The misogynistic backlash isn’t confined to the Anglosphere. Indeed, a new report from France’s High Council for Equality between Women and Men finds “alarming” levels of sexism in French society, especially among the young.
“Sexism is not retreating in France,” the report concluded.
On the contrary, some of its most violent manifestations are getting worse, and the young generations are the most affected.
The study, which surveyed the opinions of 2,500 people, found that sexist attitudes are widespread in France among both young and older men.
According to rfi.fr,
The report highlighted “masculinist clichés” among the 25-34 age group – around 20 percent said you had to brag about sexual exploits “to be respected as a man” in society, while nearly a quarter of men said they “sometimes had to be violent to gain respect”.
A quarter of all men thought there was too much attention being paid to the issue of sexual violence, and 40 percent thought that women should give up careers to care for children.
These attitudes influence behavior. For example, some 37 percent of French women say they have been pressured into sex they didn’t want, and 22 percent of 18-24-year-old women say they have been outright raped or assaulted.
Among women aged 18-24, 22 percent said they had experienced “psychological control or excessive jealousy” from a partner, with 15 percent saying they had been physically assaulted.
The Council’s president, Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette, told the Guardian (UK). that
it’s not enough to protect women and punish men. If we don’t address the roots of everyday sexism and change the mentality, we will never move forward. … Everyday sexism leads to violent sexism.
Pierre-Brossolette told the radio channel France Inter that young men grow up
bathed in social media, digital [technology], pornography … Young people … are brought up digitally on these scenes of mundane violence, of relations between men and women that are completely of domination and dominated, and that has impregnated society.
Interestingly, the report found that “82% of French people wish to see prevention and the fight against sexism become priority subjects on the agenda of the public authorities.” It’s just that they don’t live up to these ideals in practice.
The Council called for an “emergency plan” to fight “the massive, violent and sometimes lethal consequences” of sexism.

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As per the discussion of spices and food (more important than MRA bullshit in my opinion):
In my view, which might be rather off base, white people food uses things like chili powder, red pepper, garlic, onion, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme (there is an old song about those four), cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and perhaps some more obscure stuff like salt and pepper.
I dunno why that translates as bland and tasteless compared to things like cumin, turmeric, and a whole host of things I couldn’t identify or even pronounce, but there ya go.
In short, in my personal experience and the existence of my family’s spice cabinets, I feel the reputation is undeserved. Just because it doesn’t take your face off six inches from your mouth doesn’t mean it’s bland. These discussions often seem to revolve around how hot a dish is, not on actual flavor. That’s not the only criteria here