The editor of the right-wing “news” site Headline USA thinks he has sussed out the possible next phase of the global conspiracy to sterilize the human race: the global elites will use vaccines to feminize men and cause them to grow man boobs.
In an article with the intriguing title “Is Trans Movement the Prelude to a Peculiar Vaccine Side Effect?” Ben Sellers wonders aloud
if the powerful forces behind [the trans] movement haven’t crafted a … sinister plan, already being gamed out and scaffolded, for the long term.
This plan? To use vaccines to feminize and sterilize men.
Apart from being hasty medical decisions made under the duress of social pressure, both the COVID vaccines and transgender surgery have another common element: their potential for permanent sterility, the ultimate goal of plutocratic depopulationists like the World Economic Forum.
Whether it be genes or genitals, neither one will work quite as intended once altered through the miracles of modern science.
He thinks a new pandemic might offer the elites the opportunity to roll out a new vaccine with sterility as a “side effect.”
Perhaps, the COVID-23 vaccine will help to truncate or augment the very chromosomes that have long defined our clinical conceptualization of “gender.” …
There may be a few side-effects with the new treatment, just as there were with its COVID-19 prototype.
For example, man boobs.
As a sign of things to come, and as evidence for his theory, he posts a picture of “billionaire vaccine-underwriter Bill Gates” displaying what appears to be a mild case of gynecomastia.
Because this isn’t just an elderly man with man boobs, which many elderly men have, this is clearly an attempt by the globalist mafia to “normalize[e] busty bosoms on men,” all the better to prepare us for the golden age of vaccine-induced gynecomastia to come.
Well, it’s hard to argue with that. Mainly because it’s generally impossible to have rational conversations with those who would even entertain such bizarre nonsense. It’s a bit like playing chess with a pigeon, as the meme has it: “The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.”
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The Pfizer vaccine can actually increase breast size in both men and women.
This has caused some issues with mammograms as it can be misinterpreted as potential tumours. So physicians have been warned to make sure they take this into account.
It’s only temporary though; and I doubt if it’s part of any secret masterplan.
Makes me think of this comedy bit.
The manosphere is obsessed with fertility and their sperm. It borders on Dr Strangelove levels of nuttiness about purity of their bodily essence. I’ve seen so many accounts fixated on this crap advertising that the vaccine sterilizes you despite all the evidence to the contrary. Covid is more likely to result in fertility issues due to microvascular damage, but then I think, these anti-vax guys are going to help reduce the likelihood of these idiots reproducing.
The latest conspiracy theory is that a policy to vaccinate cows and all other livestock with the covid vaccine is being rolled out by governments worldwide right now.
@ love is all we need
All cows are vaccinated by definition.
@Alan, they have been vaccinated against other coronaviruses for years but this cons theory says now they are rolling out the mRNA vaccine on them. And it says “they are doing this to force the vaccine on people through food”.
@Alan Robertshaw:
All cows are vacca, by definition. You could maybe say they’re vaccinus, meaning derived from cows, though I don’t know if that term is used to cover parentage and/or ancestry.
(To anyone who’s curious whether there’s an actual connection there, “vaccine” is derived from “vaccinia”, meaning cowpox. Because the first “vaccine” was infecting people with the fairly mild cowpox to greatly reduce the chance of suffering through the much deadlier, closely related smallpox later.)
@ snowberry
“No! I’m Vaccinus!”
Can we please get an emergency post about Trump’s speech where he outlines the plan to ban any and all transgender healthcare for children and ALSO briefly slips in a promise to ban transgender healthcare “at any age”? This is devastating. I guess I might have to get my ovaries out and seek bottom surgery ASAP because I may not get the chance later and if they have to jail me for existing while trans, I just know they’ll put each of us wherever we can have the most damage done.
Seth, notice how he cleverly couched “at any age” between two sentences dealing with minors. At first I thought he meant minors at any age.
And wow. I’m watching a nutty psychic tarot card reading youtube live right now and somebody asked the reader, “will we see pushback against authoritarian members of the lgbt who are hijacking the community to push their view onto others?” What? And then the host of the show is going on about the prediction of a “Drag Floyd” tower event in 2023 that will result in riots in cities across the country for months and months. Tower event as in the tower card. So now her question is “Will there be a Drag Floyd?” What rabbit hole did I just go down. And how did this show up on my page after watching a Destiny vs Daniel Haqiqatjou debate.
@ love is all we need
Is that the same Tarot reader who’s currently being sued for defamation for naming the ‘real’ culprit in the Idaho murders?
Did the Club Q shooting not count as a “drag floyd”? Or is that referring to an event where armed police raid a drag show and murder some unarmed performers/attendees?
I’ve had 5 shots. checks boobs. No improvement. The Mr. has had 5 shots also, and he’s almost as old as Gates, and he’s skinny so he doesn’t have moobs. Heck, even when he was a little chunky, he didn’t have moobs.
I “love” how they think the Global Elite want everyone to be sterile. How are they going to lord it over people, if there aren’t any people left?
@Snowberry: One of the many things I like about this place is the excellent Latin pedantry.
I read through this article and then I realized. I got far too bad of a headqche today to deal with their bullshit.
I’m vaccinated and boosted, and now I have a magnificent rack.
Oops. Just checked with Mr. Parasol and he explains my boobs have been that great for years and years.
At least they’ll have access to someone’s boobs.
The word “perhaps” is, as they say, doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence. So is “help to.”
Perhaps my signature microwaved-ramen dish will help to rewire the synapses of the brain and improve my chess-playing skills.
Chess playing skills?
With these drongos writing the rules I expect we’d feel that we’re trying to play chess or Go with scrabble or mah Jong tiles.
I remember, back in the 1970s, when some anti-drug loony claimed marijuana would make men grow boobs.
I also remember being a little grossed out by the sight of man-boobs on a friend’s father, LOOOONG before any COVID vaccines were invented.
The problem isn’t vaccines; it’s laughably stupid and insecure men getting traumatized and freaking out over things that don’t really mean anything. Yes, man-boobs look weird and off-putting — so do lots of other commonplace human physical traits. Grow the fuck up and deal with it already.
Someone’s been watching too much Stargate. The plutocrats would never sign off on an insidious plot that would deplete the reserve army of labor that they count on to keep wages low!
Seconding Seth’s concern about Previous Occupant escalating his rhetoric because he’s afraid DeSantis is going to primary him out.
Speaking of DeSantis, last night a complete conservative government takeover of New College in Sarasota Fl took place. DeSantis put Rufo in charge of making decisions (he’s the guy that during Trump’s reign started the whole CRT panic in right wing media) and fired the current (or now, previous) president. They have plans to do this at colleges across the state. Just like that, one by one, travel around and oust previous faculty and curriculum and replace it all with right-wing faculty and right-wing curriculum. Very bizarre. Is this even legal?
it’s true. i got vaccinated and i am now infertile.
not because of the vaccine, but because i got an orchiectomy. but the correlation holds at least.
@Love is All We Need:
Technically it probably is legal. The issue though is that it would render the accreditation of the University, at best, questionable. Of course, DeSantis has created a new accreditation agency anyway and mandated that Universities couldn’t use the same accreditation agency twice in a row, mostly because he was pissed off that the previous one had rules that tried to keep politicians from interfering too much.
It’s also worth noting that the first University that this was done to was a fairly small one that wouldn’t have the resources to fight it, as well as what was considered a relatively free-thinking place. Classic bully tactics, and likely in the process of working his way up the chain after establishing the precedent, but also going to piss off a lot of alumni, some of whom are apparently fairly well-respected artists.
The people really losing out on this sort of thing are the students, because one side effect of this is that a lot of places will be treating their degrees as worth a lot less than they were before this takeover, even if the new accreditation agency gives its stamp of approval.
We’ll have to see if the federal Department of Education steps in. Of course, DeSantis wants to get to the point where he’s president and can do the same sort of ‘hire only bootlicking lackeys’ for the DoE as well…