A little announcement: Soon, probably next week, I will be officially hanging out my shingle as a freelance editor and writing coach. As a way of introducing my services to the world, and offering some thanks for the support you all have given me over the years, I’d like to offer three of you a free coaching session. We can talk about a particular project, work through ways to get past writer’s block, or deal with any other writing issue that’s affecting you.
This is for non-fiction and non-technical writing only. I’m especially interested in coaching academics and experts aiming to reach a broader audience outside their field.
I’m offering a free one-hour phone or Zoom call, plus a free follow-up if we decide that would be useful. Contact me at [email protected] with your availability if you’re interested or if you have questions. First come, first served!
Just so you know: This new editing and coaching gig will be a part-time endeavor. So rest assured, I will continue on with We Hunted the Mammoth, though I might need to cut back a little on the number of weekly posts. We’ll see.
I look forward to talking to you about your writing!

Follow me on Mastodon.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
We Hunted the Mammoth relies on support from you, its readers, to survive. So please donate here if you can, or at David-Futrelle-1 on Venmo.
Congratulations and much luck/fortune in this endeavor. 🙂
Best of luck. This kind of service is about 10 years too late for me, but I wish you all the best!
I’m so excited!
Best of luck to you in this. Hope it provides both intellectual fulfillment and a decent income!
All the best with your new endeavour, David.