Last October, my Fall Pledge Drive was going very badly, and the very future of this blog was at risk. But you folks rallied in a big way and, within a week, had raised enough money to keep the blog going. You guys were amazing, and I need you to be amazing again.
This blog is advertising-free, and I don’t have paid subscriptions; I depend entirely on donations from readers like you to keep going. I need your support.
As loyal readers, you know that this blog is unique. I try to not only report on the virulent backlash against women and trans people but to cope with it with a certain sense of humor.
I do these pledge drives just four times a year (last year, there were only three), and they provide most of the money I need to keep the blog going. (Monthly subscriptions provide the rest.)
If you’re a regular or even irregular reader of this blog, please donate what you can–either as a lump sum or as part of a monthly subscription plan. (Even a few dollars a month can make a big difference, and donating monthly helps stabilize the blog’s finances.) The link below takes you to Paypal, but you don’t need a Paypal account to donate.
You can also donate to me on Venmo at David-Futrelle-1.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support makes this blog possible, and I appreciate it more than you can know.
PS: If you want to help the blog in a way other than financially, please pass along my fundraising appeal to friends or on social media. This really makes a big difference in how many people I can reach. Thanks again!
Seeing as I am, finally, no longer behind on rent and bills… please accept my donation 🙂
I can only share, but always do.
Meanwhile, I give you this:
The Romanians are not messing around. Also apparently Tater hasn’t been able to shave his head in jail, so we can now see why he did.
That’s what he gets for voting for the Leopards Eating Faces Party.
@GSS ex-noob
GOOD. I hope he lives and dies miserably.
I donated.
I wouldn’t mind advertising at all if it helped you out.
I can’t get anything done today, because I can’t trust that my equipment will stay on instead of being remotely shut off at some random time by some asshole with a Napoleon complex over at Hydro One. Fucker has done it twice today already, the first time when it was nearly forty below outside I might add. If I had the name of the person responsible I’d be seriously considering how to get them charged with attempted murder for that.
But it’s not just one dickhead at one business. I am sick and tired of every dickhead at every business treating me like I’m just some toy they can bat around anytime they feel like using me as their personal fucking stress reliever. How do I get some goddamn power in this world? I’m not asking for fancy titles and an expensive villa somewhere plus my own private little army, or anything like that. Just the basic ability to go to my own place, lock the door, and be left alone! But as long as there are no standards of conduct at the businesses that supply essential services, there will be no safe retreat for me or anyone else who has been likewise Marked by the collective unconscious of the world’s contingent of bullies. There’s nowhere I can go where they can’t interfere with my activities, play keep-away with my stuff, or pose an outright threat to my life. And I have had it with that nonsense.
To whomever told me decades ago (and there are more than one of you) that “it’s just 8th grade” or “it’s just high school” and “it gets better after that”, fuck you, you lying sacks of shit.
Now someone please tell me how to bully-proof my own fucking home, at the very least (and whatever else must be bully-proofed to secure a reliable food supply).
@Surplus: If any of us knew that, we wouldn’t also be broke and abused.
Those of us south of the border are in even worse shape, because we have Republicans in charge and much worse medical systems.
At least you still have a medical system. Here, you now need to be paying $2000/mo or more in rent or mortgage payments, or else own your own house, or no primary care doctor for you. There are still hospitals and ERs in less expensive towns and small cities, but due to COVID you’d have to be high on paint fumes to go there for anything short of “it’s that or die right here on the spot”.
Of course, these changes (both the “no more doctor if you aren’t in an expensive enough area” and the unleashing of COVID upon an unsuspecting populace) happened right about the same time my own health began to fall apart. I guess my parents only got the basic 40-year warranty. :/ I’ve gone from not needing any sort of meds to needing potent allergy meds and anti-heartburn ones, and where I used to look forward to those long walks into town for supplies as pleasant exercise and think-time now I just about dread them. If going from 30-something to 40-something results in that bad a drop in ability and stamina I am baffled that anyone makes it to 60 without either dying of old age first or committing suicide when it gets just too damn tiring to go on.
I also wonder how much longer it will be until “they” take something else away, or restrict it to the 10%ers living in the larger cities. Perhaps dental care. I am not looking forward to that. A couple years after they yank that away will be the start of a hellish few years of torturous toothaches, and after that, no more solid food. But I’ll probably be dead before that latter point gets reached, for any of a number of reasons ranging from “lack of primary care” or “no more money” to “COVID” and “Some idiot starts World War III”.
They’ve already taken not only primary care but intercity buses and several other services. Did I previously mention that OESP “mysteriously fails” on any attempt to renew it electronically now? No? Well, it does. And I wonder if that, too, is now quietly geographically discriminating.
The building’s laundromat closed without any advance notice or word of explanation, nor permission from the tenants. So no more clean clothes for me either, unless I buy new ones every couple of months and thereby hemorrhage even more money. The nearest commercial laundromat I know of is a thirty-minute walk away, and it wouldn’t matter if it was three minutes, there’s no fucking way I can haul a full laundry hamper all that way and back. I’d have to take a taxi, both ways, so laundry would go up by about $20 just from that alone. From the previous cost of $5. That’s a quintupling of the price. And that’s ignoring that commercial laundromats’ machines all now have these ridiculously tiny drums compared to the size of the machine. One load in a “normal” machine would become about four, and that makes it more of an octupling: to do what was one five-dollar load ($2.50 to wash, $2.50 to dry) would become four, plus the taxi fares, amounting to $40 all told. It might actually be cheaper to just replace everything every few months!
Everything just gets worse and worse and I don’t see any way out of it except to keep living extremely frugally, drawing down my savings as my expenses keep ballooning while my income remains roughly constant, and when it runs out and the eviction notice eventually gets served, throw myself off a bridge or something. The world decided long ago that it has no use for me, and now it seems to be deciding, bit by bit, not to let me stick around much longer.
Of course, this is assuming I’m not turned into charcoal first (there’s a military base only 20 km or so from here, and Russian nukes have overly large yields to make up for their missiles’ poor accuracy) or drafted, a gun slapped in my hand, and sent off to the front lines to be cannon fodder in World War III. Or killed by some treatable-if-found-early medical problem that won’t be found early because no primary care. Or something like that.
Yesterday was the first day it didn’t feel like Winter here, so I got a hankering for Dandelion & Burdock. But when I got in, try as I might, I couldn’t get the bottle open. Not even the mole grips would shift the cap. So I popped back to the store today with the bottle. Just in case there was something wrong with their stock. None of the customer service people could shift it, and even the security guys couldn’t get it to budge. But then the skinny gay guy from home accessories had a go, and opened it first time.
I think that means he’s King of the Britons now.
All hail the new King of the Britons! AND then drink to his health with dandelion and burdock, assuming he can repeat his ability to open more bottles
Good luck with the pledging thing, David!
Have just donated and wanted to say: David’s work on this site is so valuable, thank you David. And the variety of conversations and commenters has led me down some very interesting rabbit holes over the years!
I like to learn one new thing every day. Today’s fact was from some expert on cetaceans at St Ives, in relation to humpback whales.
“For fucking huge mammals they’re really good at hiding.”
My income is currently disappearing down the rapacious maw of the nursing home … but … the money from selling our house will clonk into our accounts next week. Once the govt+aged care system swallows up their due, I should have access to real money.
Yaaay’!!!!!! Including enough to pay into the David’s- cats- support-find.
Can’t wait (and the online services are pretty feeble just now, be good to sort that out)
Part of the reason that this blog doesn’t do advertising is that, back when it did, some of the ads that showed up were grossly inappropriate for the content of the blog, and there was absolutely no way to filter them out before they showed up. And any ad company that allows you to pre-select ads also tends to pay out a whole lot less. The ones that do no filtering and allow scammers easily have lower expenses and more ads to spray around, after all.
I mean, I’ve seen ads that were pretty much ‘Get hot Ukrainian Wives’ show up on Youtube, for example, if we want to talk inappropriate.
@Alan: I say, give the mighty bottle-opener a go at being King. He’s probably better than the current lot. He is definitely King of the store, or even the town.
Also, one of my great-aunt’s favorite sayings was “Learned somethin’ new today, guess I’m not ready to go yet!” (Said in the perkiest Southern old lady voice possible)
I won’t clutter the new thread, but I know we have some beer fans here. So here’s a bit more about Sam Smiths (the brewery, not the singer)
When I opened my computer to come here just now, the screen displayed capybaras!
Saw this interesting thread on Twitter about the DoNotPay app that is supposed to render professional law-slingers obsolete, at least in traffic court. Surprise, surprise, a review (and admittedly not a super indepth study, in part because the data can be tricky to gather and analyze) showed that the techbro who invented it is relying more on hype and the okeydoke:
Should we turn “Elon” into a verb now? Because I’ve seen this kind of techbro posturing before when they tried to turn themselves into the king of knitting mountain, utterly oblivious to the queens (and kings and monarchs of other genders) already in residence.
@ Vicky P
Law Twitter has been following donotpay with some hilarity. They claimed all lawyers were now in panic that we were obsolete.
To demonstrate why, they bragged how their AI had just subpoenaed the police officer in their first traffic case, all on its own.
I had to ask why it had done that.
If you call a witness yourself, you can only put forward ‘a witness of truth’. That is to say, you accept everything they say is true, and invite the court to do likewise.
So I was curious as to why the AI had conceded the prosecution were correct; and that their client had committed the offences charged.
I didn’t get a response and they deleted the original tweet.
Other people have pointed out similar issues, and tested the system by uploading cases; and getting totally erroneous advice.
So now donotpay have stopped offering a bunch of legal services and pulled the info from their website.
Interesting! The more I hear, the more I think DoNotPay was built by someone who mistook Law & Order for law school.
ETA: Though speaking of law and TV shows, I’ve heard from various & sundry that the original version of Night Court was one of the most realistic portrayals of the American legal system in action.
Yeah. Even though Night Court was American, it is readily relatable to anyone who’s ever worked in an English Magistrates Court. Real world legal practice is full of genuine stories that would appear outlandish on NC.
The fictional depiction that is considered most accurate though -amongst lawyers I know- is My Cousin Vinny.
The actual law and procedure is spot on. Totally technically accurate. I mentioned in the other thread that the film predicted Alabama would adopt a particular test for expert witnesses.
The interaction between the parties is very genuine too. The judge is a bit grumpy, but scrupulously fair. He gets all the judgements right. The prosecuting attorney doesn’t hate his opponent, he’s just doing his job. And when the evidence comes to light that leads to the judge dismissing the case; he’s quite friendly with the defence and congratulates them.
The idea that lawyers are all passionate about their cases and have personal hatred towards their professional opponents is perhaps the most egregious error in fiction. Truth is, we’re all so jaded and detached, we just can’t be arsed to conjure up the energy for all that. You’re more likely to find us after, and often during, the trial together in a bar somewhere.
Although, having said that, there’s always a minority who spoil it for everyone.
(This is the case about that guy who may or may not have invented Bitcoin)
@Alan: Every US lawyer I’ve ever met says “My Cousin Vinny” is dead on. Several of them who were educated after it came out were made to watch the movie by law school professors! Those who’ve served in smaller courts also liked the original “Night Court”, and could cite cases that were even weirder than the ones on the show.
I don’t know how accurate the new version is — I suspect less so — but I’m enjoying it anyway. John Laroquette’s still got it, though minus the misogyny.
@Jenora Feuer
If it’s a choice between ads and losing the blog…
I’m almost positive I’ve shared this before, but since My Cousin Vinny came up….