misogyny reddit sexual assault

“Women complain about male horniness and yet they benefit the most from it,” Redditor explains

He just wants to help

A spicy hot take from the PurplePillDebate subreddit: women benefit from male horniness because horny dudes will help them move their sofa.

In a post with the title “Women complain the most about male horniness and yet they benefit the most out of it,” someone called feanoric explained:

In years, no random woman outside my family has ever done anything significant for me, and most men I know say the same. It is rare for women to help random men, usually for understandable reasons such as safety, but also because they do not have unique skills. A man may be bad keeping his apartment clean or cooking, but he can do it himself if he wants to. Meanwhile, yesterday my lesbian neighbor called me to get an animal out her apartment.

I would probably ask my lesbian neighbor to help me get an animal out of my apartment, but that’s just me.

Women rely on men to move heavy stuff, defend, surplus of money, etc. and they get it for granted because male horniness and socialization made by that motivation.


Women rely on men desiring them more to get all kind of benefits, such as paying for dates, initiating, car maintenance, repairs, etc. so it is odd how much they despise male sexuality while they basically live a mini-royalty life off it.

Yeah, fending off guys who think they deserve sex because they paid for Olive Garden sounds like a royal life to me.

Now, sex is not always the motivation. These independent single women often call also their fathers or uncles for favors too (who secretly want her to get a husband and stop bothering them), but generally men help women the most for possibilities of sexual reward. Men know it, women know it, and yet everyone pretend “it’s nothing”.

Damn you, women! When will you move our sofas?

There was some pushback in the comments.

“You’ve probably been helped by more women than you think but don’t remember because the ‘help’ didn’t involve the spreading of legs,” wrote TotalTravesty.

Howdoiw0rkthisthing noted:

Yeah men’s horniness drives them to care for women because of our reproductive scarcity. And that’s nice I guess. Their horniness when met with rejection also drives them to go full Schopenhauer, which is not nice.

Male sex drive simply is, and women cope with it how they choose.

“Pros: opened doors for you. Cons: literal rape,” added Sea-Professional-594.

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2 years ago

In my personal experience, women need more help driving the big honkin’ Uhaul with only side mirrors than moving the actual contents. I deduct two points for missing that stereotype about women and driving. I hope this was just feanoric’s rough draft, it doesn’t look good from a grading perspective

2 years ago

car maintenance? guess homie has never heard of mechanics telling women there’s extra things wrong with their car cause they think women don’t know cars, and can charge more. guess that’s for cash instead of sex so it’s moral in his world

2 years ago

I wonder how much help from women completely has washed over his head? Like female coworkers organising birthday cakes and Christmas parties, or charities where most of the grunt work is done by women.
I recently came across the rather alarming statistic 3% of women will leave a husband when serious illness strikes him, but 20% of men will leave their wives. It makes me even more grateful that my husband is in the 80%.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sheila
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ lily

You reminded me of this.

(This scene gets talked about a lot in legal circles. At the time of the film Alabama used something called the Frye test for the admissibility of expert testimony, whereas in the film the judge applied the Daubert test. But now Alabama does use Daubert. So Alabama lawyers say that Marisa must have set the precedent)

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
2 years ago

I’m just gonna call Animal Control.

Yeah, unless you know the animal in question is a neighbor’s pet that ran in the wrong door, that’s really the ONLY valid response to a stray animal in one’s house. (And the people who show up for such calls are at least as likely to be women as men.)

Damn those old ladies who use young man horniness to be helped crossing the street !

So THAT’S who’s corrupting our sweet innocent Boy Scouts!

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@SpecialFFrog: Most of the stuff I cook has instructions for either 425 or 450F. Turns out, the 425 stuff will tolerate 450 just fine, with maybe a minute knocked off the cooking time if it gets a bit too dry otherwise. And that in turn means I can just put everything in at times that will lead to them all being done at the same time, then at that time take it all out and serve, instead of having to do some items separately and then having the earlier-finished ones get cold by the time the later ones are ready. (Or, worse, having to get a second oven, which would break the bank. Plus there’s no room for a second one around here anyway.)

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Here’s how I protected a woman several years ago. I came out of a grocery store and a couple were arguing just a few yards down the street. They were a heterosexual black couple, and I’m a heterosexual white woman. It was clear that the guy was browbeating the woman, enough that I got scared for her. So I stood in front of the store, looking at them and holding out my cell phone, just to show that I had it and would use it if necessary. After a minute or two, the woman called the guy’s attention to me. Soon, he walked away in one direction, and the woman very quickly walked away in the other direction. As she passed me, she said, “Thank you.”

Mission accomplished.

2 years ago

As if moving sofas is an unique skill. If no men are available, you ask another woman or two, maybe. It’s always better and easier to move a couch with two of your girlfriends than with a shitty, resentful guy who’s going to hold it over your head you didn’t thank him with sex.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yltra
Full Metal Ox
2 years ago


It sucks that white privilege and black fear of disproportionate police reaction exist, but it sounds as if you invoked the threat of The Wrath Of Karen for good, and without needless escalation—bravissima!

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago


They were a heterosexual black couple …. Soon, he walked away in one direction, and the woman very quickly walked away in the other direction. As she passed me, she said, “Thank you.”

At first I was thinking they were an actual couple and then I realized he may have been a complete stranger to her.

Last edited 2 years ago by Love is All We Need
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@.45: But what of the proverbial lesbians who bring a U-Haul to the second date? They aren’t ALL strong and butch.

Also, I’m pretty sure there are LOTS of women who can move their own furniture.

The Mr. and I helped a friend U-Haul all her stuff about 400 miles. She drove her car (also full of stuff) with the big happy dog. No one had any sex at all. He was between jobs at the time, so she gave us some money. We had a lovely weekend after we hauled her stuff into the new apartment and had a few mutual online friends over. Doggo loved all the attention. And also the food. I am not a dog person, but I loved that mutt.

@Kat: I too have been trying to use my over-60 plump white woman powers for good. Correctly used, the Karen power works great. I always make sure to do it in defense of PoC, women being harassed, folks trying to wrangle kids, young women who are afraid to stand out, and sometimes even men. A couple times in the past few months, I have used it to shut up old white (probably RW) men who were yelling and blowharding all over the place.

That’s MRS. Bitch to you, assholes.

The Stop Sign at the Corner
The Stop Sign at the Corner
2 years ago

Not that I’m trying to sell sofas, but have you see those Burrow ones that come apart into little segments that go up and down stairs very easily?

2 years ago

@ GSS ex-noob

Not sure about proverbial lesbians and U-Hauls, second dates not withstanding

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Stop Sign: Them be some pricey sofas. My current 2 cost $600 (in the late 90s) and $0 (off the curb, in excellent condition, and [on topic] tied to the roof of our car by the previous owner, an Olympic contender).

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


In light of some of the things you’ve suggested previously in multiple threads, might I suggest that you read this article?