alpha males beta males chad conspiracy theory red pill reddit

The War on Chad: The super-secret plot against alpha males in college and in life

It’s not easy being Chad

I love the Purple Pill Debate subreddit because it is full to overflowing with the absolute worst takes on the whole man/woman thing. But the post I ran across today took bad takes to a new level.

“Women getting all these degrees is really just intrasexual warfare the upper classes and beta males trying to take all the women,” charged PuertoRock007 in the headline of a post.

If you found that a tad confusing, wait until you get to the heart of his post, in which he tells a tale of woe–of innocent alpha males plotted against by evil college professors and nerdy betas.

I remember being in college and trying to play the part of an alpha to get the girls. I remember when I started having some success all the beta males including teachers and preceptors started turning against me trying to kick me out and not wanting to see me succeed.

Ah, yes, the Protocols of the the Elders of Nerd.

I figured school was the great place to meet girls, or so I thought. …

Then I realized that they only wanted to pass the beta males and the women. All the females and guys that were nerdy were just breezing through and it didn’t matter what their grades were. They would just engineer ways to pass them. While all the alphas were put under a microscope until an excuse could be found to fail them. The alphas had to get good grades and know their shit, while they made up ways for the females and beta males to boost their grades.

Yes, I’m sure all the nerdy guys and women would have flunked out, and Chad here made the Dean’s list, if it weren’t for those meddling professors!

I even saw the beta males would try and start trouble with the alphas and if the alphas tried to put the beta in his place, it was the alpha that got kicked out. As you can guess many of the alphas didn’t make it.

Yes, nerdy guys are always trying to start shit with large angry Chads.

Now fast forward I’m working in the medical field with mostly women and beta males. Now the beta males (that couldn’t get girls in college) have their choice of these women because the women don’t want no broke alpha anymore now that they have degrees and good jobs.

Pity the poor broke Alphas!

They secretly engineered this situation where they could take the women away from the alphas. Looking back now I can see that the teachers were all beta males and they picked all the best girls and beta males to pass and help succeed while doing everything in their power to make sure the alpha males didn’t succeed.

It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya!

Luckily for PuertoRock007, he saw what was going on and became a beta in order to pass. “I started out playing the alphas,” he explained in a comment, “but then changed my mind after watching all the other alphas get chucked.”

I should note that this post was too inane even for the Purple Pill Subreddit, which has an appetite for the inane; it got voted down to zero, with only 36% of those who voted upvoting it. This sounds good, until you start to wonder: Who exactly are the 36% who saw this post and thought, “so true!”

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1 year ago

I think Mañuel nailed it. I too struggled with not marking down jerks for being sloppy, and I was grading math and physics problems, where there was an objectively right answer and right process for getting there. But still, you try to think of reasons why the nice kid who tries hard deserves partial credit, and the guy who makes a nuisance of himself during recitation and office hours doesn’t. I can’t imagine how hard it is for teachers having to fairly grade Chad’s essay, particularly if it’s full of brags about his supposed “conquests”.

As for alphas, more and more primate packs are turning into family units as well, with the parent or grandparent monkey in charge. Harems with one male and a bunch of females are a thing, and I guess you could call the single male gorilla the alpha of the troop in that case. But in troops with multiple males, the so-called beta gorillas or baboons or whatnot are more often than not the children and grandchildren of the troop leaders. They differ to the “alpha”, not because he bullied them into submission, but because they bow to his experience being older and wiser and better able to fend off predators than the children not ready to strike out on their own. It’s the same with females.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

As for alphas, more and more primate packs are turning into family units as well

Which, no doubt, intergrade with the tribes and clans that were the fundamental organizational units of paleolithic human societies, in turn, and served as the building blocks for the more complex human societies that came later.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Allandrel: And the alpha wolf idea came entirely from captive, caged wolves.

In the wild, it’s all about the nuclear family; mom and dad (basically monogamous), cubs, last year’s cubs. With mom slightly more alpha than dad.

Monogamous, actively involved in child-raising, not deadbeat dads… that’s a TRUE alpha male wolf.

Not Chads at all, and certainly not like these wanna-bes.

Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

@GSS ex-noob:

And the alpha wolf idea came entirely from captive, caged wolves.

Which is a bit like using prison dynamics as your template for human sociology.

In the wild, it’s all about the nuclear family; mom and dad (basically monogamous), cubs, last year’s cubs. With mom slightly more alpha than dad.

Monogamous, actively involved in child-raising, not deadbeat dads… that’s a TRUE alpha male wolf.

Not Chads at all, and certainly not like these wanna-wbes.

If you read the account of Wolf 21, the legendary alpha male of the Druid Pack of Yellowstone, he was more a Prince Consort (to two successive sisters) than a king; the really epic power struggles took place among the females:

(And then there’s 832AF, aka the ‘06 Female, aka “The Angelina Jolie of wolves”, who’d get roundly denounced as a Mary Sue if you presented her as a fictional character. Dare we hope that somewhere out there is video footage of her signature flying kung-fu solo elk takedown?