Professional far-right hatemonger Candace Owens declared on a recent Daily Wire podcast that she would beat a hypothetical trans grandson with a cane.
Relating what she called a “funny” story of a grandmother who rejected her trans grandson, Owens remarked that
when I’m grandma, I get any foolishness like that, I don’t know. I wanna be a sweet grandma, I really do, I wanna be a sweet old lady, but I feel like I may be the kind to hit somebody with a cane ….
Owens has long been an outspoken transphobe, calling trans people “demonic” and “mentally ill” and declaring that “I have such great contempt for trans individuals … I’ve yet to meet a trans person that I thought was a good individual.”
I think the feeling is mutual.

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As if beating someone ever changed anything fundamental about them. Sure they may lie to your face so you won’t hurt them again or just avoid you completely, but you won’t have changed them.
And what about the grandkid’s parents (one of whom would be her son or daughter)? Would she beat them too, for not aborting their trans kid? If she actually has kids, how has she been treating them?
Spoken like a sociopath (or liar, or both) who doesn’t have children and/or truly care about them.
Also like someone who knows her audience still beats their children and hates LGBTQ.
I am over 60 and by the time I was born, my mother was already anti-spanking. The most I ever got was a pop on the clothed butt when I was willfully doing something I wasn’t supposed to, generally a hazard to health. And I could count those on one hand.
Everyone who isn’t a (slur) knows corporal punishment doesn’t work. Like Jazzlet said, at best, it teaches them to lie better. Sometimes they get a gun and kill the abusers, so watch out there, Candeath! Also, I hope someone puts you in a shitty nursing home when you’re old and steals all your money.
Dear Ms. Owens: Hop on your broom and go back to Hogwarts.
I do notice how in all their little sorry stupid fantasies about beating up on people they consider powerless, transphobes (and other bigots) don’t ever seem to think that the people they want to bully might fight back. After all, we are feeling increasingly closed in and some of us are going to start getting defensive.
If I were were her (and thank gob I’m not) I’d think twice about thinking someone is an “easy-win” just because they’re different from me and I think less of them.
Her poor children (she has two).
And I’m sure with your attitude you must have a great deal of experience with trans people. *Rolls eyes hard enough to put serious credence to the phrase “Eyes on the back of the head”*
@ Lakitha Tolbert
Ah, but fighting back is not… fighting… fair. They are on the side of the righteous after all, and should not be challenged in any way. Fighting back is proof that you are dangerous and cannot be trusted and they are right to attack you. The only way to win is to lose and let it happen, which is exactly what they want /preaching to the choir
[shrugs] She’s a coward who imagines harming others who she thinks cannot resist. That’s pretty much my definition of being consciously and intentionally evil, which cannot be overlooked or tolerated at all.
She’d only do such a thing, of course, when no one would step in to object – and maybe not even then (“conservative” cowardice is so deep it dare not act, except via words and at a distance, and is always further attenuated by their incredible laziness: she’s rather someone else do the actual deed).
They want secret, plainclothes AND uniformed police protection from their would-be victims, and a Big Brother government sanctioning their violence. And a Church to bless it.
The banality of evil – and greed.
Just a low-down rhymes-with-mouse-trigger (or “trigga” if you prefer).
Some people want her to run for president.
@Nequam- fuck, can you not?? Candace Owens is terrible, but that doesn’t justify implying people should call her slurs, even lightly censored ones
How about you beat yourself with that cane instead, Candace? Wouldn’t be the first time your ilk did that. Heard it was a thing during the Medieval period, too. And at least then it hits the right person…
@Full Metal Ox: I’m sure she’d feel right at home at a place where ‘Kingsley Shacklebolt’ is a perfectly inconspicuous name for one of the few people of African descent. Hell, she might even change her name to fit in.
How about you beat yourself with that cane instead, Candace? Wouldn’t be the first time your ilk did that. Heard it was a thing during the Medieval period, too. And at least then it hits the right person…
It may be more recent than that—there are persistent stories that Pope John Paul II self-flagellated:
I think I heard something about that, too. Wouldn’t be surprised, honestly. Just mentioned the Medieval Period because it was presumably most widespread then, but yeah, it most likely survived anyways.
The core problem is that Owens believes beating of children is acceptable under certain circumstances. No. Hell, no! She’s a monster.
Didn’t she get well-known for anti-bullying campaigns originally?
GSS ex-noob, me too! The last time I got spanked was when I had just turned 5 and that was for crossing the street by myself. It was the first time I realized that I had done something that really scared my mom.
I’m really tired of self-hating people who are horrible to others to get acceptance and approbation from other horrible people.
Hey Candace Ovens,
just because you’re now talking like a bigot you’re chilling with, they will not spare you if they get to do what they want to do. You’ll be in same exact position as us other minorities. You still have time to turn around and start mending things, or at least live a life outside the reach of people who want to kill others. I’m trying to say you’re in danger, but you’re not listening to me or others saying the same.
I’m fairly sure the feeling is mutual, Candace.
Yes, cyber-bullying in particular, as she’d had some experience with that when younger. Then she threw a fit because people with better background knowledge pointed out that her ‘name and shame’ tactics would be immediately co-opted as another method of bullying, and joined up with Gamergate to help rain down harrassment on the people who were saying she was wrong. She immediately lumped everybody who told her that her anti-bullying methods wouldn’t work in with the other ‘bullies’, while happily working with actual bullies that told her what she wanted to hear.
Her anti-bullying work was always only about the specific sort that had affected her rather than bullying in general, and didn’t take any reactions to her tactics into account.
No on cares, Candyass. Why don’t you just shut up?
Older, too. Purportedly, in the early first century CE in Roman-occupied Judea there was a doomsday prophet named Jesus ben Ananias who would wander around self-flagellating and saying “Woe unto Jerusalem!”. He’s one of two Jews named Jesus from that period who are considered candidates for the historical Jesus Christ, though the weaker of those candidates — he was killed by a catapulted stone during a siege, whereas the other was actually ordered crucified by Pontius Pilate because he was able to gather a following that could perhaps have grown into a credible threat to the state. (That these two Jesuses might have been conflated into a single figure by the early Christians should also be considered. Both believed the (Jewish!) apocalypse was at hand and neither was born in Bethlehem, and both are mere footnotes in the contemporary historical documents.)
Also, among the Catholicized Pueblo Indians in the New Mexico area there was a group called the Penitentes, who whipped themselves in big public processions, back in (IIRC) the early 20th century. So yeah, self-flagellation has persisted well past the so-called Dark Ages.
There’s a Shia holy day where public self-flagellation is celebrated in Iran.
What would have inspired Gamergate to side with Candace? She was a woman fighting bullying (or at least she thought so). Even if they wanted to bully people who she said were bullying her, Gamergate was all about doxxing, exposing and bullying women so it doesn’t make sense.