alpha males beta males chad conspiracy theory red pill reddit

The War on Chad: The super-secret plot against alpha males in college and in life

It’s not easy being Chad

I love the Purple Pill Debate subreddit because it is full to overflowing with the absolute worst takes on the whole man/woman thing. But the post I ran across today took bad takes to a new level.

“Women getting all these degrees is really just intrasexual warfare the upper classes and beta males trying to take all the women,” charged PuertoRock007 in the headline of a post.

If you found that a tad confusing, wait until you get to the heart of his post, in which he tells a tale of woe–of innocent alpha males plotted against by evil college professors and nerdy betas.

I remember being in college and trying to play the part of an alpha to get the girls. I remember when I started having some success all the beta males including teachers and preceptors started turning against me trying to kick me out and not wanting to see me succeed.

Ah, yes, the Protocols of the the Elders of Nerd.

I figured school was the great place to meet girls, or so I thought. …

Then I realized that they only wanted to pass the beta males and the women. All the females and guys that were nerdy were just breezing through and it didn’t matter what their grades were. They would just engineer ways to pass them. While all the alphas were put under a microscope until an excuse could be found to fail them. The alphas had to get good grades and know their shit, while they made up ways for the females and beta males to boost their grades.

Yes, I’m sure all the nerdy guys and women would have flunked out, and Chad here made the Dean’s list, if it weren’t for those meddling professors!

I even saw the beta males would try and start trouble with the alphas and if the alphas tried to put the beta in his place, it was the alpha that got kicked out. As you can guess many of the alphas didn’t make it.

Yes, nerdy guys are always trying to start shit with large angry Chads.

Now fast forward I’m working in the medical field with mostly women and beta males. Now the beta males (that couldn’t get girls in college) have their choice of these women because the women don’t want no broke alpha anymore now that they have degrees and good jobs.

Pity the poor broke Alphas!

They secretly engineered this situation where they could take the women away from the alphas. Looking back now I can see that the teachers were all beta males and they picked all the best girls and beta males to pass and help succeed while doing everything in their power to make sure the alpha males didn’t succeed.

It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya!

Luckily for PuertoRock007, he saw what was going on and became a beta in order to pass. “I started out playing the alphas,” he explained in a comment, “but then changed my mind after watching all the other alphas get chucked.”

I should note that this post was too inane even for the Purple Pill Subreddit, which has an appetite for the inane; it got voted down to zero, with only 36% of those who voted upvoting it. This sounds good, until you start to wonder: Who exactly are the 36% who saw this post and thought, “so true!”

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

the alphas were put under a microscope until an excuse could be found to fail them

Ah yes, American schools are notorious for trying to get their athletic students kicked out.

Really the alphas should try to promote some sort of ‘college sports’ idea. See if anyone takes an interest. It might even be there’s a way the schools themselves could cash in on that so that could get them on side.

Crip Dyke
1 year ago

“Women getting all these degrees is really just INTRAsexual warfare the upper classes and beta males trying to take all the women,” charged PuertoRock007 in the headline of a post.

Wait… does this person not know the difference between “intra-” and “inter-“?

Oh, it’s an MRA. Of course they’re stupid. Carry on.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ crip dyke

I did wonder about that at first too. I think though he might technically be correct (and that’s the best type of correct).

The way he’s phrased that leaves a bit to be desired; maybe he’s a James Joyce fan? But I think his premise is that women have got men to fight amongst themselves. Chads v Betas or whatever. So intra is right in this instance.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

Forget Chad, Adonis is the latest thing in town; combining beta bucks, alpha f*cks, mindfulness and gratitude journaling in one, well… package.

1 year ago

Wow. That guys Reddit profile is nuts. I
am certain is conspiracy will led to where it always does

1 year ago

I notice that at least in this particular excerpt, he doesn’t mention what he considers to be “alpha”, just that he acted the part. What do you want to bet what he considers “alpha” most people would call being an asshole?

1 year ago

@.45 it’s Putin. That’s his ideal alpha . His Reddit profile is filled with pro Russian posts and celebrations of Ukrainian casualties.

1 year ago

I’m so confused by this idea that I don’t think I understand it well enough to mock it.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
1 year ago

Firstly, anyone calling himself an alpha male unironically is a raging moron. Second, what these guys describe as alpha is just basically being a major asshole and a bully who brags and throws his weight around and treats women like crap. It’s little wonder he was a failure.

1 year ago

OK, Gaston.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
1 year ago

The alphas had to get good grades and know their shit.

Sooo unfair!

I recall all too clearly volunteering to type my college boyfriend’s short papers (three of them) because he was busy studying. We had the same major. I was kind of horrified at the lack of effort he had put into writing these papers. He said that he expected to get a B. Wow. I often got a B on papers that I put a lot more effort into.

Years later — many years later — I read about the bias by teaching assistants, who graded papers, against students with female names. Until that point, I been baffled about the discrepancy between our grades.

But this kinda, sorta alpha guy has had the shocking unfairness of college figured out from the get-go.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

Yes, because being a BMOC has never been a thing. And Chads never get the girls, or get to take special easier courses because they’re alpha jocks.

@Kat: There was one class at my college that no woman had ever gotten an A in, despite often turning in better work than many of the men. The prof swore no woman ever would. And of course it was a requirement for every damn major. I decided to put it off till my last semester, when it wouldn’t mess up the GPA I needed to keep my partial scholarship. And then he died, ha ha. Funny thing, the new (also male) prof immediately decided that some women were doing A work, the very next semester!

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
1 year ago

@GSS, ex-noob

And then he died, ha ha.

They say that karma is, uh, something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant.

1 year ago

“And then he died” is not karma. It was certainly convenient for @GSS ex-noob that it happened, but out of context that’s not enough information to call it karma.

I mean, dogs typically live to be 10-15, while Phyllis Schlafly lived to be 92, are you going to say that no dogs are good boys/girls and Schlafly’s long life is a reward for being a good person? (Yes, I briefly considered making a B-word joke, but that was an afterthought and not the genesis of this particular comparison.)

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
1 year ago

It’s like reading a post from some stragne mirror-universe incel board.

1 year ago

Pro tip for these guys, hopefully some of them are reading here. If you ever unironically call yourself an alpha male, you are not an alpha male. You’re not even a man emotionally. You’re a petulant child. Which is why you can’t land yourself a date. Grow up.

1 year ago

The poor chads have it harder to get good grades? Lmfao.

I remember like it was yesterday, we had a geography teacher in my final years in school who was very misogynist. I always had to fight for my grade, literally, while my male classmate got them handed to him on a silver platter. We always had roughly the same grades in tests. It got to the point that, after a very long session of “stand in front of the class and point out random places on this map I name to improve your grades”, which took twice or thrice as long as for said classmate, he was still contemplating if I actually deserved the better grade until some of my classmates lost patience because it was draging on so long and literally every single person in that room knew I deserved it! And then the fucker outright laughed at me when I mentioned that I wanted to study Geosciences because back in the day HE listened in on an orogenesis lecture and didn’t understand it, so how could someone like ME ever expect to succeed.

Well, at the end of it, most of my grades in my Master had a 1 in front, in a system where 1 is the best grade and 6 the worst. I really want to tell that shitter a nice, heartfelt “fuck you” to this day.

1 year ago

This whole thing about beta males undermining the alpha (as silly as it is) made me think of the “sneaky fucker strategy” observed in the animal kingdom, where the females in harem-based setups – such as found amongst walruses and deers – will sneak off with other males when the kingpin is looking elsewhere.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

They say that karma is, uh, something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant.

They’re wrong.

“And then he died” is not karma. It was certainly convenient for @GSS ex-noob that it happened, but out of context that’s not enough information to call it karma.

Karma is a concept that works only with belief in multiple lifetimes/reincarnation. That’s where it originates. In philosophies where reincarnation is a given. It’s sort of a cultural, or maybe philosophical, appropriation to use it outside of that context. And without that context the concept of karma makes no sense.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

Definitely not the sort of social dynamics I saw in college. I’m remembering a football player I knew when we were both undergrads, and he said that he’d been offered a scholarship elsewhere. Full ride. All he’d have to do is walk around the football stadium and let someone else know if he spotted any litter. He told me, “What good is THAT going to do me? I need to work.” He had no illusions about going pro. Football helped pay for his education, but that was all football could do for him.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

Apropos nothing but you can now get Maggie Aderin-Pocock as a Barbie!

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

Lizzo did a gig in Scotland last night.

“You all play any flutes in Glasgow? Got any historical traditions to do with flutes I could desecrate by twerking all over?”

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

Lizzo is an international treasure.

VP: When I was in junior high, I knew a number of the local big sports university football players. Some of them did go on to be pros, but my favorite was the guy who ended up being my student teacher. He had no chance of going pro, but got some of his education paid for. He was a punt catcher with a solid pair of hands and the ability to accurately toss the ball to someone who had foot speed. A nice young man.

Mañuel Laver
Mañuel Laver
1 year ago

He was probably down-voted at least partially by guys who objected to his not boosting their standard ‘Chad has all the luck’ narrative.

It’s entirely possible that he did encounter some bias from ‘acting alpha’ because, as others have suggested here, his take on that was being a flaming arsehole. Back when I was a grader it took a struggle not to go harder on the people who were insolently disobedient , mocked other people in class, and so on—I believed that I succeeded in marking their papers fairly, but then I would believe that, wouldn’t I?

Ignoring for the moment that ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ are concepts originally rooted in wolf ethology with some limited relevance to analysis of primate band behaviour, and out of favour in both domains, I’ll note that beyond not being grossly over- or underweight, and not notably stupid, I’ve seen successful-generally-and-successful-with-women men with a wide range of bodies and personalities, only a few of whom were jerks, and more who were quite nice and winning, popular outside the intimate sphere with women and men alike

1 year ago

@Mañuel Laver

My favorite thing about the whole “alpha/beta/etc.” worldview is how it doesn’t even apply to wolves. All the traits that self-proclaimed “alpha males” claim as “alpha” are nowhere to be found in actual “alpha male” wolves, because such wolves do not act like raging assholes.

What they do act like is dads. Because that’s the entirety of what an “alpha wolf” is – a parent.

And alpha male wolves are very good dads. They are look after and provide for their kids, and are very patient when getting their tails chewed on. All behaviors that these dumbasses decry as “beta.”

These guys often go on about whether fictional characters are “alpha” or not. But in terms of acting like an actual “alpha male” wolf, good fictional examples are not characters like James Bond, but like Bob Belcher.