advocacy of violence candace owens transphobia

Candace Owens says she would beat a trans teenager with a cane

Professional far-right hatemonger Candace Owens declared on a recent Daily Wire podcast that she would beat a hypothetical trans grandson with a cane.

Relating what she called a “funny” story of a grandmother who rejected her trans grandson, Owens remarked that

when I’m grandma, I get any foolishness like that, I don’t know. I wanna be a sweet grandma, I really do, I wanna be a sweet old lady, but I feel like I may be the kind to hit somebody with a cane ….

Owens has long been an outspoken transphobe, calling trans people “demonic” and “mentally ill” and declaring that “I have such great contempt for trans individuals … I’ve yet to meet a trans person that I thought was a good individual.”

I think the feeling is mutual.

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Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

@Love is All We Need:

What would have inspired Gamergate to side with Candace?

That’s pretty simple, actually. One of the first people that spoke out against Owens’ ofrs was Zoe Quinn. Not long after Quinn tried to warn Owens about the mess she was stepping into, Owens got attacked by Gamergate. Owens somehow decided that Quinn was the one who had deliberately called down the mob on her, and started attacking Quinn as if she were part of a conspiracy against her (since she already figured Quinn was against her because Quinn had pointed out that Owens’ anti-bullying site would not only not work but be co-opted within days). So Owens started treating Quinn as a bully.

At this point the smarter folks within Gamergate realized that Owens’ grievance against Quinn could be used to their advantage, and they started sweet-talking and recruiting her. So instead of co-opting the site, they co-opted her instead.

Since then Owens has pretty much gone the full ‘token Black Conservative outrage generator’ route, getting deeper and deeper into Alex Jones territory as she act as nothing but a grifter and troll.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Since then Owens has pretty much gone the full ‘token Black Conservative outrage generator’ route, getting deeper and deeper into Alex Jones territory

“Conspiracy theories are mind yoga.”

Here she claims conspiracy theories should be heard because they make us think as opposed to being “brainwashed” by university professors.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ raging bee

among the Catholicized Pueblo Indians in the New Mexico area there was a group called the Penitentes

As referenced in Brave New World, where John was raised in such a community and resorts to self flagellation when he gets distressed.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

New legislation in Spain makes it easier to access abortion, get paid sick leave if you have severe menstrual symptoms, and legally change your gender on your IDs.

2 years ago

@ Love is All We Need

Excellent. I shall count her a fan of WHTM then, as conspiracy theories are regularly heard here

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ .45 & LIAWN

conspiracy theories are regularly heard here

I was a bit disappointed this was down to China, and not Israel trolling everyone.

(If I was ISA I’d project a dot every time MTG left the house; like she was a cat or something.)

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

First off, I want to thank you again for alerting me to Pancake Day.

But I suspect shining a laser at MTG might not do much. My cat sometimes loses track of the little red dot and I doubt MTG is half as observant as she is. It could be a lot of energy wasted for little payback

Edit: @ Love is All We Need

Sorry, I wasn’t willing to watch all of that video, but I do find it funny how people have been ranting to declassify UFO information since forever and now that some of it has been they still aren’t happy. (Not sure how “pilots saw strange stuff” confirms aliens, but to each their own. That must be the stuff they are still keeping under wraps)

Last edited 2 years ago by .45
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ .45

You’re very welcome. My social media is all people posting their pancake making related disasters. Good job it’s only once a year.

Gerry Sheridan
2 years ago

Honestly if this a treat others like you’d be treated because I have three diferent canes and one that wouldn’t shatter on impact. If you catch my drift….

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Just catching up on today’s pancake races. For those not familiar, rules are pretty simple. You have to run, and flip the pancake without dropping it.

This is the Livery Company one. Possibly my favourite as it’s at the Guildhall and that’s one of my fave buildings in London.

(Also someone goes flying and I respect that level of commitment)

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

Hmmmn . . . I think they should all be disqualified, I admit the camera angle didn’t let you see them properly all the way, but I saw no signs of tossing.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

My mom always made pancakes (or at least went where she could get them) on this day. No flipping occurred, though, just butter and maple syrup. Sometimes her church would do it for charity.

Candeath thinks she’s “one of the good ones”. They never learn that when push comes to shove, there are no “good ones”. A black woman with a career? One of the first to go.

I mean, Herman Cain also thought he was one of the good ones, and it literally killed him.

(Back to getting ready for many guys to do expensive loud things. Preliminary visit today scared the cat greatly.)

Hoosier X
Hoosier X
2 years ago

Who does she think she is? A GOP politician with aspirations for the US presidency in 2024?

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
2 years ago

Love is All We Need: That holiday is called Ashura, and IIRC it’s not just one day, it’s at least a week of self-flagellation and religious hysteria on parade. I think it commemorates the savage murder of one of Mohammed’s grandsons or core followers; so lots of persecution mania as well. I remember it happened about a month after those so-called “students” overran the US Embassy; and everyone in the US was wondering if any of our people there would survive that wave of lunacy.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

@Hoosier X:

Who does she think she is? A GOP politician with aspirations for the US presidency in 2024?

I was going to say ‘no, she’d be aspiring to be Ye’s running mate in the 2024 election’, but apparently as part of her ‘Blexit’ campaign (trying to convince black people to leave the Democratic party and join the Republicans) she falsely claimed that Ye designed the campaign T-shirts, and when he found out he cut ties with her at least temporarily.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
2 years ago

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have a creeping suspicion Candace wouldn’t stop at just cane beatings.

2 years ago

Ashura ceremonies proceed and succeed the day of Ashura itself, but the flagellation is practiced only on Ashura day, the tenth of the month of Muharram. The day commemorates the killing of Muhammed’s grandson Husayn son of Ali and maybe 100 of his relatives and followers by a 5000 strong army of the Umayyad caliph who was worried that such a prominent descendant of Muhammed might become the centerpoint of a rebellion against him. To be fair, Husayn probably was thinking of fomenting said rebellion even before the caliph threatened his life and then made good on the threat. Killing Husayn predictably did nothing to help the caliph stay in power, and the rest of his reign was marked by nonstop turmoil.

Interestingly, the ayatollahs are actually against the flagellation. Supreme Leader Khameni issued a fatwa against in in 1993, and Iran has cracked down on people who flagellate publicly. I imagine they are worried that such a level of fervor might one day be turned against them, but I have no idea. Maybe he’s actually worried about his people’s safety to at least a small degree.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave
Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

Just adding to my previous comment… honestly, the ‘falsely claimed Ye designed the shirts’ (and later denying she had claimed that despite video evidence when Ye got upset) is such a minor thing, but that’s in part what makes it such a big thing.

A lot of her other lies are obviously grifting, saying what her audience expects, and/or being unable to see reality from within the right-wing rabbit hole. But this… it’s just such a minor thing, something that was utterly unnecessary to say at all, something she certainly should have known to be false, and so obviously something that would backfire badly when the person being lied about (who was on her own team) found out. It really indicates just how little the concept of verifiable truth means to her or people like her.

Tabby Lavalamp
2 years ago

It was this very blog where I first learned about Candace Owens and what broke her was being told by victims of GamerGate that a doxxing app wasn’t the best idea.

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Off-topic, but this post seemed an appropriate place to leave this Tomato Surprise: according to research on PBS series Finding Your Roots, civil rights activist, Marxist, and onetime Black Panther Angela Davis turns out to be a Mayflower descendant:

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Hoosier X

Who does she think she is? A GOP politician with aspirations for the US presidency in 2024?

No. She’s only about 33. Give her another 7-10 years. If she’s still a popular mainstream name, she’ll probably run.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

I am delighted about Angela Davis, even if it was a shock to her!

The Wizard Of Snark
The Wizard Of Snark
2 years ago

Thing is… Candace Owens doesn’t actually believe any of this nonsense. She just says these things to her bosses because a paycheck’s a paycheck.