game-riggers will sometimes interfere with each other, when they try to rig the same thing in two different ways at the same time. The other source of hope lies in chaos theory. Not even the almighty can control some things with any finesse, or predict them very far in advance. This is a known fact of mathematics. Maybe the Loki-like one will fumble a weather bomb into his own pants after pulling the pin someday.
Based on these disturbing numbers, the other one already has …
Oh, for fuck’s sake
I don’t know which of the services at this link best fits your location/demographic. But please look through them. You’re making some worrying statements and I’m concerned about your state of mind.
@ Dave
To me that’s ironically more of an argument for his gf being a real person. Hybristophilia comes to mind. It’s very unfortunate though.
Random thoughts:
I’ve been working in Hong Kong this week. It’s been a wonderful experience and my hosts (and very much new friends) are the most lovely and generous people imaginable. I did comment though on the local obsession with ensuring you are well fed. It’s like there’s a paranoia that you might have gone an hour without a major meal and waste away.
But they explained to me that the local informal greeting, the one you use for family and friends, translates as “Have you eaten?” I love that!
They were kind enough to write it down phonetically for me. So, for next time you meet someone from Hong Kong…
Si cho fan mey (Hakka dialect)
Sik fan mei (Cantonese)
Che fan le ma (Mandarin)
@Alan Robertshaw:
But they explained to me that the local informal greeting, the one you use for family and friends, translates as “Have you eaten?” I love that!
They were kind enough to write it down phonetically for me. So, for next time you meet someone from Hong Kong…
Si cho fan mey (Hakka dialect)
Sik fan mei (Cantonese)
Che fan le ma (Mandarin)
Moreover! What it specifically means is, “Have you eaten rice?”—that being the default, central, and archetypal foodstuff. (Whatever else you might have at a meal is a garnish to send down the rice.
Dumb question: does anyone know what incident Tucker was talking about? ASSuming the video wasn’t shot as part of a movie/YouTube/TickTock/whatever and not properly labeled when uploaded, wouldn’t there be some sort up record someplace about it? Police report, hospital report, Twitter thread/blog post saying ‘Our Guy got jumped by three of Those Guys last night; what are we going to do about it?’ Just curious if anyone tracked this incident down and saw for themselves what Tucker was emoting over.
OT: anyone remember Gonzalo Lira, the pro-Russian Red Pill dating coach who disappeared in Ukraine last year? The Ukrainians found him a few days ago.