alt-right oppressed white men racism scott adams white supremacy

White nationalists to Scott Adams: Join us!

Scott Adams: Mighty white of you!

In the wake of a racist tirade from Dilbert creator Scott Adams, the white nationalists at Counter-Currents are urging the cartoonist and right-wing bloviator to go all the way and embrace white identity politics.

In a livestream last week, Adams declared black Americans a hate group and advised whites to “get the fuck away” from blacks by moving to all-white neighborhoods– “just get as much distance as you can.” He suggested that white people stop trying to help black people entirely and complained that

every damn day, I look on social media, and there’s some black person beating the shit out of some white person. I’m kind of over it. I’m over it, alright? So I quit.

The tirade has gotten Adams canceled, big time, with hundreds of papers dropping his no longer funny strip. He’s also lost a book deal. Naturally, he’s responded not by apologizing but by whining. He’s feeling very victimized by the whole thing.

But in the process, he’s made himself some new friends on the far right, who are urging him to lean in on the whole racism thing and become an official white nationalist. In the virtual pages of the white nationalist Counter-Currents site, Spencer J. Quinn has penned an open letter to Adams, thanking him for his video and urging him to embrace his white identity.

Quinn tells Adams that the views put forth in his video are “perfectly congruent with White Nationalism” and that he agrees with all of them, from the assertion that black Americans are a hate group to Adams’ complaint about videos featuring black people beating up on whites. “So, I agree with you,” writes Quinn.

There is no fixing this problem — at least not according to how our current society is organized. As you say, the best advice for white people is to escape blacks.

Well, guess what? That is exactly the platform of White Nationalism! If you read Counter-Currents at all, you will realize that White Nationalists want escape as much as you do. They want it so bad they push for outright secession from our modern liberal democracies, which actively encourage racial diversity and tacitly support the anti-whiteism that you so heartily deplore. Why not try to get away from these people?

Quinn complains that

the black power structure in America seeks to do two things above all: consolidate black territory in cities through an indulgent attitude towards crime, poverty, and corruption (which serves to keep non-blacks out), as well as invade white spaces … forc[ing] once-implicitly white organizations as diverse as the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing , National Aeronautics and Space Administration, [and the] Society for Creative Anachronism … to bend the knee to black inclusion ….

Forsooth, they’re taking over the Society for Creative Anachronism! Where, my lords and ladies, will it end?

But Quinn has criticisms as well, suggesting that Adams’ explicit rejection of “white supremacy” means he’s “not being serious” because, as a rich cartoonist, he isn’t in the trenches in the race war like less-well-off whites. “Please remember,” Quinn urges,

that most whites don’t have such privilege. When blacks … invade their spaces, either at work or in their neighborhoods, there are only so many places to which these whites can escape. And the aim of the American black power structure is to one day prevent escape for them entirely. Blacks want access to whites, plain and simple.

And then he returns to the alleged scourge of anti-white violence.

Also, don’t you think that membership in some “white supremacist” (read: pro-white) group would have actually come in handy for the victims in those “beat up whitey” videos you complain about? Wouldn’t you at least lend your support to a group designed to prevent this sort of violence to begin with? You cannot possibly believe it is just desserts that these white victims have no one to whom they can turn.

Quinn concludes, trying to guilt-trip Adams into becoming a full-on white supremacist–sorry, white nationalist.

Since White Nationalism takes the needs and desires of these forsaken whites into account, it is a highly moral position to hold. You advise white people to stay away from blacks, and that’s great. But White Nationalists are the only people working on ways to actually make that a reality for all whites, especially the ones who lack the means to follow your advice. This is the difference between someone who dabbles in racial identity and people who truly take it seriously.

Quinn makes it clear that all Adams needs to do is to embrace the words “white nationalism,” at which point he will become instantly “serious” and have a whole new set of friends for life.

We accept you, one of us. Gooble-gobble, one of us!

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Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

He’ll be working at the Daily Wire or Prager U in no time.

2 years ago

Journalism professor and press critic Jay Rosen thinks that Adams planned to get his strip cancelled:

I would guess he is aiming higher than Prager U for his new career but who knows.

2 years ago

The only thing I know about Fatal is that it’s the RPG decent people refuse to talk about. It is so out of bounds of good taste that no one even know why.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

It’s become somewhat of a flex and a “virtue signal” for right wingers to get “cancelled”. It a money maker. Another grift in a sea of grifts.

2 years ago

Getting canceled could be a money-maker, but getting canceled because he hates Black people is not going to be. The important thing in getting canceled for dog-whistling is that you have to dog-whistle. Joining the KKK is not going to be popular, even with Fox News.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Joining the KKK is not going to be popular, even with Fox News.

He won’t join the KKK but I’ll bet anything he will get interviewed by Fox News.

2 years ago

Nah. I think he took it too far. He could have said something about thug culture or crime or such. But saying “I want to get the hell away from black people” is saying the quiet part out loud. There was a survey recently that showed a majority of Trump voters are also upset about him. I’ve seen the comments on Fox News online. They all want to attack woke cancel culture, but they are struggling to do so because his words are 100 years past the point of acceptability.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
2 years ago

@Fabe, Dave,

This is a link to a reprint of the FATAL creators’ rebuttal to a negative review of the game from 2003. Be warned that it’s long (like, five separate pages long), and should be marked NSFW due to the original reviewers’ language. On the other hand, it is detailed enough to show what exactly the problems with the game were, and for all I can tell, perhaps some links to the original game documents somewhere.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

@Dave, did you see Candace Owens’ take on it?

2 years ago


Yeah I just read the original review today,I might read the rebuttal later.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

What the fuck? The damn server ate my post when I tried to edit it! That’s broken!



I would guess he is aiming higher than Prager U for his new career but who knows.

It’s become a standard part of the alt-right-adjacent playbook:

  1. Say something outrageously evil (but call it “controversial” rather than “evil”).
  2. Get cancelled.
  3. Whine “I’M BEING SILENCED!!1!!eleven” on Fox Noise before an audience of tens of millions.
  4. Run for President in the next Republican primary.

Followed by either “run the country straight into the ground at maximum warp while picking the taxpayers’ pockets, then spend the rest of your life in fear of FBI raids” or “book deal”, depending on the outcome.


The only thing I know about Fatal is that it’s the RPG decent people refuse to talk about. It is so out of bounds of good taste that no one even know why.

Same reason 4/8chan are, I would expect, and the same reason your parents’ generation had SomethingAwful and your grandparents’ generation had alt.tasteless. To trigger the libs. Edgelords gotta edgelord, yaknow.


It’s become somewhat of a flex

Erm, what? I’ve seen this bizarre usage a few times in recent months.

@Dave, did you see Candace Owens’ take on it?

That’d be like asking for a slime mold’s take on digger wasp reproductive biology, surely? :/

2 years ago


Yikes. The Wikipedia page on that RPG is… wild, and somehow both shocking and extremely predictable – the creators apparently thought it was “highbrow” and involved “erudite philosophy.” It’s the most neckbeardy thing I’ve read about in quite a while.

2 years ago


Yeah but there is also the RPg ‘Fate’ which is is like the exact opposite of ‘fatal’ . that systeam goes out of its way to try and be inculusive. I mean they have a entire supplement about Roleplaying characters with disabilities in a accurate and respectful manor

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

No, not the SCA! No mucking up fictional European history with allowing Black people to exist, as they did in Actual Fucking Europe at the time. I have known Black SCAdians, who indeed have been around since before this chucklehead was born. I knew some of the founders of the SCA and they DGAF about people’s race. If you wanna wear costumes, tote non-lethal forms of weapons, go to Pennsic, and have the dough to do all that, you can join.

And yes, more of us here know about the SCA than NASCAR. I mean, I’ve had SCA members stay at my house, had beers with others, and never go to a Ren Faire without a costume. But I know exactly one person who’s into NASCAR. But also fandom.

NASCAR was set up to be racist, and now they get pushback for that, so they let a few Black guys in. Despite plenty ol Black bootleggers back in the day. I’m pretty sure the color of your skin has no bearing on whether you can drive a car fast on small roads to avoid the revenooers.

@SpecialFFrog: Extremely plausible/likely.

@Surplus: Search engines are your friend. Ask Google, Bing, DDG, etc. for “(phrase) meaning”. Or Urban Dictionary if you’re feeling brave.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

A search engine can’t read LIAWN’s mind. (And if it can, stop the planet I want to get off.) Searching for “flex” will produce results mostly irrelevant to this novel usage, and it may not be clear which, if any, are relevant to what LIAWN had in mind.

Besides, why should I ask Google what LIAWN meant when I can ask LIAWN what LIAWN meant? It may mean waiting a little longer but it will also have by far the greatest probability of leading to an accurate understanding.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Flex means like flexing one’s muscles. Showing off. So for right-wingers, getting cancelled is a flex.

The Wizard Of Snark
The Wizard Of Snark
2 years ago

I swear on all that’s holy, white supremacists are getting dumber by the day. But hey, that’s what happens when your “luminaries” are has-beens like the creator of “Dilbert” and a TV-dinner princeling mindlessly turning an hour of television into “Cocomelon” for bigots.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


Thank you.