The last time we checked in on the intrepid right-wing culture warriors at Bounding Into Comics, they were pitching a fit over the race- and gender-swapping of some of the characters in Disney’s live-action remake of Peter Pan & Wendy. In the new version of the film, you see, neither Peter Pan nor Tinkerbell is white–and some of the Lost Boys are girls! Naturally, this makes the Bounding Into Comics guys very mad, for some completely unknown reasons that couldn’t possibly be racism or misogyny.
Anyway, they’re still at it–but now they’ve decided to take their revenge on Hollywood in general and Disney in particular by using Gab’s “based” AI image maker Gabby to “reimagine” some recently race-swapped characters like Ariel from the Little Mermaid and Tinkerbell from Peter Pan as … the same white people they were to begin with. They’ve also “reimagined” some characters that haven’t been race-swapped as … the white people they’ve always been. Apparently, they prefer their movies very white, thank you very much, and how dare you call them racist.
They declare:
Hollywood continues calling everyday Americans “racist” for refusing to lap up the “reimagined” characters and other garbage it keeps serving up. And in the spirit of embracing the conflict it demands to have, it’s time again to use AI-generated art to reimagine The Little Mermaid and other characters that Hollywood has reimagined. And hopefully the reimagining done today will infuriate Our Moral Superiors more than ever.
Here, the Bounding Into Comics folks deliver a crushing blow to Woke Hollywood by using Gabby to make … white Ariel and white Snow White.

They do equally creative “reimaginings” of some male characters as well, including Tarzan, Robin Hood, and Conan the Barbarian, all depicted as the white dudes they’ve always been.
But, hey, two can play this game. Using the AI image generator Midjourney, I’ve taken it upon myself to reimagine some of these same characters in ways that might disturb and frighten the excitable editors of Bounding Into Comics. You’ve met Black Snow White already. Let’s look at a few others.
Here’s black Tarzan:

A pink-haired Latina Robin Hood:

Indian Lara Croft:

Drag queen Tinkerbell:

And, of course, gay Conan the Barbarian, seen here checking out dudes at a Pride parade.

I realize this post is vaguely ridiculous, but then again, everything associated in any way with Bounding Into Comics will be.

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Looking for a black Tarzan-cum-Conan? Meet Charles R. Saunders’s Imaro:
Gay Conan is truly inspired.
So they imagined Ariel as being ten years older and wearing a lot of incredibly water-proof makeup?
It’s weird that they never complain that in the movie 16-year-old Ariel runs away from her family and her father who tries to set boundaries and keep her safe from the very real dangers of the human world and she ends up getting conned by the one person she thought was helping her and in the end her father was fine with his 16-year-old daughter getting married to a still nearly perfect stranger because he stabbed the villain with a ship.
But oh no! Disney went and turned her black for the new movie!
Okay, even I have to admit not many people can say they stabbed someone with a ship.
Seriously, Microsoft? Four wormable 9.8 vulnerabilities in one month? This makes your own previous reputation for shoddy QA look like Google’s by comparison.
One of them could even be used to send a self-replicating spam to everyone in the world stupid or naive enough to still be using MS’s Outlook instead of something sensible like Thunderbird … and to all of their contacts … and if some enterprising spammer takes that opportunity before many of the vulnerable hosts have been patched, the flood of traffic might melt down the Internet. It would be the worst such incident since (at least) the Sapphire worm, if not the original Morris worm, thus guaranteeing that the 24 hour news cycle would expose everyone else in the world to their sales pitch while affording them guaranteed infamy. Depending on the content of that sales pitch, that might be very tempting. And what if it’s a far-right recruitment spam?
The sooner this monopolist bites the dust, the safer we all will be. Maybe we should be petitioning for Elon Musk to make Microsoft his next high-profile acquisition, while the daisies are still fresh in their little vase next to Twitter’s grave.
@Surplus to Requirements
About Outlook: You mean like the US Army and thousands of corporations all around the world?^^
I am no fan of Midjourney and AI art in general….but I am so glad you used it to create the pictures here. A perfect “thumb in the eye” to Bounding into Comics.
I mean…they used AI to create White versions of the Little Mermaid and Snow White. Which is about as useless as t*ts on a boar since those versions already exist and there’s plenty of images of them–
–but of course it’s not supposed to make sense. It’s just more nonsense from BIC.
There was this really beautiful theater version of Snow White, where the tittle role was played by a black actress. They just changed the wording of the wish into “Lips red as blood, hair while as snow and skin black as ivory”.
I really enjoyed that one
“It’s weird that they never complain that in the movie 16-year-old Ariel runs away from her family and her father who tries to set boundaries and keep her safe from the very real dangers of the human world and she ends up getting conned by the one person she thought was helping her and in the end her father was fine with his 16-year-old daughter getting married to a still nearly perfect stranger because he stabbed the villain with a ship.”
They like the film because the protagonist is white, and the villain is a drag queen. They probably don’t pay attention to the rest of the plot.
That and far too many right wing unpleasantnesses think teenage = adult, at least as far as girls and marriage and sex. In their twisted, hate filled, evil world, 16 year old girl = okay for any man of any age to marry.
Well, Republicans do actually fight against having a minimum age for marriage.
I remember Chris Christie, when he was governor of New Jersey, vetoed a bill raising the age of marriage to adulthood, claiming it violated Jewish culture. Dude, that’s news to me.
They just changed the wording of the wish into “Lips red as blood, hair while as snow and skin black as ivory”.
Are you sure that wasn’t “ebony”? (I ask in part because I recently committed a similar error with a local public transit representative named Ivory; Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder have probably anchored the two as paired antonyms if you’re of a certain age, and she was African-American—wrong precious African substance, but I hope the filing error wasn’t too offensive.)
@Tabby & Dave
But remember,it’s the trans who are grooming the kids.
Coincidentally, the male protagonist, Snow White’s prince, is also the prince that the little mermaid got a crush on. That plays out in the second book of the series. The outcome is far mor satisfying than either the Disney movie or the original story, where the prince marries someone else and the little mermaid dies, to become a spirit helping humans for two centuries.
@Full Metal Ox
Yes, it is ebony. German speaker here, so I kinda confused the two.
And now I’m trying—and failing miserably—to envision Ororo Munroe keeping house for a pack of dwarves.
@Dave – I wonder if he was using the bar/bat mitzvah tradition to justify that? But you’d have to be ignoring a lot of context to think most Jewish people consider someone an actual adult at 13. I remember my cousin’s bat mitzvah pretty well – she’s 8 years younger than me – and no one told the kids, “OK, you’re all grown up, you can stop going to school now.” Similar thing with other religions that have coming-of-age ceremonies for kids or teenagers.
The strip “Friday Foster” in the 1970s introduced a black Olympic athlete (Slade Douglas I think was the name) turned pro-footballer. When Friday meets him, though, he’s moved to Africa and living as a black Tarzan. It’s startling in a good way to see a black character in the role (as I’m a white dude I have no idea how I’d react if I were black myself).
Your Robin Hood reminds me: There was a quite fun late 1980s BBC kids series called “Maid Marian and Her Merry Men” which re-imagined Robin Hood having Marian the actual boss (and Robin being a bit of a ditz).
@Tabby Lavalamp. Quite. All over they are fighting to lower the age, or stop laws allowing child marriages being banned or have age raised. But, as the saying goes, with the right accusations are usually confessions.
@ whomever
I should have posted this when we were chatting about pancake day!
The strip “Friday Foster” in the 1970s introduced a black Olympic athlete (Slade Douglas I think was the name) turned pro-footballer. When Friday meets him, though, he’s moved to Africa and living as a black Tarzan. It’s startling in a good way to see a black character in the role (as I’m a white dude I have no idea how I’d react if I were black myself).
Here’s the late African-American fantasy author Derrick Ferguson’s reaction to discovering Imaro (whom I mentioned in a previous comment):
Dave can you explain why I am unable to post here?
I posted something. Then I went in to edit it and posted again. Then I went in to edit a second time and it said “awaiting approval”. Then it was gone. Then I re-posted the original and it posted for a second then was gone again.
There seems to be a lot of technical glitches but I’ll try posting again.
Speaking of racism, the very, very white lady whom the Black Manosphere crowned the “Woman King of the Manosphere” as well as “The Female Andrew Tate” (Pearl Davis of “Just Pearly Things”) recently interviewed, in good faith and favor, the out and proud, self-avowed White Supremacist/Nationalist and Holocaust denier, Nick Fuentes.
For those lucky enough not to be familiar with Pearl, she’s a white American tik-tokker turned Youtuber who moved to the UK to start a Youtube talk show where she interviews primarily Black British women, whom she refers to as “modern women”, “city girls” and “304s”.
One reason she set up shop in UK as opposed to her home country of USA is because she knew American Black women weren’t going to come onto her show to be made fun of, disrespected and “schooled” by some pasty white girl who panders to the Manosphere in general and the Black Manosphere in particular.
Her guests in the UK tend to be Black women who are either immigrants from various African or Caribbean countries, or the 2nd/3rd generation offspring of immigrants. These women don’t appear to be clued into the racist and misogynistic motives behind a project like this.
She rehashes old, tired Manospheres tropes and claims the late Kevin Samuels (coined “Godfather” of the Black Manosphere) as her mentor. Basically she’s a grifter and a Black culture vulture. Making millions of dollars off of Black people’s personal business and Black women’s pain. The men of the Black Manosphere love her because she bashes Black women and of course because she’s white. Black Manospherians and Passport Bros love to throw white and other non-Black women up in our faces like, “see, see… these women are better than y’all.”
Anyway, they were happy with their Queen, excuse me, Woman King, until just the other
day when she decided to conduct an ”exclusive” one-on-one interview with Nick Fuentes wherein BOTH of them downplayed the seriousness of slavery. A bunch of crazy ish was said and now the Black Manosphere got their crusty undies in a bunch over it (with many of them still supporting her?!)
Meanwhile this whole time Black American women been-been calling it what it was.
I’m not going to post any vids here. Youtube search can take you to her show, and to the many Black American content creators’ commentaries about it.
In relation to the above comment, here’s Pearl’s “apology” which she just posted on her channel. She will be on an open panel tonight on Mumia Obsidian Ali’s channel. Dave may remember Obsidian from back in the day. He posted on a lot of the “White Manosphere” blogs before migrating over to Youtube and “founding” (at least he says so) the “Black Manosphere”.