pledge drive

The Pledge Drive is still struggling. I need your support!

My last post on the pledge drive inspired many of you to donate, some quite generously, and I’m very grateful for it. But, seven days into what was going to be a ten-day Pledge Drive, I have raised less than half of what I need to keep this blog going.

So if you care about this blog, and you haven’t donated already, please go ahead and click the button below and give what you can. The future of the blog is literally at stake, and even a small amount will make a big difference.

donate button

You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.

Thanks again to all those who have donated!

And if you can help spread the word about this pledge drive, through social media or any other way, that would be a big help, and I would appreciate it greatly.

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epitome of incomprehensibility

I hope things go well!! Sorry I didn’t get to this before – I have a super busy schedule this term, at least for a person who isn’t naturally organized. But I appreciate this blog and your expertise and humour…or humor, to humor the majority language variety hereabouts 🙂

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
1 year ago

It’s the four-year anniversary of the Vulvagate story, which is one of the best laughs I’ve gotten from David’s reporting.

Just, you know, if anyone needs a reason to step up. That was awesome.

Akira Taue
Akira Taue
1 year ago

I’m a long-time lurker and enjoyer of this blog, and this is the first time I’ve felt compelled to write a comment. I would hate to see the blog go under for financial reasons, but I have to ask. After the last pledge drive, David promised to provide details about how he planned to stabilize the blog’s finances to prevent future crises.

As best I can tell, that hasn’t happened. What, pray tell, is the story here?

1 year ago

Dave.Enjoy a coffee once a month on me

1 year ago

I know people have asked before, but could you be transparent with your costs for the blog? That might help inspire people to give (or give more).

1 year ago

@Elizabeth, 100% speaking only for myself and not presuming to speak for anyone else, I would hazard a guess that it can be pretty difficult in practice to put figures on one’s own working time. I know I find it very hard to work out (as a freelancer) :-\

Last edited 1 year ago by opposablethumbs
1 year ago

@crip dyke

That was FOUR YEARS AGO? I need to sit down, but I fear that when I get up again it will be the year 2030 somehow.

David, I’ve regularly donated to pledge drives in the past but this time round I really can’t. I’m sorry. But I am waiting for a job interview to roll around and if I get the position, I’ll have enough of a salary bump to support future drives. Maybe even monthly payments!

1 year ago

Dave, I donated but will double check the budget for room for a 2nd donation. I appreciate your going where I can’t bear to go to report on the grossness that is out there.

1 year ago

Incoming 🙁 Hope it helps.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, I can’t this time. I really wish I could. If you can hold on for a few months, my situation might change.

Good luck – life is expensive, and you must be stressed.