MRA reddit transphobia TROOOLLLL!!

Cis dude: “I legally changed my sex to woman … now I get to enjoy the extra privileges of the ‘oppressed'”

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Men’s Rights activists joke about it all the time, but now one of them has gone and done it–allegedly. A big “allegedly.” In the Men’s Rights subreddit, one cis dude with a throwaway account and a beard boasts that he’s legally changed his gender to “woman,” to enjoy the supposedly vast privileges he’ll gain. And he couldn’t be more pleased with himself.

Yep. I finally did it, I’m legally a woman now. There’s so many privileges and advantages you get in my country (Spain) for being a women that I was forced to go change my sex. The list of privileges women get in Spain is VAST, so it’s deffo worth it.

It was a very easy process, I just had to state I identified as a woman and would like to be considered – legally – as such. Took like 5 minutes.

Anyways, now I get to enjoy the extra privileges, rights and advantages of the “opressed”.

In the comments, he says he did it to prove a point, not because he actually identifies as a woman. “You know I’m not really trans, right?” he tells one commenter. “I just did this to gain extra rights.” In another comment, he notes that he did it partly, “win some arguments and ridicule feminists.”

In Spain, which allows “gender self-determination” without having to jump through hoops, he says the process is simplicity itself: You simply

have to go to the “registro civil” and fill out a form, takes like 15 minutes. After that, you will have an appointment in no more than 3 months that legally changes your identity as a woman and you’re also asked if you want a name change. No medical report is needed for anything. Also, no one can legally challenge your gender identity by law in Spain, so they can’t verify if you’re lying.

Fifteen minutes? Earlier you said it only took five minutes.

Naturally, the denizens of the Men’s Rights subreddit are thrilled.

“I hope you have a beard and are hairy as fuck,” writes one commenter.

“I now identify as a lesbian woman with he/him pronouns,” the new woman replies. “And yes, my beard is spectacular.”

“I fully support men using the nutty gender ideology in their favor to gain rights and privledges they are unfairly denied for being male,” writes another commenter.

“And when someone tries to say you’re not actually trying to be a woman, you can accuse them of bigotry and gatekeeping femininity,” replies yet another commenter.

I would post more comments but they’re pretty much all the same.

Regardless of whether he’s telling the truth or not, I wish the OP only the worst on his personal journey.

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1 year ago

Allandrel – Yes, she’s very much like Barack Obama was in that regard. Namely, that the opposition always finds something inappropriate in her conduct. /snark

RJ Dragon
RJ Dragon
1 year ago

@Lumipuma and KMB

Thanks for the updates on the political situation in Finland and Germany. I’m stuck on TERF island and we don’t get much news from the continent these days.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

In the absence of an open thread hope it’s ok to stick the here.

Someone from Ru Paul’s drag race is joining the cast of Dr Who. Jinkz Monsoon sounds like the sort of character name RTD would come up with anyway; so perfect fit.

But I await the outrage.

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1 year ago

My spouse has pics with Jinkx from way back when they were both just getting started as drag perfomers. (At a club which sadly no longer exists)