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In case you’re wondering if Nashville shooter Audrey Hale has any fans, look no further than the Incels.is forums, where several of the regulars are professing their love for the now-dead mass killer and imagining the life they could have had together.
Hale was reportedly a trans man–this is not altogether clear–but the incels are having none of it; as far as they’re concerned, Audrey should have always been a “she.”
“28yo Audrey Elizabeth Hale should have dated me instead of becoming Aiden Hale FtM and massacring children in Nashville school with rifle,” wrote one lovelorn incel called Sheogorath.
I am also a fan of Transformers and Lion King, we could have hung out and watched EarthSpark and Lion Guard together. I also love toys and books, we could have found solace in each other.
I think Audrey lost confidence in herself as a woman because she got a little chubby and didn’t fit stacy heights of beauty.
I can relate – it’s hard for me to think of myself as male when I don’t meet gigachad squarejaw chiseled stereotypes.
It’s like we’re a third non-binary gender of landwhales that everyone hates.You have a lot of anger that builds and I think sadly she snapped and became violent. I don’t intend to do that, but I wish I could do more than just tame my own impulses – I want to reach out and help placate the angry of misunderstood girls like this.
We could have gotten married and found hobbies to pass the time. Used rifle skills to hunt meat for the beautiful children she could birth for me, or to defend our log cabin we will build against invading bears.
Unfortunately we just never got a chance to chat and she became a tr*nny fanatic in her depressive spiral that resulted in hurting a little girl who had a 1% chance of becoming a nice adult, admittedly, but it was still a chance.
He added, ever hopeful,
If any of you forum posters are FtM tr*nnies in disguise hit me up and I will keep your secret long as mods aren’t eavesdropping – let’s process our perceptions of each other’s masculinity.
In another thread, an apparent non-native speaker of English called ubermensch666 tried his best to express his love for the deceased killer.
Audrey Hale was my soul mate, but i cant met her because we born so away… If i was aside her i could help and care her… She was so cute… One day i’ll do the same thing and met my dear on heaven. Fuck those fucking stupid kid. Who care for them?
I just wanna play mario with my queen
He was apparently so taken with Hale that he changed his avatar to a crude drawing of the shooter with a gun.
Most of the commenters on Incel.is were less-than-thrilled by these romantic aspirations, calling them “top tier simping” and “giga foid worship.” and declaring that “even before becoming a tr**n she was still ugly as shit.”
One commenter told Sheogorath that he had written a
Turbo cuck and simp tier post please make a favor to the world and to this forum and follow the steps of your pseudo male lover and get murdered by the cops
But a few others confessed their love or at least lust. Wrote one:
She could have had let me cum in her vagina before offing herself. Getting impregnated would make her feel feminine once again and hopefully it will prompt her to detransition.
Incels really are romantics at heart.
Another wrote, “she should have dated me instead of tr**ning out.”
“I could have fixed her,” added still another.
Fix yourselves first, boys.

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Wanna bet these are the types who think they can rape lesbians into heterosexuality?
The surprising thing about Sheogorath’s comment, for me, is that it actually shows sympathy for someone who may have been a woman. I gather that’s not too common on incel forums? Then again, the target of his crush is a school shooter, which is scarily reminiscent of incels’ obsession with “ER” (which is maybe not a crush in the sexual or romantic sense, but in both cases they’re idolizing a murderer).
That was disgusting to read. Urch. I feel like I need a shower now…
Perhaps the appeal is that Hale, trans or not, chose to enact the definitive incel interpretation of masculinity?
Maybe the headline should reflect that Hale’s name was “Aiden”?
I’d prefer that it first be confirmed that the shooter actually was a trans man. It wouldn’t be the first time that the media disseminated bad information about who a shooter really was.
As a trans man who has voluntarily got pregnant and given birth, I have some expertise in this area. It did not make me feel feminine in the slightest, although it did make me think there are some compensations to having those body parts, and I actually transitioned even harder afterwards. But nice job having a fantasy that grosses everyone out, I don’t appreciate it at all.
I definitely agree that it’s the violence they are attracted to. I wonder if these guys also see Hale transitioning and then shooting up a public place as a desire to become an incel, and they are responding positively to that. There’s also reporting that Hale was stalking several of their former female teammates and classmates, so that might be another way incels feel kinship.