antifeminism misogyny women aren't funny

Women aren’t funny, declare world’s unfunniest men

Over on the Antifeminists subreddit, they’re discussing what is probably the central issue of our age: “Why have feminists made it forbidden to talk about the fact that female comedians aren’t funny?”

Luckily, the fellows on r/antifeminists are willing to confront forbidden (and not, say, completely hackneyed) topics head-on, and the OP gets the discussion off to a fine start by declaring that female comedians are “just plain and simply are not funny whatsoever.” Sadly, Moon-Unity declares,

You mention this almost anywhere and people will race to call you a misogynist incel. It is simply undeniable fact though, female comedians are fucking atrocious, every last one of them.

While Mr. Moon-Unity doesn’t offer a reason for this alleged comedic failure on the distaff side, a fellow called ActOutside4853 has a theory: it’s because women are too stupid.

Humor is a sign of intelligence. And women seem to be clumped up around the median intelligence level whilst men are scattered more both higher and lower.

Its hard to be funny when you are mundane and unimaginative… or if your imagination is focused on thinking hubby might be cheating on you…

You have to be more of a wild card with surprize elements and good timing to be successful at humor.

Also humor tends to be about truth wrapped up in some minor social camouflage, and most Feminists are Ding Dongs, and couldn’t find the truth if it was on a map labeled with large bold dark lettering.

Really Feminists are the natural mates of Incels.. And are using society to protect themselves from having to do their jobs…

Can anyone think of anything Feminists get right?

Only their existence is humorous… and thats probably gonna fall to a new paradigm when they collapse society with their stupid shit, and its open season on them for those hormonally crazy Incels..

You can see it starting to creep in now as society crumbles… strange things happening to women…

its really not too bright to twiddle with what has protected you for thousands of years and bad mouth it…

That whole Patriarchy thing was muchly about equity in division of the burden that are women.

And they are trying to blow that up thinking they can run things better because they are fruitcakes…

Not gonna fly Wilbur….

I felt my IQ drop at least ten points just reading that. But he’s got more. When Moon-Unity challenges him, saying that women aren’t stupid, just unfunny, he responds with a little bit of SCIENCE:

The problem with women, is they have been a protected species for too long.. And its Darwinism that fixes stupid in nature.

Those who take the risks and survive tend to be more intelligent than those who take the risks and dont survive, and more intelligent than those who are protected from risks.

Women often are none to good at risky situations… in fact they tend to scream in unison rather than act.

Almost like they were used to being rescued.

He continues, offering more of his astute observations:

The best female comics are inadvertantly funny… like all those attempting male gender appropriation.

I suspect half of Rachel Madcow’s audience is right wingers laughing.

Mental illness can be humorous at times.

And when the Feminists crash the system and the other women they BS’ed realize what it means, it could get humorous watching what happens…

If it doesn’t get stopped, its likely to be a reset to the year 900 for most women.

They might not like that after being Techno Princesses….

Clearly this guy is quite the judge of comedy.

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2 years ago

I find MRA’s to be jokes of human beings. Does that count as comedy? Lucille Ball would run laps around his shriveled nutsack.

Em Zuli
Em Zuli
2 years ago

Of course women are funny. MRAs just have no sense of humor.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@En Zuli: What you said.

I recommend the (HBO?) specials from a few years ago entitled “Women of a Certain Age”, which has a bunch of really good stand-ups. I watched one about a year or so ago when I was completely alone and was genuinely LOL, to the point where I had to pause the DVR and back up b/c I’d missed the next joke.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

They’re doing MAJOR work on my house this week (maybe into next?), for which I have at least another day of work to get ready for that, so nobody worry if I don’t show up for a while. Between the noise, random workmen, the cat’s panic, my exhaustion from all of it and recovering (plus usual life), I am going to be flattened.

Think hopefully for me and kitty, send money (no, send it to David instead! send me chocolate), and light a candle to St. Vincent Ferrer if that’s your thang.

happy cat
happy cat
2 years ago

They just feel offended because women don’t laugh at their sexist, racist, problematic jokes.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

@GSS ex-noob

Oh, that sounds like quite a challenge. Wishing you & your kitty good luck.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Can anyone think of anything Feminists get right?

Why, yes, I can. We won these rights, among many others:

equal access to public universities
job advertisements that don’t specify gender
the same minimum wage without regard to gender
equal access to credit cards

Something else that feminists get right is laughing at your sorry ass.

[W]omen seem to be clumped up around the median intelligence level whilst men are scattered more both higher and lower.

Lower, huh?

Ada Christine
Ada Christine
2 years ago

the fact that this clown more than insinuates that women are a distinct species from men tells me everything i need to know about how to evaluate their statements

2 years ago

its really not too bright to twiddle with what has protected you for thousands of years and bad mouth it…

Again with the “you need our protection” shtick. I’ve been seeing more of that lately online. Funny how the ones claiming we need their “protection” are the same men threatening to turn violent if they could get away with it (such as during a social collapse).

This seems to be a common theme online whenever women ask for more help with the housework. “But we work 40 hours a week providing!” “But men are the PROTECKTORS, we fight bad guys for you!” Buddy, the chances of you needing to fight off a mugger in the street are low. Meanwhile a woman is far more likely to face violence from her own male partner than a stranger. Are these whiny Trad Men going to protect us from themselves?

2 years ago

@ sunnysombrera

Are these whiny Trad Men going to protect us from themselves?

Well, by ranting and being assholes all the time, thus limiting their ability to get a girlfriend or wife, it seems they are working on it

2 years ago

@ Ada Christine

Yup the “women as a different species” is always helpful in placing the spoutings of those who espouse it.

I guess they haven’t caught up with all the recent archaology that has been running the DNA of excavated skeletons, and finding that a lot of graves previously identified as those of men because of all the weaponry are turning out to be those of women. Oops patriarcal archaologists of the past you were wrong in your sexist assumtions. Seems some of us were protecting ourselves and our communities.

2 years ago

Oh and as for funny women I could name dozens, but that wouldn’t convince any of these knuckleheads.

2 years ago

Men who claim women aren’t funny are simply angry that the women are ridiculing their entitled bullshit.

2 years ago

There has to be some empathy and connection for humor to really work. You have identify with the comic or their situation. Since these dipshits don’t identify with women at all, they can’t find any humor in what female comics have to say, even if they use the same topics as male comedians. Realizing a woman is a human being who experiences the same world (more or less) as they do is completely unfathomable to them.

It happens with other cultures’ humor for me, but I don’t go around saying Spanish people aren’t funny or Chinese people don’t have a sense of humor because I’m not self-absorbed piece of trash. At least not in the way these asswipes are.

2 years ago

Some Dipshit wrote:

Humor is a sign of intelligence. And women seem to be clumped up around the median intelligence level whilst men are scattered more both higher and lower.

I’ve heard that claim before, and the evidence is inconclusive; multiple studies have both confirmed and contradicted it.

But for the sake of argument, let’s suppose that it’s true; that wouldn’t mean that there aren’t women who are just as smart as the smartest men, it would just mean there were fewer of them than men. So by dipshit’s own logic, it wouldn’t be that “women aren’t funny,” only that fewer women are funny across the entire human population.

Given that professional comedians are a minuscule subset of the human population, it’s seems laughably unlikely that there wouldn’t be sufficient women who are smart enough to be fucking hilarious that they simply wouldn’t be represented in professional comedy at all.

It’s almost like these “brilliant” motherfuckers don’t know how statistics work…

2 years ago

Does this guy not realize that women have fathers? Even if, somehow, there were no natural selection pressures on women, it wouldn’t matter because their genes all pass through men.

But it’s probably not surprising that a guy named for a cult can’t understand how science works.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Kat: Thank you.

Comedy is always funnier when it’s punching up. Women who’ve been kept down for millennia by the patriarchy naturally punch up and have (on average) more empathy. So they’re automatically good comedians when they go into that biz.

(I stan Tig Notaro.)

Also I would like to complain about bringing the Wright brothers in on his stupid slur/rant. My grandpa’s first pilot’s license was signed by Orville. He was a Navy Captain in WWII and an enthusiastic hunter, and he worshiped grandma, who he always said was smarter than he and far too good for him. So don’t you be putting the Wrights’ name in your mouth for your bullshit, boy. You’re as wrong as the ‘experts’ who said it’d never fly, and not a fraction of the man grandpa was.

(Grandma had a sly but reserved wit, and when she subtly used it, it was masterful.)

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ gss ex-noob

My grandpa’s first pilot’s license was signed by Orville.

That is so cool!

Of course, down here the locals claim a Cornishman did the first powered flight…

The chap himself said he thought he did his flight in 1904; but a bunch of eye-witnesses say it was 1903. Which would make it 18 months before Wilbur and Orville. Pearse himself though took the attitude that flight was a collaborative endeavour with contributions from multiple people.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Just as an aside, it’s Pancake Day here tomorrow.

That’s the day when every Brit stuffs themselves with pancakes, then we don’t so much as look at them again for another twelve months.

But in case anyone wants to join in the celebrations.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

@GSS ex-noob:

Comedy is always funnier when it’s punching up. Women who’ve been kept down for millennia by the patriarchy naturally punch up and have (on average) more empathy. So they’re automatically good comedians when they go into that biz.

(I stan Tig Notaro.)

See also Amber Ruffin. And Wanda Sykes.

(The typical conservative joke is a threat with a laugh track.)

Also I would like to complain about bringing the Wright brothers in on his stupid slur/rant. My grandpa’s first pilot’s license was signed by Orville. He was a Navy Captain in WWII and an enthusiastic hunter, and he worshiped grandma, who he always said was smarter than he and far too good for him. So don’t you be putting the Wrights’ name in your mouth for your bullshit, boy. You’re as wrong as the ‘experts’ who said it’d never fly, and not a fraction of the man grandpa was.

As a Dayton, Ohio, native, I daresay I’ve got a dog in this show, too; those guys are practically our genii loci/patron saints—the dismissive epithet “flyover country”, often applied to Midwestern Corn Belt and Rust Belt territory, wouldn’t exist without them. (They also belong to the surprisingly sizable category of Great Inventors Who Didn’t Pass Along Their Genes; Da Vinci, Tesla, George Washington Carver, and Hypatia come to mind offhand.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago


Great Inventors Who Didn’t Pass Along Their Genes

If you subscribe to the view that maths is invented not discovered, I guess Isaac Newton would also count.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

I have all the ingredients, so I will indeed join in on this Pancake Day business. Thank you for bringing it to my attention

Donna G
Donna G
2 years ago

Only their existence is humorous… and thats probably gonna fall to a new paradigm when they collapse society with their stupid shit, and its open season on them for those hormonally crazy Incels..

They don’t want Stacys. They want Edith Bunkers.

2 years ago
If Hypatia counts, why wouldn't Newton? Besides, he invented the reflecting telescope.
2 years ago

Just as an aside, it’s Pancake Day here tomorrow.

That’s the day when every Brit stuffs themselves with pancakes, then we don’t so much as look at them again for another twelve months.

But in case anyone wants to join in the celebrations.

Happy Shrove Tuesday to everyone. It’s funny how some vestiges of “carne vale” have remained in Protestant cultures long after Lent was abandoned.

Medieval Catholics in northern Europe apparently celebrated a weekly carnival by enjoying pork fat on Thursdays (that is, before Friday Lent), typically as an ingredient in pea soup. Wealthier folks also consumed eggs, milk and butter in the form of pancakes. This was apparently the height of our traditional cuisine.

In modern Finland the pea soup, often with pancake for dessert, is still associated with Thursdays. Modern Finns don’t eat pea soup all that often, but when they do, it’s usually because many school and workplace cafeterias uphold the Thursday Pea Soup tradition. For Shrove Tuesday, there’s pea soup and a special sweet bun filled with either whipped cream and strawberry jam or whipped cream and almond paste. Which filling option is the correct one and which is heresy remains a topic of some debate.

By the way, modern people generally don’t really like either peas or pork fat, so the typical pea soup served at cafeterias, for the sake of tradition, has been quite literally watered down. There’s fewer peas per water content, and the pork is minced lean meat. There’s also a vegan version that substitutes the pork with minced soy protein, as if the peas themselves don’t have a decent protein to energy ratio.

In my personal opinion, minced meat is a waste of meat, low fat pork defeats the purpose of pork and using low fat meat (or soy protein) in a pea soup defeats the purpose of pea soup. If I want vegan pea soup, the best option would be peas and some canola oil. Alas, I used to actually like traditional style pea soup, but my IBS has grown all too intolerant of peas.