misogyny reddit sexual assault

“Women complain about male horniness and yet they benefit the most from it,” Redditor explains

He just wants to help

A spicy hot take from the PurplePillDebate subreddit: women benefit from male horniness because horny dudes will help them move their sofa.

In a post with the title “Women complain the most about male horniness and yet they benefit the most out of it,” someone called feanoric explained:

In years, no random woman outside my family has ever done anything significant for me, and most men I know say the same. It is rare for women to help random men, usually for understandable reasons such as safety, but also because they do not have unique skills. A man may be bad keeping his apartment clean or cooking, but he can do it himself if he wants to. Meanwhile, yesterday my lesbian neighbor called me to get an animal out her apartment.

I would probably ask my lesbian neighbor to help me get an animal out of my apartment, but that’s just me.

Women rely on men to move heavy stuff, defend, surplus of money, etc. and they get it for granted because male horniness and socialization made by that motivation.


Women rely on men desiring them more to get all kind of benefits, such as paying for dates, initiating, car maintenance, repairs, etc. so it is odd how much they despise male sexuality while they basically live a mini-royalty life off it.

Yeah, fending off guys who think they deserve sex because they paid for Olive Garden sounds like a royal life to me.

Now, sex is not always the motivation. These independent single women often call also their fathers or uncles for favors too (who secretly want her to get a husband and stop bothering them), but generally men help women the most for possibilities of sexual reward. Men know it, women know it, and yet everyone pretend “it’s nothing”.

Damn you, women! When will you move our sofas?

There was some pushback in the comments.

“You’ve probably been helped by more women than you think but don’t remember because the ‘help’ didn’t involve the spreading of legs,” wrote TotalTravesty.

Howdoiw0rkthisthing noted:

Yeah men’s horniness drives them to care for women because of our reproductive scarcity. And that’s nice I guess. Their horniness when met with rejection also drives them to go full Schopenhauer, which is not nice.

Male sex drive simply is, and women cope with it how they choose.

“Pros: opened doors for you. Cons: literal rape,” added Sea-Professional-594.

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2 years ago

Someone needs to teach this man about Emotional Labour.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Never has my sexiness or the hope of my favors has caused men to move my sofa for me. Or any furniture. The Mr. has helped, but that’s because it’s his furniture too.

The best way to get men to move furniture is to offer pizza and beer, I’ve found. Sometimes, gasp, a man has helped me with heavy lifting just out of the goodness of his heart! Because he has manners! Sometimes they’re even, gasp, gay!

Most people of any gender don’t cook nowadays, what with fast food, microwave dinners, and the like. I will agree that men are just as capable of nuking Hot Pockets as I am.

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

Meanwhile, yesterday my lesbian neighbor called me to get an animal out her apartment.

Look, if you are a cis dude complaining on ANY-pill subreddit that you removed a wild animal from a lesbian’s apartment because you were horny and hoped you might get a little somethin’somethin, than either you have a completely different understanding of the word “lesbian” from the rest of this world OR I’m calling the SPCA stat.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

Really? I twist a knob from 0 to 450 nearly every single evening. Eating out is just too damn expensive to do very often, even when there isn’t a pandemic fucking things up, and as for microwave dinners? Why on Earth would I consume airplane/hospital meals under any circumstance where I can actually have a proper one instead?

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
2 years ago

While we’re at it, he could also use some refresher courses in basic composition.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

I helped a friend move a fridge. We were really struggling to get it inside. Her landlord was passing though and he said “Just take the door off. I’ll pop back in a mo to give you a hand.” I duly removed the front door. The landlord came back and said “I meant take the door off the fridge.”

I didn’t even know you could do that. But it turns out they just lift off the hinges.

As is the law here though, we got pizza.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

Mr. feanoric writes:

Meanwhile, yesterday my lesbian neighbor called me to get an animal out her apartment.

Followed by Mr. Futrelle writing:

I would probably ask my lesbian neighbor to help me get an animal out of my apartment, but that’s just me.

Meanwhile, I, being neither a glaring sexist nor a scholar of Feminism, but just some old guy, thinks:

I’m just gonna call Animal Control.

I know it’s not the point. But somehow that (to me) obvious solution just picked at my hindbrain… sorry.

2 years ago

No wonder no random women have done something nice for him. With that attitude, they run far, and run fast.

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

As is the law here though, we got pizza.

This is one law that I’m glad was transmitted to British Columbia through Reception in 1867.

Lakitha Tolbert
Lakitha Tolbert
2 years ago

This is the philosophy of someone who thinks their penis is a gift to all women and has watched that old SNL sketch, “Dick in a Box” waaaay too many times.

2 years ago

@Surplus: Do you really cook everything at 450?

2 years ago

They’re always talking about having to help women lift heavy things. The men who help me lift heavy things most often? Are my father and brothers. There is no sex involved. I often fix their clothing when it needs a little patching up. There’s no sex involved there either. Not to mention the several non-sexual male flatmates I’ve had. It’s almost as if *gasp* men and women can be friends!

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

[G]enerally men help women the most for possibilities of sexual reward.

Hey, you guys are great.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
2 years ago

god, what a depressing world view, where no-one ever does anything for anyone unless they think they’ll get something out of it.
there are so many other things to say about that post, but this is my main take-away. I can’t even imagine living a life informed by this. how incredibly lonely.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Crip Dyke: I believe it’s the law down here as well, so it must pre-date 1776. It’s probably in the Magna Carta.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

Appreciate the callout of Schopenhauer, probably the biggest incel in the western philosophical canon.

Is animal control a service that costs money in the US, or something? I mean, I’d let professionals approach a wild animal in my house to prevent both it and myself from getting hurt.

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

Is animal control a service that costs money in the US, or something?

Actually IIUC in most jurisdictions animal control either does not provide such services for free when the service occurs on your own property or ONLY provides free service on private property for certain animal species.

So… yeah. We’re stupid.

occasional reader
occasional reader
2 years ago


Damn those old ladies who use young man horniness to be helped crossing the street !

Have a nice day.

2 years ago

About men protecting women. Since this is the gender norm, I guess sometimes it encourages heroics in a man. But I think many times, it is just a good story, reality looks different. In the dangerous situations I have found myself in in my life, the protector is usually female. A friend or a relative.

Or like the time me and my sister went by train and a violent, angry guy assaulted one of the female passengers. She tried to run from him, and ran into the the little room where me, my sister (and two older ladies) sat. The angry guy was running after her. My sister pulled the door shut, and she, me and the girl held the door while the angry guy tried to get it opened and screamed that he would kill us. No one did anything. The train entered its final station. All the strong, brave, gallant men on the train? They went off and went home or to work. Eventually, the angry guy tired and left. After some time, the police met us outside the train. They were male, I guess. Also, they were reluctant to come since the guy had already left.

I might add that I am quite scrawny and have glasses. My sister is slightly more physically impressive, but not by much.

Also, one might discuss what is considered “protection”. Apparently, it is much more common for a woman to donate one of her kidneys to a male family member, than for a man to give a kidney to a woman (donation from living person). This is a life saving action, but not as flashy.

2 years ago

Mish of the Catlady ascendancy
How incredibly lonely.

Just so. He and all the jerks like him seem unable to see themselves or any one else in the reality we all live in. We all stand or sit at the intersection /overlapping of often huge, usually larger the older you get, but always surprising circles of connection, acquaintance, affection, education, family and occupation.

But when something is so very specifically of the location, we’re not going to call distant family members or track down someone from your touch football team, your long ago classical choir or rock climbing group. You call on someone local. Like a neighbour.

2 years ago

@occasional reader

When I was in Vietnam with a friend, she got stuck in the middle of a street because there was so much traffic and people everywhere and she got confused. She got help from an old lady, who helped her cross safely.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
2 years ago

A touch off topic, but I was browsing Reddit, and…
Is this MRA, or Incel, or what? Because I’m getting a lot of What vibes here.

2 years ago

but also because they do not have unique skills

Women don’t have any skills cis men can’t take care of themselves? I can think of one pretty major one that contributes quite significantly to the survival of the species. Unfortunately, it’s meant historically we’ve been more likely to be treated like chattel than pampered princesses though (ironically enough, even the actual princesses).

Crip Dyke
2 years ago

@Robert Haynie:

Personally that message made me think of the Buffy episode Teacher’s Pet (s1 e4) in which Xander’s science teacher is (SPOILER) a disguised human-height praying mantis who wishes to mate with him and then bite his head off and eat him.

A guide for how to date men for free meat might be more popular than one would at first surmise.

2 years ago

I’m an elderly woman and can move my own couch.