reactionary bullshit satan transphobia twitter

Sam Smith puts on devil’s horns for a Grammy performance and conservatives act like Satan ate their baby

Right-wingers: Afraid of Halloween costumes

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Last night, non-binary singer Sam Smith doffed a hat with devil horns for a performance with trans performer Kim Petras at the Grammys. There were flames, Petras in a cage, and dancers dressed in what were effectively slutty demon Halloween costumes. On Twitter, right-wingers reacted as if Smith had literally sacrificed a baby for Satan on live TV.

And yes, some thought that literal Satan was literally involved.

Some were taken aback that the segment was seemingly sponsored by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, hated by right-wingers for *checks notes* making COVID vaccines. (While Pfizer did sponsor the Grammys, it didn’t specifically sponsor that segment.)

Right-wing media personality Benny Johnson tried to link Joe Biden to the Grammy spectacle.

This dude, meanwhile, went after Madonna, who introduced Smith and Petras’ performance.

Ishtar? Wait, Madonna once dated Warren Beatty. Maybe this was a reference to his famous flop of a movie. Or, I dunno, just a hairstyle?

A handful of right-wingers professed to be bored by the whole thing.

Get with the program, guys; this was literal SATAN at work (allegedly); you need to be soiling your diapers like real right-wing pundits.

Anyway, congrats to Smith and Petras for winning a Grammy for best pop duo/group performance. It was a big night for trans folks, marred only slightly by Dave Chappelle also winning a Grammy for a transphobic Netflix special. You win some, you lose some.

Meanwhile, Beyonce took home her 32nd Grammy (no, really).

Hail Satan?

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The Phantom Cheese, Wearer of Problem Glasses
The Phantom Cheese, Wearer of Problem Glasses
2 years ago

@ GSS ex-noob:

The Right loves Melania only because she’s not Michelle Obama. Thank you, Joan Rivers, for starting that stupid rumor that Michelle is secretly a man.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

Speaking of babies….

Dr. Baby Sister has delivered a healthy baby girl and is now home with her husband introducing their daughter to the resident golden retriever and Sphinx cat. It has been a hell of a week thanks to a long and difficult delivery. As the old OB/GYN joke goes, there’s a reason we call it “labor.”

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Congratulations Aunty P!

I just envisage the dog going “I will guard our new pack member with my life!’ and the cat thinking “Just stay away from my food bowl.”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago


Pretty much! The family dog is a golden retriever rescue, and he has that lovable goofball thing going on. The cat’s inspection has that typical flavor of “I used to be WORSHIPPED AS A GOD, you know.”

No word on how the rest of the family pets are reacting, but since some of them are birds, obviously the cat and dog take precedence.

ETA: In the first family photo (right after delivery), my BIL has a look that clearly means, “I love them both so much and will murder anybody who looks at our daughter funny.” I approve of this attitude.

Last edited 2 years ago by Victorious Parasol
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ Vicky P

I approve of this attitude.

Me too. I’m pretty old school about such things.

Speaking of doggos, like half the legal profession it seems, I’ve been following SophiefromRomania, a rescue pup. We all watch each 20 second video to see progress. In quantitive terms I’m monitoring tail elevation. Almost at 45 degrees!

You may recall my experiences with Bitey McMurder Dog; my friend’s Romanian rescue. We met up just after Xmas. We’re all friends now; although she did try a sneaky ankle bite. But it was very much in terms of ‘Ya miss that donthca.”

Crip Dyke
2 years ago



You have to love the doggies. I feel deeply sad for folks with anti-furrything allergies.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Vicky P: Congrats to all.

My friend had a cat who was always grumpy and hated almost everything. Including her own tail. But she was very patient with and protective of babies, even ones she’d never met before. Cats contain multitudes.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

Thanks for the good wishes, everybody. I have spent the last couple days admiring photos of my new niece, whose features are already looking less squashed. She’s got her mother’s mouth. Too soon to tell whose nose she inherited. She has darker hair than her mother did when she was born. She’s likely to be tall.

I need to finish knitting some baby mittens.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Meanwhile, apparently their Brit awards performance was way closer to the video, but being less religious, no one cared.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
2 years ago

I got to talk to my sister yesterday, and got to hear my niece making baby noises. The resident golden retriever is doing his duty by checking on my niece every time she wakes up to make sure she’s doing okay.

I have been reliably informed that my niece is perfect (duh!) and that she has mastered the fine art of pooping and is working on fitting her hand into her mouth.