abortion homophobia misogyny MRA racism transphobia white supremacy

New study links misogyny, white supremacy, and anti-abortion stances

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The war on reproductive rights continues apace. Republicans are trying to roll back abortion rights with a potential federal ban on the abortion pill mifepristone.

While the religious aspect of the anti-abortion movement is pretty evident, new research uncovers the secret sauce: white supremacy and male supremacy. In an essay in Salon, Lehigh University political science professor Anthony DiMaggio explains his research and its conclusions. Conducting a survey of more than a thousand Americans in association with the Marcon Institute for the study of racial and social justice at Lehigh University, DiMaggio discovered that

more than a third of Trump’s followers embrace white supremacist values, and link them explicitly to their anti-abortion views. … What’s even more disturbing is the finding that an even larger number of Americans are susceptible to “men’s rights” ideology, and that such values are linked to the racialized ways that people look at abortion. 

The study, among other things, looked at reactions to the following statements:

  • “Sometimes a man may need to use violence if they feel it is necessary to get respect.”
  • “In a marriage, women should obey their husbands.”
  • “It is unnatural to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.”
  • “It is unnatural to identify as transgender.”

Disturbingly, DiMaggio notes,

Forty-one percent of respondents agreed in the Marcon survey with at least one of the four values, while 28 percent agreed with at least two or more, and 11 percent agreed with three or more. These are not insignificant numbers. These values are also tied to susceptibility to the men’s rights movement’s values and opinions regarding white supremacy and abortion. 

Using statistical regression, he found that

Susceptibility to the reactionary heteronormative values that drive the men’s rights movement is a significant predictor of white nationalist-friendly views of abortion.

In short, the study found that support for the Roe v Wade-ending Dobbs ruling on the pro-Trump right isn’t just about the so-called right to life; it’s about controlling women, LGBTQ+ people, and people of color. None of this is surprising, but it is good to see this analysis backed by research.

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1 year ago

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
1 year ago

Yeah, this shouldn’t surprise anybody who’s been paying attention. It’s been documented for years that the modern anti-abortion movement from the Evangelical/Moral Majority side of things was basically just a fig leaf over their actual goal of stacking the courts to overturn the Civil Rights Movement. The court case that created the Moral Majority wasn’t Roe v. Wade; it was Brown v. Board of Education. (Or, strictly speaking, Bob Jones University v. United States, which involved BJU trying to insist that they shouldn’t be denied funding despite of their blatant racism.)

1 year ago

They’ve been openly saying this! “White women must go back into the kitchen and stop having abortions so we can have more white babies” etc ad nauseum. Even middling conservative types are barely any more coy about it, just barely glossing over their racism with talk of “demographic change” and “Western Civilization” and how the sexual revolution was actually bad. Forget scientific proof, at this point you have to have your head stuck all the way down in the Mohorovicic layer to not hear this confluence.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cyborgette
1 year ago

In short, the study found that support for the Roe v Wade-ending Dobbs ruling on the pro-Trump right isn’t just about the so-called right to life; it’s about controlling women, LGBTQ+ people, and people of color. None of this is surprising, but it is good to see this analysis backed by research.

Again How banning abortion means “controlling women”? Women will keep doing what they want, they will just have to deal with the consecuences of their actions. Like any adult person of sound mind should clearly understand. Women are supposed to be exactly as capable as men but they refuse to understand individual responsibility.

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
1 year ago

Joachin: Thanks for openly admitting the blatant misogyny driving the forced-birth movement.

And if you think women only want abortions because they “refuse to understand individual responsibility,” then you have absolutely no understanding of women, women’s basic health issues, or abortion. Show some individual responsibility yourself and get an education.

1 year ago

@Joaquin: in what way is getting an abortion not dealing with consequences?

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
1 year ago

@Joaquin: Unless you’re speaking from the personal perspective of someone who is actually capable of giving birth, you might want to rethink that one.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago


I’m going to hazard a guess that you also see nothing illogical about the phrase “went and got herself pregnant.”

1 year ago


So what you’re saying is a unwanted pregnancy is a womans punishment for having sex and abortions is a way for her to advoid that punishment?

1 year ago

@Joaquin You’re absolutely right, people should take responsibility for their actions. We need to castrate men who father children outside the holy sacrament of marriage. It’s a very modest proposal. /s

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ joaquin

have to deal with the consecuences of their actions

I have a few hobbies that entail some measure of risk. I take all the appropriate precautions; but things still can, and do, go wrong.

Luckily for me we just about have a functioning health service here. So I’ve been able to pop along to the hospital and had various injections, physical therapies, and/or bones shoved back into place.

Thus no (well not much) permanent damage.

But should I, and others like me who enjoy those sorts of activities, be denied medical treatment on the ground we brought this on ourselves?

Kieta Zou
Kieta Zou
1 year ago

No surprise.

I wish so much that there were.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

Let me guess, Joaquin, you’re also one of the ones that thinks masking and vaccination falls under “my body, my choice”…

1 year ago


So AMAB people can have as much sex as they want while AFAB people live in fear of pregnancy, the risk of death and injury it entails, and being forced to spend 18+ years raising an unwanted child who will probably end up as traumatized as their parent? Fuck all the way off. That is a disgusting take and you are a terrible person for voicing it.

1 year ago


So what you’re saying is a unwanted pregnancy is a womans punishment for having sex and abortions is a way for her to advoid that punishment?

Talk to a forced-birther long enough, and they WILL admit to believing this. I’ve seen it happen dozens of times.

1 year ago

Then you ask them about rape victims, and you find they think rape victims deserve to suffer, too.

Impatient and Gorgeous Bitch Becky
Impatient and Gorgeous Bitch Becky
1 year ago

Women will keep doing what they want, they will just have to deal with the consecuences of their actions. Like any adult person of sound mind should clearly understand. Women are supposed to be exactly as capable as men but they refuse to understand individual responsibility.

You are goddam right we will keep doing what we want. We control consequences. We are more capable than most men, yeah, shitbird. Most cis men are utterly useless anyway.

1 year ago

Women will keep doing what they want, they will just have to deal with the consecuences of their actions

@Joaquin – having an abortion IS dealing with the consequences of an action they jointly take with men. You also seem not to realise that sometimes abortions are necessary for planned pregnancies and sometimes women have no choice in whether or not they become pregnant.

1 year ago


When you bring up rape victims they reply with “two wrongs don’t make a right” which reveals that they don’t think retraumatizing someone by forcing them to have their body used by someone else against their will (again) is wrong.

Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

Oh, look. A troll who thinks making a medical decision about your own body is somehow evading responsibility.

Honestly, anybody who’s ever had to sign a patient consent for procedure would know better. Not to mention all the times a patient (or their designated agent) has to state that they know what they’re presenting for. Sheesh. I had to go through all the usual hoops last year when my OB/GYN was going to be poking around my uterus, and unlike some patients, I knew the drill. (I got a wee bit snarky on the third “alert and oriented” check, which wasn’t fair to the nurse.)

You’d think medical procedure check-ins were as easy as ordering via the drive-through.

1 year ago

@ Joaquin

Again How banning abortion means “controlling women”?



  1. Having control over a person or thing.
  2. able to control or determine policy



transitive verb

  1. To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct: synonym: conduct.
  2. To adjust to a requirement; regulate.
  3. To hold in restraint; check.
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

[OT] I’ve got a wee bit of a problem here. Some assholes are threatening to shut my power off for an unspecified portion of tomorrow, citing “freezing rain” as their excuse. That would amount to snatching me into an unmarked van and tossing me in solitary, without due process or any of the other legal niceties. Obviously it can’t be allowed.

How do I get out of this?

1 year ago

It’s quite simple, really. To ensure “racial purity”, they have to be able to control white women’s sexuality.

1 year ago

A key reason Joaquin is wrong? No one has the right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term – not a husband or boyfriend, not a family, not an employer, and not a government. That can just as easily work the other way, with any of those other people forcing the woman to have an abortion. Autonomy for women means the authority over their bodies belongs to them as individuals and not to anyone else.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

The Donald Trump indictment

The misdemeanour charges carry a max of one year; the felony counts, four years.

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