In case you were wondering if the incels would ever figure out that whole “attracting women” thing, the answer is still no. From Incels.is:

In a follow-up comment, he adds that he does only a “minimal” job wiping after he takes a shit. “I leave marks always.”
While a few commenters declare him disgusting, and one says he makes incels look bad, others think he’s really on to something, claiming hygiene to be an unacceptable form of “cope.” One commenter proclaims, “this is pure mental illness, but based nonetheless.” Others agree with the latter sentiment. “Hygiene is made by jews anyway,” writes one.
At least this is one way for Sayitsover to warn the world to avoid him like the plague, because he’s probably actually got it at this point.

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Poor oral hygiene literally kills people.
How can someone endure being filthy?
If this person is really doing what they claim, they are self-harming and in need of help. Probably better if that help comes in the form of professional expertise from people they won’t be able to abuse, though, and who won’t have to put up with any shit; being in need of help doesn’t make this person any less likely to be abusive.
@Opposable thumbs: Being an incel is probably self harm all by itself. They all hate themselves almost as much as they hate women.
Yeah. People are fine with the mass murder and the raging misogyny, but this will make incels look bad.
This has to be parody.
@Love is All We Need: There do exist people who troll incel communities. Unfortunately, incels are beyond parody, so it’s really hard to tell who is the troll and who is the fanatic. Ultimately, so long as at least someone believes and agrees with the ideas presented, it may not matter that much. Also, arguably trolling incels as a hobby could be considered a form of self-harm…
Mr Stinky says he won’t be washing his hands after urinating even if someone sees him in the bathroom – that seems to indicate he works somewhere, so it’s possible that someone may notice his physical deterioration over time and maybe see he needs help.
@Love Is All We Need:
Nope, pretty sure he’s serious.
Last time I saw someone not washing their hands after using the bathroom, I vowed to never touch a door handle again. And that person was, over all, far less disgusting than that guy. My level of disgustedness towards that person still skyrocketed, though…
So . . . still washing your hands after a bowel movement. Your bragging is bogus.
@Lizzie: I could also see an HR-complaint about him if he does that consistently. Depending on what kind of work he is in.
The funny thing about this (in line with Roosh’s resentment of having to wipe his own butt because of Women’s Unreasonable Standards) is that these guys would be so happy to discover JUST HOW LOW the bar for male behaviour is in relationships for loads of women with ground down self-esteem and brains hijacked by the patriarchy.
There was someone at my uni who was a stinky guy. It became clear he just didn’t wash his clothes because he’d turn up for the first couple of weeks of term fairly fresh – after, presumably, mum had done his laundry. Then his enchanting musk would ripen as the weeks went by. You could smell him from several paces – and that guy had a girlfriend.
There really is just a whole world of opportunities out there for these fellas and they have no idea. It’s better for all of us that they never find out, I guess.
Uhm, I don’t know how this is gonna work out for him because I don’t like feeling even mildly sweaty for a handful of minutes in the Summer. I cannot imagine not feeling clean for days on end. I get bad dreams about my teeth dropping out if I forget to brush, so there’s that. I’m deeply baffled as to what he thinks this wil laccomplish.Unless its just your basic sh*tpost!
People who don’t wipe properly tend to smell pretty bad, and its a very loud smell. Aint nothing subtle about what it is either, and then there’s the rash that would develop from not having wiped completely. This is why bidets exist.
It’s either a parody/troll or someone suffering from deep depression reaching out for help. I can’t imagine any other alternative.
There was a period when I barely got out of bed and rarely brushed my teeth. I was suffering from grief and depression. It was eerie. To get to a point where even brushing one’s teeth exhausts you. It’s a very low point.
There it is, natural endpoint for all cranks theories. That didn’t even take that long.
There was someone at my uni who was a stinky guy. It became clear he just didn’t wash his clothes because he’d turn up for the first couple of weeks of term fairly fresh – after, presumably, mum had done his laundry. Then his enchanting musk would ripen as the weeks went by. You could smell him from several paces – and that guy had a girlfriend.
That was actually a story arc in the comic strip Li’l Abner: a character known as Big Barnsmell manufactured Skunk Oil in an isolated mountaintop plant known as the Skunk Works. (Who in the expletive deleted was buying Skunk Oil, and for what, was on a strict need-to-know basis and the reader didn’t have sufficient clearance. This may have led to the military and intelligence term “Skunk Works” for top-secret Research and Development projects.(1))
Suffice to say that Barney’s occupational odor made him a pariah—until, in an olfactory version of the Blind Beauty and the Beast scenario, he found love with a beautiful anosmic girl who wandered into the Biohazard Zone.
(1) This might also tie into the U.S. military’s use in World War II of a chemical/psyop stinkbomb called “Who, Me?” It was available in fecal odor for the European theater and skunk/unwashed/body odor for Japanese targets (the Japanese, who had a tradition of using human waste as crop fertilizer, were less disturbed by fecal odors but offended by personal uncleanliness.)
What Lakitha said. I keep myself (mostly) clean to please myself, whether or not there’s anyone else I feel any need to please (and there usually isn’t, I’m unattached and don’t have many friends I hang out with). I’ve NEVER liked feeling dirty, or smelling my own ass or armpits, or feeling matted greasy hair on an itchy scalp.
I’m guessing this guy is either seriously in need of help, or deliberately parody-trolling the incel thread. And it’s even sadder that he’s got at least a few of those chuds publicly agreeing with him. I hope they’re parody-trolling too…
If there’s such a thing as reincarnation I want to come back as one of those capybaras that spends all day under a hot spring. That’s my idea of paradise. The nearest I can get is the showers at the gym. I pop down most mornings and every evening and spend 40-60 minutes under the scalding hot water. That gets me my membership worth; and also consequently I am reasonably clean.
I guess some bug will take him out.
NATO may boost Black Sea presence following drone crash: report
Is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan imminent? Or is Washington in a tizzy over nothing?
Presidents of the US, Russia, and China: can we please not do this right now? I’m not really in the mood for another world war. Frankly, I have too many demands on my time for the foreseeable future to be getting entangled in anything of that sort of scope and complexity.
Just go home, sleep it off, and come to work tomorrow morning sober, K?
Hygiene was made by Jews? Seriously? Every society has had various methods for various things over the years.
This pos is going to have fun when his teeth rot and no one will be within one hundred feet of him.
Welp, this guy won’t be a plague upon the earth much longer, because he’ll succumb to one or more actual plagues. Or his rotten teeth killing him.
@Alan: I will join you in that.
Wem: This is really not a just world we’re living in; so it’s all too likely this clown will spread some bug to lots of other people (assuming he goes out in public and gets close enough to enough people) and take THEM out, with or without taking himself out with them.
I’m a bit concerned, because the post is obvious meant to be satire/trolling.
A chap at the gym today asked me if he could ask a personal question. I said sure. He then asked “What bus do you prefer to ride?”. I’d got as far as comparing the one from Perranporth that goes through St Agnes and the open top one they put on in summer along the north coast road when he said “That was a euphemism!”
I knew that tight t shirt was a good investment!
(I’m a very boring Kinsey Zero; but I’m flattered by the attention)