In case you were wondering if the incels would ever figure out that whole “attracting women” thing, the answer is still no. From Incels.is:

In a follow-up comment, he adds that he does only a “minimal” job wiping after he takes a shit. “I leave marks always.”
While a few commenters declare him disgusting, and one says he makes incels look bad, others think he’s really on to something, claiming hygiene to be an unacceptable form of “cope.” One commenter proclaims, “this is pure mental illness, but based nonetheless.” Others agree with the latter sentiment. “Hygiene is made by jews anyway,” writes one.
At least this is one way for Sayitsover to warn the world to avoid him like the plague, because he’s probably actually got it at this point.

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@Full Metal Ox
There’s something strangely sweet about that
Is it though? This particular crab bucket has produced actual murderers and terrorists (and murderer/terrorist fanboys), not to mention avowed racists and conspiracy theorists. Soap dodging seems fairly mild by comparison, and is a not-unknown form of rebellion.
Also the history of the internet seems to show the satire/trolling > actual screaming rage pipeline is surprisingly and dangerously short.
LOL. Reminds me of how I spend most of my 20s thinking “Netflix and chill” was literal. (Seriously, why wouldn’t it be.)
@ cyborgette
I’m now at that stage where if someone invites me to “come up and see my etchings”, I’m disappointed if there aren’t any etchings.
Unless this guy’s underwear makes a crunching sound every time he sits down, he’s a poser.
@Alan Robertshaw:
I’m now at that stage where if someone invites me to “come up and see my etchings”, I’m disappointed if there aren’t any etchings.
We’re presumably intended to laugh at this James Thurber character’s naïveté, but I find his commitment to safe dating oddly heartwarming:
Never mind about etchings, “Someday my prints will come!”
@ Alan
Mate, you pulled!
However, I would also totally start talking about buses if someone asked that question.
Same. Why wouldn’t it mean exactly what it says?
I think it’s one of those things, people use euphemisms and they really should just ask outright.
About OP.
Either trolling, being deliberately contrarian to upset someone in their life, or, they’re someone desperately in need of a mental health intervention. I’ve known people who really struggled with personal hygiene when in a state of poor mental health. Been there, done that.
I also had poor personal hygiene until I was 16 because I just didn’t realise I needed to wash daily. It was a real problem once I started my period. It took my dad and sister sitting me down and explaining it. I now cannot cope without a daily shower, two in the summer, because I don’t like my skin and scalp itching. I can’t stand my hands being sticky or my clothes messy, which is really difficult because I drop food all over myself. I still struggle with brushing my teeth more than once a week.
@Alan Robertshaw:
That was like a real-life Uncle Toby/Widow Wadman misunderstanding.
@Moon Custafer, yes! (bet Alan was perfectly charming about it, too) (I would vote for being a capybara in a hot spring with oranges floating in it, height of decadence 🙂 )
And now you have reminded me of a couple of my favourite instances in all literature, the sauce-for-the-goose-sauce-for-the-gander reference to dealing preemptively with the spiritual salvation of all homunculi in one go “by means of a little squirt” (see how important and logical you think it is now, gentlemen). Not to mention, of course, the immortal and pre-Pavlovian having forgotten to wind the clock …)
Also I love the Thurber cartoon, Full Metal Ox!
*whistles ‘Lilibulero’*
Heh, that is so me.
@ Lizzie
Go stand in the corner and think on what you just did! 😀
@ generally
I mean come on, who wouldn’t fancy this? It’s only a fiver.
The relevant chap did point out one disadvantage of busses; having to wait for them in the rain. So I ended up giving him a lift.
@ Alan
Your story reminded me of another one that I’d forgotten. Back when I was at university, there was a story about a biology student who asked a fellow to come and see her conk collection, and apparently he was surprised when a conk collection was actually presented. Possibly unrelated, but the biology student association sold a rather flashy cloth badge that said “Heruuks kääpää?” (roughly, “Can I get some conk?”) because students will student.
@ RJ Dragon
I think my hygiene habits may have left a lot to wish for in my teens, but in retrospect it seems more peculiar that I was apparently numb to physical discomfort in general. My hands get really dry in winter, to the point that they bleed, and as an adult I’m kind of surprised that it actually hurts, since I can’t remember that from way back when.
It seems I remember someone trying to motivate my teen self to be more mindful about brushing my hair and such to make myself look nicer, which just wasn’t a priority for me. Maybe Saysitsover has been given equally dubious advice on the benefits of hygiene.
@Masse Mysteria:
Your story reminded me of another one that I’d forgotten. Back when I was at university, there was a story about a biology student who asked a fellow to come and see her conk collection, and apparently he was surprised when a conk collection was actually presented. Possibly unrelated, but the biology student association sold a rather flashy cloth badge that said “Heruuks kääpää?” (roughly, “Can I get some conk?”) because students will student.
In English (I get the impression you attended university in Finland?) this scenario would present even richer potential for misunderstanding. “Conk”, the loose family of tree fungi, is homonymous with “conch”, the seashell (which I guess could be construed as a vulvar symbol, although bivalves are the go-to for that purpose.)
And it gets even better: “conk” is also the term for a chemically-relaxed hairstyle popular among African-American men during the early to mid-20th century. (…”What on earth has this person collected? Period photos? Busts? Actual African-American scalps? [Given White academia’s historical treatment of the remains of unconsenting humans such as Sarah Baartman, the last isn’t an exaggerated fear.])
@ Full Metal Ox
Yes, this was in Finland, so thank you for all the conk info! Though I feel the need to clarify that as far as I know, conk doesn’t have any sexy connotations in Finnish (in general; might be different for some subset of biologists). I don’t know if it’s used anymore, but back when I was younger, “Heruuks?” was just a way of asking if you’d have a chance at sexytimes or something (indeed I was so young that I don’t know if it was ever used seriously or whether it was just some sort of macho posturing).
I assume the joke was that, in context, “Heruuks?” basically means “Can I get some?” but you’re not saying what you’d like, so I guess it seems whimsical to ask for conk? I have a feeling someone explained this to me back in the day when I first saw the badge.
I don’t think I ever heard anyone seriously talk about Netflix and chill, so I knew it wasn’t literal. But I had no clue exactly what it is a euphemism for. I still don’t.
It’s a euphemism for sex. Why, I have no idea. And mind I can only speak for myself, but at this point in my life, “snuggling on the couch and watching a good movie” sounds like a perfect date.
Sheepish confession: it was only in the course of this conversation that I learned that “Netflix and chill” is a specific sexual euphemism; I’d always thought of it as an obvious low-effort activity to do with whomever—your kids or your pets or your best friends or your stuffed animals—and/or/in addition to your partner(s) if applicable.
For awhile I used to “Netflix and chill” in a more literal sense – actually watch Netflix while cuddling with my boyfriend. We didn’t call it that because we knew it meant something else.
Wouldn’t have worked in the euphemistic way; I don’t have a TV and my internet connection is too slow to stream movies, while his TV couldn’t realistically be moved to the bedroom and his roommate wouldn’t have appreciated us having sex in the living room.
As Alan noted, the 20th-century equivalent was “Won’t you come up and view my etchings?” Not sure how that one got started either, although I always envision someone trying for a sophisticated-man-of-the-world vibe.
Long ago I modeled for an artist who actually did etchings (I think—they might have been engravings; there were definitely harsh chemicals involved in preparing the plates for printing, though). He let me play LPs from his extensive and eclectic collection, and regaled me with tales of his student days in Paris, which had not been so wild as he could have wished.
I am soooo looking forward to a long soak in the bath when my surgical scar finally heals u and I can get up the stairs again..
The 20th Century equivalent makes sense, as a woman was not supposed to go into a man’s apartment and certainly not the bedroom. (and by the fact that the phrase is first attested in rape cases against powerful men, most of these women didn’t want to either). So it’s “I’m definitely not going to pressure you into having sex. I just want to show you these expensive drawing I have hanging in the room.”
But Netflix and chill as a euphemism for consensual sex between two partners? Why do you need such a euphemism for what everyone knows you are doing and is between the two of you?>
A hot bath sounds pretty wonderful. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.