I need your help. Donations are coming in very slowly, and unless that turns around in a big way, there is no possibility I can raise enough money to keep writing this blog. That’s not a threat; it’s a simple statement of fact.
If you care about this blog at all, I need you to donate at least a few bucks (or a lot of bucks if you can swing it) to make sure We Hunted the Mammoth can make it until the next pledge drive.
You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
I can’t stress enough the urgency of this appeal. I have put a tremendous amount of work into We Hunted the Mammoth over the years, and more every day, and I know it makes a difference to have a blog that relentlessly pushes back against the backlash. I know it means a lot to many of you.
You folks have come through for me in the past, and I know you can do it again. So if you’ve been reading this blog without donating, please consider supporting me. Even a few bucks helps.
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, some quite generously. I just need more of you to join this group.
And if you can pass this message along to any friends who might read the blog, please do; the more people who see it, the better.
Thank you,

David, I tried finding you on Venmo but didn’t get a match with that name. Anyway, donated via PayPal, but I thought you might want to know.
Why would anyone fund such a misogynistic blog?
Jesus. Has anybody seen this?
(CW: textual medical gore; no images. Also possible paywall, though I didn’t encounter one.)
Donated. Hope it helps. This blog and its community have been very helpful to me over the years.
Donated. Hope it helps.
Please elaborate.
Done <3
I donated a day or so ago. Could you maybe return to having ads on the blog?
Good luck. I’ve been reading your blog for years, and have been a commenter for at least 7 years.
Have you ever considered a YouTube channel? That can provide a pretty steady income.
I think you’d do really well. You already have a niche and a good reputation in a very topical subject. You have an expertise in this area that the more general subject journalists lack.
I don’t think you’d have to do anything flash. It’s the content that’s important. Just straight to laptop camera commentary would, I think, really have a market.
You appear to misunderstand, friend. David is not endorsing the hate you see in the headlines here, he’s DOCUMENTING what’s being said and done elsewhere on the web, so that when the alt-right tries gaslighting you or I, or anyone else, with their now-standard acts of denial (including everything from the Holocaust to the history of slavery in the United States), we have this blog as a database of what they’ve said and done in the past, so we can provide citations when pushing back. Not that it will do much to change their minds, but as proof they’re blatantly lying, for anyone who might have been listening to them but not fully indoctrinated yet.
Hi, David:
I donated because I hope WHTM sticks around.
I just assumed that Fin was a terf.
I’m a bit broke at the moment, sorry.
Please refrain from using that slur, especially in discussions of human rights. It’s designed to divide people, not unite them.
Since when is “fin” a slur?
@surplus They were probably referring to “TERF”. Calling “TERF” a slur is a sure sign that one is a TERF.