homophobia incels misogyny sexual inequality

Gay men are stealing our women, incels lament

Incels have a new sworn enemy: gay men. In a post on the forum, someone calling himself SocialzERo laid out the basics of what he calls the “f*gpill.”

The most popular men among foids are homosexuals. They get along with foids, hang around them, and see their intimate parts.

His evidence? The fondness that “zoomer foids” have for K-pop.

These chinks are so popular among young foids that they find Jungkook, and other rainbow-haired niggas more attractive than classic gigachads like Henry Cavil or Brad Pitt. Foids fantasize about faggots in fanfics and yaoi.

Never mind that Brad Pitt is 59 years old; teen girls and young women should lust after men old enough to be their fathers.

RL experience backs up this theory too. From my experience, the most popular men among foids (they hang w them out and gossip with them) are ALWAYS f*ggots. Today I experienced it myself when in a group of 3 I felt left alone cause foid (who wasn’t even attractive btw) talked only to the f*g despite me trying to socialize with them (for positive social credit -it’s not like I like them). I was brutally ignored. TAKE THE FAGPILL.

Yeah, I’m sure the fact that you’ve literally posted 1,887 posts on has nothing to do with why “foids” ignore you.


In a follow-up comment, he complained that it wasn’t just pretty boys who were the problem; even “fat f*gs” do better than incels with women.

My classmate from ms, who was actually a fat fag got more female interaction than I ever will in my entire life,” he wrote, “so it’s not just chad f*gs who mog.

Naturally, the commenters were happy to join SocialzERo’s antigay crusade.

“This is why i never agree with the idea that [fags are good bro, they make competition easier for men,'” wrote turbocuckcel_7000.

because it literally doesn’t work, as anyone can observe, the competition for women is horrible during one of the gayest times in history, but also like you said, f*gs can steal social capital and become more popular than normal men in the normal social sphere where non-chad men are supposed to succeed by being funny/friendly/etc

don’t even get me started on the fact that there is nothing stopping f*gs from screwing a woman on occasion JFL

Indeed, warned lifefuel,

You’d be hard pressed to find a f*g that does not either sleep with women or has before.

They fraud as f*gs to get closer to women most of the time. It’s actually an evolutionary strategy observed in various species.

Better incel than f*g though.


“Women always favors homosexuals and are infatuated with homosexual and low t men,” lamented Incedel, “just look at popular zoomers, they all [wear] lipstick and shit.”

Sorry, but I don’t think it’s the lack of lipstick that turns women off from a guy who describes himself as a “Mujahideen against the Matriarchy.”

Now, it’s true (as one commenter points out) that nearly 40% of gay men have had sex with a woman at least once in their life, but in many cases, this is just to test if maybe they’re straight or bi. (A much smaller percentage of avowed heterosexual men have slept with other men.) In any case, since a large portion of incels is virgins, it may actually be true that the, er, “AVG F*G GETS MORE PUSSY THAN YOU EVER WILL.” But somehow I don’t think it’s competition from gay men that’s causing women to turn down these outstanding fellows.

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Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

Or a B-movie opening crawl …

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

This is just bizarre. The guide info for a movie that’s on some obscure cable channel tonight says:

Just Mercy
Movie. Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Brie Larson. (2019) …

That is an … eclectic cast. It sounds like the setup for a joke: “A basketball star, a singer, and Captain Marvel walk into a bar…”

occasional reader
occasional reader
1 year ago


K-Pop ? Are those incels too millenial to remember of the Visual Key trend with all those girl fans ? (Or maybe it is me being too old, that works too)

Have a nice day.

1 year ago

“Everyone is at fault but me! I’m a poor little victim and never did anything wrong in my entire life! It’s most definitely not because I’m a hateful piece of shit that this is happening to me! They are bullying me!”
– Any incel ever


That’s standard with them, nothing really new…

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
1 year ago

@Full Metal Ox:

Nor does it help that their self-constructed (21st-Century Cishet) Man Box keeps shrinking

Literal WWII vets would take one look at these guys and tell them to clean themselves up fergodsakes and learn how to dance, maybe make some small talk.

Last edited 1 year ago by Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
1 year ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility, @Surplus to Requirements:

 “It is a gay time in the Galaxy. Pride parade routes are in dispute.”

1 year ago


That is an … eclectic cast. It sounds like the setup for a joke: “A basketball star, a singer, and Captain Marvel walk into a bar…”

You might be kidding, but in case you’re not… That’s not the Jordan you’re thinking of. Michael Bakari Jordan is a pretty great actor, who was in Black Panther and has played Apollo Creed’s son in a series of movies. Michael Jeffrey Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. (And also an actor, if you can call what he did in Space Jam acting.)

Jamie Foxx is of course an Oscar-winning actor and standup comic with what amounts to a side hustle as a singer.

Brie Larson is, indeed, Captain Marvel. (One of them.)

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

I came up with a completion for that joke.

A basketball star, a singer, and Captain Marvel walk into a bar. The basketball star says “Ow! My midsection!”. The singer says “Ow! My head!”. The bar says “Ow! My midsection!”.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@occasional: It goes back much farther than that. The Beatles were “too cute” and had “girl hair”. Women have always liked pretty boys.

@Moon: I can hear them now: “Stand up straight! Quit mumbling! Learn where the nice restaurants are! Dress better, take a bath and comb your hair, and STOP whining like a baby! No wonder you can’t get a girl.”

Also, with their attitudes, everyone knows they’d be terrible in bed. Regardless of their looks, nobody of any gender wants to date them.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

On a more serious note:

(TW: horrific police murders)

Lakitha Tolbert
Lakitha Tolbert
1 year ago

Just thought this should go here. I think it’s deeply funny and probably someone a lot less ethical than me could do it….

The Wizard Of Snark
The Wizard Of Snark
1 year ago

HOLY FISH-PASTE, are incels off in their own little demiplane of self-loathing and misogyny. And all because the Homecoming Queen didn’t fall to her knees to give some sociopathic nebbish a BJ because the dope held the door open for her.

Mañuel Laver
Mañuel Laver
1 year ago

@Battering Lamb:

Cis-male, heterosexual, I have been, in effect, married since barely aged 17, and (pacem the axe-grinding, non–peer-reviewed, Sex at Dawn) I seem to be naturally monogamous—I have never made any effort at all to have sex with anyone but my wife nor wanted thereto.

Women get along really well with me. I think it’s not just that they don’t see me trying to have sex with them, I think that continually trying to do so or hoping to do so distorts many men’s behaviour, not least because they’ve been left unhappy with women.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

That would seem to create a chicken-and-egg problem, where women are disinterested in men who aren’t already having sex with women (or else gay) … that would in turn have catastrophic effects on birthrates that obviously haven’t actually happened, so there must be more to it than just that.