christianity drama emotional abuse misogyny

Steven Crowder caught on video viciously berating his pregnant ex-wife

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Steven Crowder has had quite the week. First, the far-right “comedian” announced his “horrendous divorce” from ex-wife Hilary and blamed her for leaving him, suggesting it shouldn’t be legal for a woman to divorce her husband without his permission.

Then, he accused fellow right-wing star Candace Owens of extortion for alluding to his personal troubles in an episode of her show. The plot thickened further as Hilary’s family came forward, alleging that Crowder was emotionally abusive in the relationship. They provided a chilling video of him berating his pregnant wife for not fulfilling her “wifely” duties.

Did we mention that in the midst of all this, Crowder also managed to get even some right-wingers to condemn him for mocking a new Barbie doll with Down’s Syndrome, calling it Barbie “now with more retard.”

But it was the video–posted on journalist Yasher Ali’s Substack– that really showed what a piece of sentient dog shit Crowder is. You can watch it below, but the gist of it is that Crowder, blithely smoking a cigar in front of his then eight-month-pregnant wife, forbids her from using the family car–yes, the wealthy Crowders only owned one–because she wasn’t doing her proper “wifely things” like walking the dog and giving it medicine she feared would be dangerous for her as a pregnant woman to handle. When she says she doesn’t appreciate the abuse, he responds with a chilling “Watch it. Watch it. Fucking watch it.” Shortly after the end of the video, Crowder has apparently acknowledged that he threatened to “fuck up” his then-wife, after which she fled the house.

Hilary’s family added in a statement that:

The truth is that Hilary spent years hiding Steven’s mentally and emotionally abusive behavior from her friends and family while she attempted to save their marriage. She was the one who was asking to work on their relationship to keep the marriage intact for their unborn children.

Crowder has a long history of opposing no-fault divorce, which allows for a split without proof of abuse or mistreatment. It’s all just a teensy bit ironic, considering the video evidence of the sort of emotional abuse Hilary allegedly suffered on a regular basis.

The video ignited a firestorm of commentary on Twitter.

Crowder has always been a misogynistic shit who believes men should have the right to control women. So the discovery that he has also allegedly been abusive to his now ex-wife is gut-wrenching but not, frankly, very surprising.

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1 year ago

I hope the ex-Mrs Crowder is safe, it sounds as if she has the backing of her family at least, but with someone like Crowder you must worry what he will try.

It sadly doesn’t surprise me, men that go on about how they should be allowed to control “their” woman usually need to because they are such utter shits.

1 year ago

This is ‘the red pill’ insecurity, control issues, manipulation and abuse on full display. It’s a cult of hate programming, and there are many women stuck with these violent abusive misogynistic men. You can see it in the demand for control, demand for submission, stripping her of the ability to leave, stripping her of choice, asserting control, dehumanizing her. It is all in their rhetoric.

1 year ago

I watched the video too, and yeah, that straight up “Watch it” put me on edge even though I have no personal experience with anything like that. It astounded me to read comments below it saying there wasn’t anything wrong with any of it. Watch it or what? Because that “What” is implied very strongly. Never mind the obvious emotional manipulation present in telling her she needs to engage in all that discipline and respect, be worthy of a wife type bullshit

Chris Oakley
1 year ago

As I told my friends in one of my most recent Facebook posts, I went in twelve short hours from simply disliking Crowder to regarding him as the Antichrist.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

This is my surprised face. 😑

I hope Hilary and her children are doing much better. Sounds like her family is supportive. I wish her many happier days and some really good lawyers.

And who has a doorbell cam overlooking the living room? Some man who’s trying to make up for his own failings by being controlling and abusive.

Hope someone freed the doggos as well.

Note that if you take the ableist slur out, that’s even farther from a joke.

Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
1 year ago

I’ve been thinking about that video all day.

One thing I’ve noticed: when women say we want respect from men, we typically mean we want courtesy, and don’t want contempt. 

When men say they want respect from women, they typically mean they want deference and submission.

Crip Dyke
1 year ago


And who has a doorbell cam overlooking the living room? 

That’s actually a back porch/patio. it does have a roof (or canvas awning or something?), but it’s not completely enclosed, so someone who got into the yard could get directly to the back door under the camera.

1 year ago

0 Days since right wing pundits outed for abusers.

Jesus holy hell. I hope she is safe.

Steph Tohill
Steph Tohill
1 year ago

I hope she is safe. And that video was so uncomfortable to watch.

I do wonder about the women who marry men like this though. Similar to Richard Spender’s ex. These men are overtly misogynist, racist, hate-filled trash humans. They openly advertised themselves as such. It makes me suspect their wives shared their views, they just objected to being on the receiving end of the nastiness.

It’s giving Lauren Southern whining about alt-right misogynist men.

Steph Tohill
Steph Tohill
1 year ago

@Mrs Morley

One thing I’ve noticed: when women say we want respect from men, we typically mean we want courtesy, and don’t want contempt.

When men say they want respect from women, they typically mean they want deference and submission

I had never thought about this deeply but it is so true!

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

So where’d the Sanctity Of Unborn (White, American, and Going To Be Raised Christian) Life™ go all of a sudden, amidst the cigar smoke and the vilification?

Last edited 1 year ago by Full Metal Ox
Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
1 year ago

@Steph Tohill

If you’re brought up believing that a benevolent dictatorship is possible, you might not recognize that, well, it’s not. (Such a person might go into a relationship thinking “man leads, woman follows, complementary yet equal”.)

I’m not surprised that she didn’t expect abuse from her boyfriend, then husband. Once it starts, though, you do tend to get ground down by it. According to her family, the relationship was abusive for many years and she hid it.

(Edit for a missing word)

Last edited 1 year ago by Mrs Morley
1 year ago

@Mrs Morley

If you’re brought up believing that a benevolent dictatorship is possible, you might not recognize that, well, it’s not. 

That’s such a good explanation. In my experience women like that also do know (at least on a subconcious level) that their conservative mindset puts them at a disadvantage, but they’re convinced that if they do everything “right” their partners will be the picture perfect image of the classic, chivalrous gentleman that will bring them flowers each week. With that mindset, it’s your own behavior and ideals that will provide the perfect stable, provider these women want and I’m sure that many of these women will ignore obvious red flags cause what these women project their ideals on these men that claim to be the “ideal conservative man”. It’s the perfect, self provided trap

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
1 year ago

How ironic that a dude so concerned about fetuses would blow cigar smoke in the face of a eight-months-pregnant woman and try to coerce her into handling a toxic substance.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Mrs. Morley: That is profound in so few words.

@Crip Dyke: Okay, makes sense to have the camera outside. Maybe don’t abuse your wife in front of it, though? Doesn’t anyone know how to crime any more?

@Katherine: For “ironic”, I personally would substitute “typical”.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

@Chris Oakley:

As I told my friends in one of my most recent Facebook posts, I went in twelve short hours from simply disliking Crowder to regarding him as the Antichrist.

Waitaminnit … I’d not heard that Donald Trump had vacated the position yet. And surely there can’t be two?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

In the original theology, anti-christ just literally meant any person who actively rejected christ, rather than a supernatural distaff Jesus. So you cold have multiple anti-christs.

1 year ago

For the people who are worried about Hilary’s safety, this footage was from two years ago. So far as I can tell the divorce already is a done deal, and she is not with him. But I have no idea about the kids. Hopefully, they are also safe.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

A refreshing take on all this “polarization” hand-wringing, without the typical both-sidesism:

Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
1 year ago

Thank you 😊

Agreed. The upbringing that points someone towards looking for the parfait gentil knight tends to convince her that when he isn’t it’s her fault.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

Since Sunday has historically been Tiny Mammoth Concert time: you may recall Paula Cole’s 1997 signature hit “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?”, the story of a traditional American Heartland marriage gone sour; here’s Cole’s 2017 update.

Last edited 1 year ago by Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

They all voted for a guy who bragged about “grabbing them by the p____,” talked about wanting to engage in intercourse with his preteen daughter, who assaulted adult and teenaged pageant contestants on a regular basis, who’s been credibly accused of sexual assault and rape by numerous women, who mocks disabled people openly, not to mention every other marginalized demographic.

Most of them voted for him TWICE.

This won’t change anything.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

Late-night cable has lately been showing a lot of ads for condoms marketed as extra-thin “raw pleasure” ones … presumably his pleasure, and maybe at the expense of a higher risk of the things breaking.

I’m not noticing any ads for, say, vibrators, or anything else that centers female pleasure.

I don’t think the advertising-executives world has progressed all that much since the “Mad Men” era, somehow.

Meanwhile, this site is practically moribund. Has anyone got any semblance of a plan for fixing that, or am I the only one who cares?

1 year ago

Doesn’t surprise me, these right wingers are just so protective of their own kind.. it’s an inviting environment for abusers.

Reminds me a bit of a conversation I recently had with a friend.
Friend: Another Republican child molester is in trouble.
Me: Dennis Hastert?
Friend: No.
Me: Roy Moore?
Friend: No.
Me: Matt Gaetz?
Friend: No… but the fact that you’ve managed to name three OTHER Republican child molesters in 10 secs…

1 year ago

@ Surplus to Requirements

Meanwhile, this site is practically moribund. Has anyone got any semblance of a plan for fixing that, or am I the only one who cares?

I’m not sure how to address this, but as I recall, David has made it clear this site is not doing well and he is spending less time on it in favor of other means of livelihood.

In addition, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I comment when I feel like or something attracts my attention. If I had a plan for money making on this website, I’d probably make my own website and do it myself. I’m greedy like that.

Lastly, none of this reflects how much I care