The editor of the right-wing “news” site Headline USA thinks he has sussed out the possible next phase of the global conspiracy to sterilize the human race: the global elites will use vaccines to feminize men and cause them to grow man boobs.
In an article with the intriguing title “Is Trans Movement the Prelude to a Peculiar Vaccine Side Effect?” Ben Sellers wonders aloud
if the powerful forces behind [the trans] movement haven’t crafted a … sinister plan, already being gamed out and scaffolded, for the long term.
This plan? To use vaccines to feminize and sterilize men.
Apart from being hasty medical decisions made under the duress of social pressure, both the COVID vaccines and transgender surgery have another common element: their potential for permanent sterility, the ultimate goal of plutocratic depopulationists like the World Economic Forum.
Whether it be genes or genitals, neither one will work quite as intended once altered through the miracles of modern science.
He thinks a new pandemic might offer the elites the opportunity to roll out a new vaccine with sterility as a “side effect.”
Perhaps, the COVID-23 vaccine will help to truncate or augment the very chromosomes that have long defined our clinical conceptualization of “gender.” …
There may be a few side-effects with the new treatment, just as there were with its COVID-19 prototype.
For example, man boobs.
As a sign of things to come, and as evidence for his theory, he posts a picture of “billionaire vaccine-underwriter Bill Gates” displaying what appears to be a mild case of gynecomastia.
Because this isn’t just an elderly man with man boobs, which many elderly men have, this is clearly an attempt by the globalist mafia to “normalize[e] busty bosoms on men,” all the better to prepare us for the golden age of vaccine-induced gynecomastia to come.
Well, it’s hard to argue with that. Mainly because it’s generally impossible to have rational conversations with those who would even entertain such bizarre nonsense. It’s a bit like playing chess with a pigeon, as the meme has it: “The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over. Then shits all over the board. Then struts around like it won.”

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This is how an empire ends. Not with a bang but with an idiot.
Can confirm, I got vaccinated and then I grew boobs. That I started HRT the same weekend is coincidence.
Jenora Feuer
Did you watch the board meeting where this all went down? It’s on youtube. Pretty wild.
Also, Matthew Spalding, Hillsdale College, Michigan, Betsy Devos.