christianity drama emotional abuse misogyny

Steven Crowder caught on video viciously berating his pregnant ex-wife

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Steven Crowder has had quite the week. First, the far-right “comedian” announced his “horrendous divorce” from ex-wife Hilary and blamed her for leaving him, suggesting it shouldn’t be legal for a woman to divorce her husband without his permission.

Then, he accused fellow right-wing star Candace Owens of extortion for alluding to his personal troubles in an episode of her show. The plot thickened further as Hilary’s family came forward, alleging that Crowder was emotionally abusive in the relationship. They provided a chilling video of him berating his pregnant wife for not fulfilling her “wifely” duties.

Did we mention that in the midst of all this, Crowder also managed to get even some right-wingers to condemn him for mocking a new Barbie doll with Down’s Syndrome, calling it Barbie “now with more retard.”

But it was the video–posted on journalist Yasher Ali’s Substack– that really showed what a piece of sentient dog shit Crowder is. You can watch it below, but the gist of it is that Crowder, blithely smoking a cigar in front of his then eight-month-pregnant wife, forbids her from using the family car–yes, the wealthy Crowders only owned one–because she wasn’t doing her proper “wifely things” like walking the dog and giving it medicine she feared would be dangerous for her as a pregnant woman to handle. When she says she doesn’t appreciate the abuse, he responds with a chilling “Watch it. Watch it. Fucking watch it.” Shortly after the end of the video, Crowder has apparently acknowledged that he threatened to “fuck up” his then-wife, after which she fled the house.

Hilary’s family added in a statement that:

The truth is that Hilary spent years hiding Steven’s mentally and emotionally abusive behavior from her friends and family while she attempted to save their marriage. She was the one who was asking to work on their relationship to keep the marriage intact for their unborn children.

Crowder has a long history of opposing no-fault divorce, which allows for a split without proof of abuse or mistreatment. It’s all just a teensy bit ironic, considering the video evidence of the sort of emotional abuse Hilary allegedly suffered on a regular basis.

The video ignited a firestorm of commentary on Twitter.

Crowder has always been a misogynistic shit who believes men should have the right to control women. So the discovery that he has also allegedly been abusive to his now ex-wife is gut-wrenching but not, frankly, very surprising.

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1 year ago

@Surplus to Requirements: Weirdly, the thinner the condom, the less likely it is to break… up to a point anyway, after which it rapidly gets worse. There’s also been recent advances in materials science which allows the optimum no-break thickness to be pushed to 20% thinner than before, which is probably what’s up with all those recent commercials. I don’t know if making it even thinner makes it more significantly porous to viruses, would need to research that, but realistically, it’s not going to make a difference for bacteria or sperm.

And of course it’s for the pleasure of penis-bearing folk, the thickness makes little difference for the penetratee. Or at least it doesn’t for me. That’s no reason not to improve it, condoms are kind of sucky for the penis-haver. Unless you’re complaining about them being advertised “for her” and there’s nothing special about them except being really thin, in which case, fair enough. (I don’t watch TV and don’t get those kinds of ads online, so I wouldn’t know.)

1 year ago

In the Crowder video her repeated “I love yous” were very illuminating for me. This is a woman who has likely spent many, many hours of her life explaining that her desire for the smallest slice of autonomy doesn’t mean she hates and is going to leave her husband when he switches from “threatening” to “cry” mode. Her hesitancy and egg-shell-navigating are that of someone who knows that none of this is right but who has been systemically stripped of every means of expressing that thought. Discussing the sentiment “I should be allowed to use the car for groceries” shouldn’t be a tight-rope walk and it really disturbs me how many guys thought this is normal.

1 year ago

@ Lollypop

Well, if she’s off getting groceries and he’s sitting around puffing on a cigar while planning his next video about the erosion of family values in the US, who is going to give his dogs the toxic medication and walk them???

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

The video inspired me to (once again!) tell Mr. Parasol, “Thank you for not being a total jerkface.” He kept his baffled expression on while I explained the context, and then admitted that the video triggered his big brother instincts.

Seriously, guys. It’s not that hard to avoid being a total jerkface. The first step is recognizing that other people don’t just exist for your sole benefit.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

If you don’t want “I love you” to be a hollow lie, don’t force it to mean “Please don’t kill me.”

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

The condoms weren’t being advertised as “for her”. My point was that no products at all are getting TV ads that are “for her” in that sort of way. Women are still being de-centered by the industry.

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
1 year ago

@Victorious Parasol
Yeah, I usually have my temper on a pretty good leash, but when I watched that video my instincts went from zero to protective to full on Hulk rage in record time.

1 year ago

@ .45

Quite! The man clearly has important work to do!

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago


Well, if she’s off getting groceries and he’s sitting around puffing on a cigar while planning his next video about the erosion of family values in the US, who is going to give his dogs the toxic medication and walk them???


Quite! The man clearly has important work to do!

For which he might someday even merit the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

1 year ago

I seem too remember several women from red states being prosecuted for endangering their fetuses because they did quite minor things. I think one took half a valium from someone else’s prescription when she was literally shaking.
But blowing cigar smoke in a woman’s face and insisting she’s the one to use the toxic chemicals is apparently fine.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

@Sheila: Yep and you know if she ever got in trouble for it, he’d likely deny he made her do it. He’d instead probably pretend he’d offered to help or didn’t know she was giving the dogs medication. And his asshole followers would believe. They’d say this video was faked or something.