antifeminism misogyny women aren't funny

Women aren’t funny, declare world’s unfunniest men

Over on the Antifeminists subreddit, they’re discussing what is probably the central issue of our age: “Why have feminists made it forbidden to talk about the fact that female comedians aren’t funny?”

Luckily, the fellows on r/antifeminists are willing to confront forbidden (and not, say, completely hackneyed) topics head-on, and the OP gets the discussion off to a fine start by declaring that female comedians are “just plain and simply are not funny whatsoever.” Sadly, Moon-Unity declares,

You mention this almost anywhere and people will race to call you a misogynist incel. It is simply undeniable fact though, female comedians are fucking atrocious, every last one of them.

While Mr. Moon-Unity doesn’t offer a reason for this alleged comedic failure on the distaff side, a fellow called ActOutside4853 has a theory: it’s because women are too stupid.

Humor is a sign of intelligence. And women seem to be clumped up around the median intelligence level whilst men are scattered more both higher and lower.

Its hard to be funny when you are mundane and unimaginative… or if your imagination is focused on thinking hubby might be cheating on you…

You have to be more of a wild card with surprize elements and good timing to be successful at humor.

Also humor tends to be about truth wrapped up in some minor social camouflage, and most Feminists are Ding Dongs, and couldn’t find the truth if it was on a map labeled with large bold dark lettering.

Really Feminists are the natural mates of Incels.. And are using society to protect themselves from having to do their jobs…

Can anyone think of anything Feminists get right?

Only their existence is humorous… and thats probably gonna fall to a new paradigm when they collapse society with their stupid shit, and its open season on them for those hormonally crazy Incels..

You can see it starting to creep in now as society crumbles… strange things happening to women…

its really not too bright to twiddle with what has protected you for thousands of years and bad mouth it…

That whole Patriarchy thing was muchly about equity in division of the burden that are women.

And they are trying to blow that up thinking they can run things better because they are fruitcakes…

Not gonna fly Wilbur….

I felt my IQ drop at least ten points just reading that. But he’s got more. When Moon-Unity challenges him, saying that women aren’t stupid, just unfunny, he responds with a little bit of SCIENCE:

The problem with women, is they have been a protected species for too long.. And its Darwinism that fixes stupid in nature.

Those who take the risks and survive tend to be more intelligent than those who take the risks and dont survive, and more intelligent than those who are protected from risks.

Women often are none to good at risky situations… in fact they tend to scream in unison rather than act.

Almost like they were used to being rescued.

He continues, offering more of his astute observations:

The best female comics are inadvertantly funny… like all those attempting male gender appropriation.

I suspect half of Rachel Madcow’s audience is right wingers laughing.

Mental illness can be humorous at times.

And when the Feminists crash the system and the other women they BS’ed realize what it means, it could get humorous watching what happens…

If it doesn’t get stopped, its likely to be a reset to the year 900 for most women.

They might not like that after being Techno Princesses….

Clearly this guy is quite the judge of comedy.

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Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


Happy Shrove Tuesday to everyone. It’s funny how some vestiges of “carne vale” have remained in Protestant cultures long after Lent was abandoned.

There are Protestants who observe Lent, although the thing renounced for the duration is (in my limited observation) a matter of personal choice: I remember the year my (United Methodist) sister, then a teenager, and her friends gave up cussing for Lent—and thereupon pumped me for all the foreign swearwords I knew to tide them over.

An old Livejournal correspondent of mine, of Dutch descent, told me that Pea Soup Thursday was a tradition in his family, too, and apparently it’s a Swedish thing as well. I’m wondering if the custom also might be a leftover allusion to the myth that it was Thor who gave peas to humanity (admittedly in a divine tantrum, delivered via dragon saturation bombing); you’d know better than I would whether there are similar stories about Ukko.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Happy Pancake Day!

British Rail getting in on the spirit of things.

comment image

(The station is actually London St Pancras; or St Pancreas as people call it)

2 years ago

@ Lumipuna

Sorry you can’t enjoy pea soup, or presumably peas in any form, any more, chronic illness really messes us up.


Well thank Thor and or Ukko for peas then,

2 years ago

Lumipuna said For Shrove Tuesday, there’s pea soup and a special sweet bun filled with either whipped cream and strawberry jam or whipped cream and almond paste. Which filling option is the correct one and which is heresy remains a topic of some debate.

I would very much like a half dozen of each of those special sweet buns so that I could have an informed opinion! Plus a continuing supply in case I can’t make up my mind…

I also like (and can still eat!) pea soup. Here in California, we used to have a chain of restaurants called Pea Soup Andersen’s that were sparsely scattered throughout the state. There’s only one left now in Buellton, which is next door to Solvang. I have smashed pennies from all of them except one.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ hambeast

I have smashed pennies from all of them

What’s a smashed penny? From the context I’m guessing it’s the coin; but what’s the smashing thing?

2 years ago

FMO: The Lent before Easter isn’t entirely unfamiliar to Finnish Lutherans, either, but the Friday Lent pretty much is.

As for Thor and the origin of peas, I’ve never heard of such thing. I’m not that well-read on either Germanic or Finnic mythology, but if the association of peas with Thursdays were really a common Germanic tradition, it could’ve been easily adopted by Finns without the original context.

2 years ago

Alan: many tourist attractions have machines that you put a penny into to have it squashed into a long ovoid with a design pertinent to the place. This site lists a whole bunch of them:

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


I’m wondering if the custom also might be a leftover allusion to the myth that it was Thor who gave peas to humanity (admittedly in a divine tantrum, delivered via dragon saturation bombing); you’d know better than I would whether there are similar stories about Ukko.

Thor? Such a cruel prank sounds more in-character for Loki if you ask me. How many children have had to gag down how many of those vile little spherules in all the centuries since?!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ nequam

put a penny into to have it squashed

Oh wow; that’s pretty cool!

That would be illegal here. Although contrary to popular belief, it’s not treason.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

Somewhere or other I have an old penny that is flattened and stretched into a thin oblong, supposedly by being placed on a rail for a train to run over. It long predates that Act, though I presume there were predecessors forbidding such behaviour. Someone who saw it insisted that it couldn’t have been squashed by a train as it woud have derailed the train . . . I know the wrong kind of leaves can cause slippage, but an old penny derailing a (probably) steam engine? Nah.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ jazzlet

The coin on rail track thing works. It was quite a pastime when I was a kid.

It’s actually really really hard to derail a train. You need special equipment. But that only works at low speeds. In the real incident that Unstoppable film was based on, the train just ploughed over the derailers.

2 years ago

Isaac Newton probably invented the cat flap too. That is, there is a very old catflap in his room at Cambridge university, and he certainly had a cat. It might have been the student before or after him, but he seems to be the most likely candidate.
When he started working at the Royal Mint, the weight of guineas varied by as much as 10%. There were people who weighed all the guineas they received in order to keep the heavier ones and eventually make 11 guineas out of 10 coins – highly illegal and highly lucrative. Newton got the weight variation down to under 1%, which sounds like a bunch of little inventions to me.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ shiela

When Newton was in his lockdown from the plague he wrote Principia. I barely managed to update my website.

Tabby Lavalamp
1 year ago

“For my example of an inadvertently funny female comic, I’m going to use non-comedian Rachel Maddow.”

Call her “Madcow” all you want, dude, she will run intellectual rings around you all day.

1 year ago

@Full Metal Ox:

See also Amber Ruffin. And Wanda Sykes.

Plus Maria Bamford, Chelsea Handler, Leslie Jones, Desi Lydic, Sarah Silverman…

Last edited 1 year ago by personalpest
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

My mother gave up giving things for Lent after she survived cancer.

@Hambeast: There are TWO Pea Soup Andersen’s left! There’s one on 5 about halfway between LA and the Bay Area, north of Harris Ranch. I have eaten there many a time on road trips back and forth. We even ate soup in July or August once, because they don’t stint on the A/C and that soup is still too good to pass up. It’s surrounded by motels, gas stations, etc. but we go for the soup, because who needs McD’s when there’s Andersen’s? Also they sell it in cans, which is not as good but pretty close.

Mr. Andersen was Danish, so he’d have known if it was Thor or not. The internet agrees and says he did it as a punishment and we should eat them weekly on Thor’s day.

(Now everyone else is probably looking at us funny for raving about pea soup in out of the way places, served in restaurants that haven’t changed their decor since maybe the 60s, and mascots since the 40s. I need to get a can.)

I used to have more squashed pennies than I do now… I had ones from many places across the West. Might be down to just a cable car one.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

@GSS ex-noob:

We even ate soup in July or August once, because they don’t stint on the A/C and that soup is still too good to pass up.

Eh? I thought you said it was pea soup. I can imagine few things more horrid … though I’ve never had any myself, thank Christ. But the little solid spherule version of peas is bad enough, where you try to swallow them whole and hope they don’t smush and cause the vile goo inside to erupt and come into contact with your taste buds, and maybe as an added bonus you’ll luck out and choke to death on one and be spared the rest of the meal. In soup form, though, there would be no hope whatsoever of avoiding contact between pea-stuff and your taste buds, so I always figured the soup form was used to punish exceptionally naughty children, maybe when they did something downright dangerous like playing on active railroad tracks or similarly. (I’m skeptical of the deterrence value of punishments in general, let alone torture, and very skeptical of the morality of any of it. As a general rule, punishment deters getting caught, not actually doing the naughty thing in the first place. Rewards have the opposite effect: you’re eager to prove you’ve earned the reward.

I used to have more squashed pennies than I do now… I had ones from many places across the West. Might be down to just a cable car one.


What happened to the others?