They’re always dealing with the important issues in the Men’s Rights subreddit, like the burning question of whether we should ban women from saying the word “dick.”
“If women want to claim the word ‘pussy’ and deem any use of it offensive,” L-E-T-S-C-H declares in a post, “women should not be able to use the word ‘dick.’”
He makes a very compelling and coherent case::
I’ve been told by someone that hearing a man say pussy at all makes them uncomfortable. Totally valid for someone to be uncomfortable. What I don’t understand is why the argument of “I obviously don’t mean anything sexist by it it’s just a curse to me” works on only one side of this equation. Suddenly if I am uncomfortable with the language a woman uses I need to man up or “there is enough dicks out there to make a solid assumption” which would absolutely not fly if it was said against woman.
The discussion of this important topic goes about as well as could be expected. Several commenters complain about black people using the word “cracker.” Others complain about the term “small dick energy,” which, to be fair, is a little mean to those with dicks on the smaller side.
One commenter offers this completely true example of how he personally solves the problem.
If a woman ever calls me a sick [sic], I just retort with, “Don’t call me a dick, cunt.” They usually don’t say anything back.
Totally happens, all the time.
Another commenter has this advice.
The main principle is to not allow women to define masculinity nor to allow them to tell you what you (as a male) can and can’t do.
Ok, then. I guess just go ahead and call people “pussies” all you want. See if I care.
Several commenters assure everyone that the word “pussy,” used as an insult, has nothing to do with the word “pussy,” used as a synonym for vagina, and is instead derived from the word “pusillanimous.”
BlackBeard30 asserts:
Women who make that claim are just showing their ignorance. Pussy =/= vagina, well not historically. The etymology of pussy as an insult is interesting. It’s most directly from calling someone a “puss” short for “pusillanimous” (an adjective meaning “showing a lack of courage or determination; timid”). But “pussy” most directly relates to pet cats. Then we went and started using “pussy” so mean both a coward and a cat. But that one thing it never really meant until very recently is “vagina”. That appears to come maybe from some word meaning “pocket”.
However the point being, if women don’t like it used to also mean “vagina” and thus mixing the meanings. Then they simply need stop using it to describe their vaginas and it’ll go back to simply meaning a pet cat or coward.
In case you’re wondering, the “pusillanimous” theory is, in fact, complete and utter bullshit, according to people who actually know about these sorts of things. It takes all of five seconds to look this up on Google. According to Language Log,
There’s a plausible and well documented etymology for the sense of pussy in question, namely puss + y → pussy = childish or colloquial word for “pet cat” → term of endearment for a woman → sweet or amiable woman → sweet or effeminate man→ weakling/coward/sissy, with the parallel development of pussy = female genitals lurking somewhere in the background. …
There’s no positive evidence for the pusillanimous → pussy derivation as a genuine historical source — it seems to be a sporadic folk etymology.
That said, there’s apparently no historical link either between “pussy” meaning weak, or a sissy, and “pussy” meaning vagina. But “pussy” is clearly an insult based on the idea that weak men are like women. So it’s still rather a misogynistic term.
For all the details, see the link above.
Back in the Men’s Rights subreddit, meanwhile, PlasticApocalypse7 just wants everyone to get along–with body parts, theirs and others.
No one should use body parts as insults, especially ones involved in the continuation of our species and for most people the greatest source of pleasure in their life, as that creates a subconscious negativity with penises and vaginas.
Well, I suppose, but you’ve got to be able to call people “assholes,” even though the humble asshole in real life is a very useful body part and often a source of pleasure as well. But I’m not willing to give it up as an insult.
What a bunch of dicks.

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Eh, they do have a point? I mean I don’t particularly care for anyone calling people the D-word either. We should be de-gendering insults as much as possible, just because men aren’t typically hurt as much by it as women are doesn’t make it a good idea. Also not all penis-havers are men and/or masculine. Their attitude towards it in this particular instance is still kind of sucky though.
@Love is All We Need: I’m going to guess “poche”? It’s a french word meaning small bag or pocket, and is the origin of the English word “pouch”. If not, I got nothing.
I prefer “erectile dysphoria”.
The typical Men’s Right Redditor can best be described as what noted mental health expert Lucy Van Pelt would call “a blockhead”.
To be fair I agree with him. Cock is a much better word anyways.
Noun (1)
puss entry 1
Noun (2)
perhaps of Low German or Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse pūss pocket, pouch, Low German pūse vulva, Old English pusa bag
Noun (3)
short for pussycat
About “pussy”, in M-W.
Also, ‘bag’ in Finnish is ‘pussi’ (as one of the options for it), much to giggles of people in Anglosphere.
“Purse” would seem to be another cognate.
Have any of the chuds quoted above, re: either the gendered insults or “cracker” and “whitey” and friends vs. the N-word, been taught the distinction between punching up and punching down, and the connection with which groups are structurally privileged? :/
@Surplus to Requirements:
Haven’t you heard? The straight white male is the most oppressed group of all, so obviously they’re punching up. 🙄
@Surplus: Maybe. but they probably started screaming thet the woke mob was coming for them. In the netherlands, we tend to swear with diseases. On the positive side, those aren’t gendered. On the other side, well, that tends to upset people who know someone who died of said disease and the disease is often an adjective to a gendered insult.
A pox upon the house of anyone who’s used it with a gendered insult!
Meanwhile, heads up everybody. Seems the database has been having a bit of tummy trouble since the pledge drive or so, and just burped up over 100 posts backdated to, in some cases, over three weeks ago in nearly every thread that started during or after said pledge drive. (Normally the only posts to show up backdated are ones that were held for moderation, and those generally show up within 48 hours, and there are only a few or even none appearing in any given calendar day, not dozens in one big batch.)
So, there’s lots of stuff you’ve likely missed to go back for. :/
I note that asshole is a gender-free term, in almost every sense.
Everyone’s got one. and so damn many people are one.
Pustulent excrescence comes in handy, but it’s more suited to the written than the spoken word imo. Poxy toerag has great syllables, but the connotations are, well, very classist. In practice, arse/arsehole is the go-to.
(PS the etymology of ‘vagina’ is Latin sheath/scabbard/hull-husk-covering of grain, which I think the manospherian poster might have been trying to refer to, it’s just that this detail pales into insignificance beside all their other garbage.)
To note, “chatte” is also a slang word in french for the female genitalia. Animal metafors to designate private parts are not unusual in many languages, after all. The “pusillanimous” theory is, indeed, as ridiculous as the one saying that it is called pussy/chatte because if you “pet” it, you get a “purr”. Non-linguists like these guys have too much imagination, tch.
Have a nice day.
if you’re being called a “dick” by women often enough to need a canned retort i don’t think the problem is the word
I would rather not hear the phrase “small dick energy” used as an insult ever again. Body shaming is wrong, and this particular body shame can hurt trans masc people.
I will concede that S.D.E. risks too much collateral damage, but we really need a compact insult for “men who act as if they are ashamed of or overcompensating for their perceived lack of sexual prowess” without specifically referencing any physical penile qualities.
Blackbeard is just trying to bore us all to death.
@ moregeekthan
“Cockamamie” might fill the bill.
“Small Dick Energy” is no different to “Napoleon Complex”.
Make of that what you will.
Skiriki – Hi!
I’ve sporadically read the Finnish feminist magazine Tulva, which for a while used to feature semi-ironic textile crafting tips. One time, there was the instruction for crafting a reusable “pakastepussy” – a vaguely vulva-themed small and lightweight fabric bag for when you shop frozen foods (pakaste) at the grocery store. These are typically packaged in plastic (often a sealed bag-like package, commonly known in Finnish as pakastepussi), the surface of which condenses moisture from the air, which can be icky and unhygienic if you have the frozen things loose in your actual grocery shopping bag. Therefore, you might want to segregate them in a separate small bag.
(The name Tulva means “flood”, and is presumably also a wordplay on vulva)
Well, speaking of Napoleon’s bits…
Although I’m not sure it’s fair to measure it 200 years after it parted ways from its former owner.
It did give us one of the best article titles though…
As one pussy-owner pointed out, pussies have both warmth and depth; so we should never apply that word to people who have neither of those things.
Love is All We Need: “vagina” was the Latin word for “sheath.” Not sure if it was also applied to pockets.
Taking this with more seriousness than it perhaps deserves, and leaving the etymology aside — these guys are talking to the wrong people. Most of the time, it isn’t women who call other women pussies, nor is it women who call men dicks. Although women may do both things, women don’t typically make a habit out of it. Most of the time, it’s men who call other men pussies and men who call other men dicks, the implication being that a man who’s addressed by the first epithet is weak and that a man addressed by the second epithet is obnoxious. If name-calling is wrong (and it might be) it’s a wrong perpetrated mostly by men, some of whom are to be found in the manosphere. If our philanthropists want to put a stop to name-calling, maybe they might want to start there.
We don’t really use the P word here; it seems more American. So if people want an alternative, may I suggest our word, ‘wuss’.
No idea what the etymology of that is.