reactionary bullshit trans genocide transphobia

It’s not about “protecting the children.” Anti-trans bills now increasingly target adults

Check out my new Substack, My AI Obsession, and my latest post, “Would ChatGPT cook up the family cat?”

I feel like my post yesterday on the Florida GOP’s crusade against trans kids didn’t fully capture the insidiousness of the legislation known as HB1421, which was passed out of the state house’s Healthcare Regulation subcommittee yesterday on a party-line vote.

The bill not only targets trans youth, banning gender-affirming care for minors and “allow[ing] parents who oppose transition to take custody of their children from affirming parents in violation of judges orders,” as activist and writer Erin Reed notes in her Substack newsletter. It also takes aim at adults. It’s worded so broadly, as I pointed out yesterday that it could ban treatment for breast and prostate cancer.

And importantly, as Reed writes, the bill also

outright bans even private insurances from covering gender affirming care for any transgender person: …Even if a company wanted to support their transgender employees medical care, they would be forbidden by the state of Florida from doing so. This would effectively price out many transgender people from obtaining many forms of gender affirming care.

This sort of care can cost tens of thousands of dollars, not the kind of financial burden that most individuals can bear.

As Reed explains, this provision makes clear

that attacks on transgender people are not about “protecting children,” but rather about “eradicating transgenderism” as Michael Knowles put it in his recent infamous CPAC speech.

And this is not the only legislation out there targeting trans adults. As Vice documents in a piece on the new front in the GOP’s war on trans people, bills across the country restrict trans adults in various nefarious ways.

Tennessee is also trying to block insurance providers from covering gender-affirming care, while other states are explicitly trying to ban care for some adults altogether. Earlier this year Oklahoma became the first state to propose a gender-affirming care ban for people under 26, and Kansas is proposing a trans healthcare ban for people under 21. South Carolina is also attempting to ban people under 21 from accessing gender-affirming care, and would prohibit the use of public funds to cover treatment.

Earlier this month, Texas introduced its own bill that could criminalize doctors who provide gender-affirming care for people under 26. The same bill prohibits insurance companies from covering gender-affirming care for the same age group.

The writing is on the fucking wall. As Vice reports, there have been nearly 500 anti-trans bills introduced already across the country, and ten states have passed bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth. We can expect a lot more bills explicitly targeting adults to come. It’s never been about “the children.” It’s always been about eliminating trans people from public life, which some have called cultural genocide.

That, unfortunately, is not hyperbole.

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1 year ago

@Crip Dyke
Yeah, that’s been hitting me pretty hard; I worked at Darcelle’s for a couple years.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

Judging by Twitter I think everyone in the UK is binge watching Lily Savage (Paul O’Grady).

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
1 year ago


I’m sorry for your loss.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
1 year ago

Something I stumbled across earlier tonight that might – or might not, depending on your views on megacorperations – cheer folks here up a bit.

A few weeks ago Rob DeSantis’ handpicked board officially took over the Reedy Creek Improvement District, the entity Disney was using to govern its Orlando properties to do stuff like make sure the roads stayed repaired, trash picked up, and run the fire/EMT services. At the new board’s first meeting a day ago they reported that at the old board’s last meeting they set things up so the new board couldn’t do a thing beyond repairing potholes without the direct approval of Disney. And that the powers Disney now has will revert back to the new board 21 years after the last descendant of King Charles III has died. Which, given that’s a line noted for having long lives, might take a while.

Supposedly DeSantis has hired – using Florida government money, of course – four very expensive right-wing law firms to fight Disney over this. And keep his name in the news and gain more ammo for his culture war against the Woke to win the GOP presidential nomination as well. Though that last bit is clearly unintentional, I’m sure. /s

Tl;dr: Disney used the same move to neuter DeSantis’ board that the GOP uses to neuter any incoming Democrat government after any GOP government loose power.

Last edited 1 year ago by Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Ajax the Great
Ajax the Great
1 year ago

ANY time the set any age limit higher than 18 (the age of majority in nearly all states), that is a bright red flag. And don’t think it will ever stop there.