homophobia incels misogyny sexual inequality

Gay men are stealing our women, incels lament

Incels have a new sworn enemy: gay men. In a post on the forum, someone calling himself SocialzERo laid out the basics of what he calls the “f*gpill.”

The most popular men among foids are homosexuals. They get along with foids, hang around them, and see their intimate parts.

His evidence? The fondness that “zoomer foids” have for K-pop.

These chinks are so popular among young foids that they find Jungkook, and other rainbow-haired niggas more attractive than classic gigachads like Henry Cavil or Brad Pitt. Foids fantasize about faggots in fanfics and yaoi.

Never mind that Brad Pitt is 59 years old; teen girls and young women should lust after men old enough to be their fathers.

RL experience backs up this theory too. From my experience, the most popular men among foids (they hang w them out and gossip with them) are ALWAYS f*ggots. Today I experienced it myself when in a group of 3 I felt left alone cause foid (who wasn’t even attractive btw) talked only to the f*g despite me trying to socialize with them (for positive social credit -it’s not like I like them). I was brutally ignored. TAKE THE FAGPILL.

Yeah, I’m sure the fact that you’ve literally posted 1,887 posts on has nothing to do with why “foids” ignore you.


In a follow-up comment, he complained that it wasn’t just pretty boys who were the problem; even “fat f*gs” do better than incels with women.

My classmate from ms, who was actually a fat fag got more female interaction than I ever will in my entire life,” he wrote, “so it’s not just chad f*gs who mog.

Naturally, the commenters were happy to join SocialzERo’s antigay crusade.

“This is why i never agree with the idea that [fags are good bro, they make competition easier for men,'” wrote turbocuckcel_7000.

because it literally doesn’t work, as anyone can observe, the competition for women is horrible during one of the gayest times in history, but also like you said, f*gs can steal social capital and become more popular than normal men in the normal social sphere where non-chad men are supposed to succeed by being funny/friendly/etc

don’t even get me started on the fact that there is nothing stopping f*gs from screwing a woman on occasion JFL

Indeed, warned lifefuel,

You’d be hard pressed to find a f*g that does not either sleep with women or has before.

They fraud as f*gs to get closer to women most of the time. It’s actually an evolutionary strategy observed in various species.

Better incel than f*g though.


“Women always favors homosexuals and are infatuated with homosexual and low t men,” lamented Incedel, “just look at popular zoomers, they all [wear] lipstick and shit.”

Sorry, but I don’t think it’s the lack of lipstick that turns women off from a guy who describes himself as a “Mujahideen against the Matriarchy.”

Now, it’s true (as one commenter points out) that nearly 40% of gay men have had sex with a woman at least once in their life, but in many cases, this is just to test if maybe they’re straight or bi. (A much smaller percentage of avowed heterosexual men have slept with other men.) In any case, since a large portion of incels is virgins, it may actually be true that the, er, “AVG F*G GETS MORE PUSSY THAN YOU EVER WILL.” But somehow I don’t think it’s competition from gay men that’s causing women to turn down these outstanding fellows.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

normal men in the normal social sphere

As a Brit I am socially obligated to post this.

2 years ago

This is awful but I’m literally laughing out loud, have these doofs ever even talked to a gay man? Most do not think highly of straight women who hit on them.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Hello, Andrews McMeel Syndication? It’s the 1960s calling; they want their segregationist back …

2 years ago

Today I experienced it myself when in a group of 3 I felt left alone cause foid (who wasn’t even attractive btw) talked only to the f*g despite me trying to socialize with them (for positive social credit -it’s not like I like them). I was brutally ignored.

Maybe they ignored you because you obviously don’t like them. Just a thought.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
2 years ago

These entitled brats are so self involved they can’t seem to understand that some men actually like being around women for reasons other than trying to get in our pants.

Maria Petrov
2 years ago

This sounds weird as well as funny.

Muscovy Duck
Muscovy Duck
2 years ago

Incel discourse will never make sense, but I get the feeling that this would make slightly more sense if any of these people remembered that bisexuals exist. That’s the only way I can make “they’re gay, but also stealing ‘our’ women” even parse as a sentence.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Newsflash: Incels, who by definition are filled with hate, are not attractive in the slightest to straight women.

2 years ago

Of course it has never occurred to incels that they emit awfulness to everyone around them (the bit about talking to a woman for “positive social credit” was particularly telling). Not only that, but men and women can ACTUALLY BE FRIENDS without any sexual aspect creeping in. (I use the creeping advisedly in this instance).

I do wonder if some of these people could do well to try just being in the world instead of deciding to stay in their hateful echo chambers.

Sorry, am a grumpy bitch this morning thanks to a very difficult week at work. Roll on Thursday when I get a day off and catch up with a lovely friend.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tigerheart
2 years ago

Tiger heart

The real question for me on threads like this is maybe it’s true that these blokes really do spend their lives locked into rooms separated from family and everyone else.

Do they not have siblings cousins neighbours study/workmates or other quite ordinary mixed groups? Maybe they’re stuck in a time warp – gurlz have cooties – the last remnant of their 4th grade social group.

2 years ago

Lipstick and shit is a very niche look, no kink shaming from me but even the biggest zoomer is going to struggle for likes.

2 years ago

Um, gay men are not into women. Do these guys even know what “homosexual” means?

2 years ago

This is stupid, even for incels.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

None of my many gay male friends have ever wanted to see my naughty bits. The clue is in the whole concept of them being attracted to other men. A lot of gay men don’t want to see ANY female bits, see last sentence.

Also, none of the wonderful K-pop boys are openly gay, because it’s not allowed. Same with English-speaking boy bands.

If a 15 year old girl had a thing for Brad Pitt (newsflash: lots of women didn’t care for him in his Chaddiest years), I would worry about her swooning over a man her father or even grandfather’s age. I think his kids are all older than that by now! And Cavill’s 39! (He looks hot to me, but then I’m old enough to be his mother, so it’d be icky.)

Tell ’em all their favorite classic movie/TV hunks wore makeup all day every day at work. And then show them how men dressed and groomed in, say, the Baroque era. Or the Founding Fathers in their stockings and wigs.

Try not being trash people who hate women and maybe you’d have more luck.

2 years ago

There are some women (and men) who are into idols/artists/musicians with a genderqueer/genderfuck aesthetic. I don’t know how common that is, but it’s a thing. Not all of those stars are gay (or bisexual for that matter), though a lot of them are.

It’s really not different from any other kind of celebrity worship. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they want to date any of them, even given the opportunity (though some would, remote as that chance might be). If someone is really hung up on celebrity worship and ignores any prospective dating partners, then either they’re not interested right now, or not ready to date yet.

Last edited 2 years ago by Snowberry
2 years ago

This is what the incel echo chamber does to them: when he describes the simple act of socializing in a group of 3, he feels he has to defend this and assures the audience it’s not because he wanted to.

2 years ago

It’s mind-boggling how many manosphere complaints can be summed up as “women are interested in the wrong kind of men” because their theory of heterosexual attraction (women universally and exclusively desire hypermasculine, muscular tall men) consistently fails to predict women’s behaviour as individuals *and as a group*… And they don’t change their theory to fit the actual data! They just get mad at women and then go right back to trying to become a Chad / Alpha male or insisting they’re doomed to be single because they’re short.

I know it’s likely not supposed to make sense and be internally consistent but… If someone actually wanted to learn how to be more attractive to women, the first time they saw this sort of complaint should signal to them “oh, these guys don’t actually know anything about women’s dating choices”

Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
2 years ago

@GSS ex noob- you’re right. Holland is out, but there really aren’t many others.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

Gee, could it be that these women hang out with gay men because gay men aren’t interested in them sexually? So they can be friends without continuously worrying their friendship is a sham to get into their pants? Or they could talk about guys they do find attractive? Or something else that they find interesting and doesn’t involve men and attractiveness at all?

Who knows. All sure as hell beats hanging out with a resentful jackass who wants to get into their pants and hates them for it.

2 years ago

They say “gay” and “f*g” but I’m pretty sure they are including any not quite traditionally masculine man in there.
@Rachim I was thinking the same thing. I suppose for an Incel the point is that women still are not dating them specifically, but yeah apparently the idea that women want “Chad” is a universal constant, true everywhere and forever…except when it isn’t.
Even as they acknowledge that it might get them what they want: laid; they still would refuse to do anything that might make a middle schooler call them “gay”. (That is not only what they mean by “gay” but really the trauma of trying to fit in with the other boys and getting bullied is the source of their ideology, or atleast the stereotypes about middle and high school, they don’t try to hide it. While most people would see adulthood as different, they assume adulthood is just more High school politics as depicted by movies from the 1990s.)
Of course there is also a guy saying “Better incel than f*g though” just adding more proof that the “involuntary” in “involuntary celibate” is not entirely accurate. If they admitting that conventional masculinity, as defined by middle schoolers and classic teen movies, was not working for them and thus needed to be abandoned they could do more with their lives.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


It’s mind-boggling how many manosphere complaints can be summed up as “women are interested in the wrong kind of men” because their theory of heterosexual attraction (women universally and exclusively desire hypermasculine, muscular tall men) consistently fails to predict women’s behaviour as individuals *and as a group*… And they don’t change their theory to fit the actual data! They just get mad at women and then go right back to trying to become a Chad / Alpha male or insisting they’re doomed to be single because they’re short.

Exactly. Nor does it help that their self-constructed (21st-Century Cishet) Man Box keeps shrinking: “Fellas, is it gay to wear colors other than black and camo/eat vegetables/cuddle cute animals/observe basic standards of personal hygiene/care for children/display emotion about anything other than sports and war/do anything whatsoever that might be an interest in common with a woman?”

2 years ago

They say “gay” and “f*g” but I’m pretty sure they are including any not quite traditionally masculine man in there.

I mean I’m pretty sure the BTS guys are all straight. Jungkook is obviously way more popular than incels, but he’s never claimed to be gay. Pretty sure this guy only thinks Jungkook is gay because of racism. So yeah.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

They hate K-Pop stars because they don’t fit the Red-Pill-Toxic-Masculine-Alpha-Chad stereotype that they insist all women without exception pine for. It digs at them because they also don’t fit that stereotype so they think “well if women really don’t pine for Chad but they’re still not into me… then…?”

2 years ago

Well that’s a ton of bitterness towards other groups.

epitome of incomprehensibility

The whole thing is ridiculously terrible, but the phrase “during one of the gayest times in history” made me laugh. Imagine that in a documentary: “DURING ONE OF THE GAYEST TIMES IN HISTORY…”