incels mass killing mass shooting misogyny red pill violence against women

A significant number of mass attacks are motivated by misogyny, new Secret Service report finds

A new report from the US Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center examines five years of data on mass attacks in public places in the US from 2016-2020. The report, which looked at 173 separate incidents, found that mass attacks are an almost exclusively male sport: 96% of the attackers were male. And a significant number of them were motivated by misogyny.

Some of the report’s other findings:

Half of the attackers were motivated by grievances, and were retaliating for perceived wrongs related to personal, domestic, or workplace issues….

One-quarter of the attackers subscribed to a belief system involving conspiracies or hateful ideologies, including anti-government, anti-Semitic, and misogynistic views.

Attackers displayed plenty of red flags before their attacks.

Most of the attackers had exhibited behavior that elicited concern in family members, friends, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, and others … Many attackers had a history of physically aggressive or intimidating behaviors, evidenced by prior violent criminal arrests/charges, domestic violence, or other acts of violence toward others.

Specifically, “nearly half of the attackers were found to have had a history of domestic violence, misogynistic behaviors, or both.”

Quite a few were motivated by misogynistic ideologies. “Misogyny can play a central role in motivating an attacker to perpetrate mass violence,” the report noted,

as well as engage in more prevalent acts of violence, including stalking and domestic abuse. … Though not all who possess misogynistic views are violent, viewpoints that describe women as the enemy or call for violence against women remain a cause for concern. At least 35 attackers (19%) displayed misogynistic behaviors prior to their attacks, including calling women derogatory names, engaging in sexual harassment, and threatening sexual violence.

The report offered many examples of these concerning behaviors:

Several attackers engaged in harassing and stalking behaviors toward former romantic partners, including calling or sending repeated text messages after a no-contact order was issued and repeatedly driving by the woman’s home or workplace. Eight attackers had a known history of touching women in a sexual manner without their consent. One attacker was disciplined at work because he repeatedly touched a female co-worker inappropriately, ultimately leading to a workplace investigation and the attacker quitting before he could be fired. Another attacker had a history of groping women on the street.

Some took their misogyny online:

In addition to in-person acts, 14 attackers (8%) engaged in online misogynistic behavior. For example, while communicating through a social media platform messaging app, one attacker threatened to rape a female acquaintance.

Online communities, as this blog has made clear innumerable times, can both cause and reinforce this sort of misogyny.

Those who subscribe to extreme misogynistic belief systems often communicate about, promote, and consume these views across various online communities. In some instances, some of these community members go beyond simply advocating on behalf of men, expressing extreme ideologies involving the sexual objectification of women and calls for violence against women. Four attackers displayed behaviors associated with the incel (i.e., involuntarily celibate10) movement, including posting praise for a prior incel mass attacker. One of these attackers self-identified as an incel, telling police after the incident that he perpetrated his attack because he was frustrated at his inability to get a girlfriend.

Other attackers were “Red Pillers.”

Two attackers developed and posted related content online, including sharing tips on how to seduce women, discussing how to keep a woman “in check” at all times, and using language that objectified and demeaned women.

This is exactly what they talk about on “Red Pill” forums online and on social media.

The report concludes that “misogyny and domestic violence deserve increased attention from those tasked with mass violence prevention.” And from all of us. Many of these attacks could have been prevented if those observing concerning behavior had reported it to authorities. Misogyny is always a red flag.

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1 year ago

This content is really disturbing and I cut ties with a friend that I watched go down this rabbit hole. It was a screaming red flag to me years ago, and I am not at all shocked by these findings. Normalizing these attitudes and this violence will have terrible endings for victims and perpetrators.

Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

A number of earlier studies reach the same conclusion.

1 year ago

Iago, surprised.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
1 year ago

An equally significant number of other mass attacks are motivated by just plain wanting to kill lots of people. That said, I agree with the Secret Service: misogyny is a huge red flag.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

To paraphrase the late Norm MacDonald: another finding from the Legal Journal of DUH.

1 year ago

Many of these attacks could have been prevented if those observing concerning behavior had reported it to authorities had taken reports from concerned friends, relatives and colleagues more seriously.

Let’s not think that reporting such concerns will necessarily lead to meaningful action from those we wish would do something to prevent a tragedy from happening.

1 year ago

This finding should come to the surprise of no-one, honestly. Been a long-known fact, nothing really changes about it and neither will as long as those ideologies exist. I’m just waiting for their incessant whining about how this is all forged and the real issue are single moms or other disadvantaged people. Couldn’t possiby be them, amirite.

1 year ago


1 year ago

No surprise. It’s aggrieved entitlement, men socialized to believe they deserve special treatment because they’re men and confronted by a society that rightly refuses to treat them that way.

1 year ago

And in other breaking news, water is wet!

1 year ago

Honesty this just affirms the impression that I was always able to intuit when it came to the Right Wing Reactionary violence

1 year ago

And in other news, water is wet.

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
1 year ago

Hey, David? Who at the Secret Service do we need to contact to tell them that if THIS is an example of their research and response time on a situation this serious, they need to hire you because you’ve been documenting this stuff for years, and broadcasting the warning as loudly as you can, and it STILL somehow managed to fly over their heads until just now?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
1 year ago

No shit Sherlock.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

@M’thew, exactly.

@Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker – just had to say how much I love your username 🙂

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
1 year ago

@ Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Thanks, I couldn’t think of anything clever, and when I first chimed in, all I could think of was “longtime listener, first time caller”. So I ran with it.
And Mediocrites was one of many D&D characters I’ve made over the years. All his attributes were in the 9-12 range. So I made him the younger brother of the party’s Myrmidon, Minmaximus.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
1 year ago

@Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
*high-fives the fellow PnP nerd*
I really love that. Sounds like a lot of un to play. Did you play pre-made campaigns, or something original?

epitome of incomprehensibility

Yet so often abusive behaviour towards partners or exes is just seen as an internal thing, as if someone who does that shit won’t take it out on others. Or even that it’s blaming the person, often a woman, who’s attacked or harassed.

Even the expression “domestic violence” makes things sound like they’re limited to the domestic, i.e. home, sphere. (Saying “intimate partner violence” is more neutral, but in some cases too limited, because it wouldn’t include violence against children or other family members.)

Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
Mediocrites, Longtime Lurker
1 year ago

Started with the Ravenloft and Dragonlance modules, then moved to homebrew after we went through everything we had. Now that I’m in my thirties and the need for sleep is less negotiable than it used to be, meaning diminished amounts of free time and concentration anymore, I’ve turned to either running modules again, either as-is, or changing things to make modules and/or third party materials fit my needs.
Newest favorite obsession is the Wonderful World of Darklords podcast and their accompanying modules, where a husband and wife convert various Disney movies into Ravenloft Domains.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

Here’s the thing:
Several years ago the Manosphere “threatened” that if women don’t “shape up and give men what they need (deserve)” violence is going to break out. And that a society of single men equals a violent society. HOWEVER NOW, years later when these mass attacks have really ramped up, and the media is clearly connecting the dots to incels and the wider Manosphere/Red Pill, they are suddenly back peddling and saying no, it has nothing to do with them or anything they said, it’s all about lone wolf mental illness.

I’m beginning to think 2nd Wave Radical Lesbian Feminism with it’s call for all women to only have romantic and sexual relationships with women, was right.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

I’ve also always loved Mediocrates’ name.

Long story omitted, but the punchline was that our house was blessed by the Lares, Penates, and Amenities (We’ve got 3 bathrooms and had a hot tub).

Seth S
Seth S
1 year ago

Of course we all knew this, but what on the wider scale can actually be done about it?
Any government efforts to address misogyny would be met with cries of “gynocracy”.
Any efforts to attack misogyny in school-age boys won’t bear fruit for decades and can still easily be undone, because the internet is and remains a free-for-all where young men go down rabbit holes and come out the other side radicalized into a belief system that tells them that women are both inferior life forms and yet somehow oppressing them despite it.

What solution is there?

Last edited 1 year ago by Seth S
Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

Seth, “What solution is there?”

Gender segregated schools where “tough on misogyny” policies are implemented? There’s a hue and cry right now about “boys falling behind girls in education”. Some studies show both genders do better in segregated schools. It could be presented as a means to address “the boy crisis” while simultaneously addressing the misogyny issue, while keeping girls away from misogynistic boys until they’ve been re-educated and civilized.

There is hope in that Gen Z looks like they do not hold having children as a value, or even possible given the economy. So the fewer babies born, the fewer male babies born, the fewer misogynists born, too.

1 year ago

@Love is All we Need

How the hell are you going to make boys and young men behave respectfully with girls and women with them never having to interact with them on a daily basis. That would be like teaching you the theory of boxing, but never allowing you to throw a punch or get in a ring. Do you think you are going to be a good boxer. How the hell are you going to teach girls and young women are to relate with boys and men too. Love it or hate, we live in this world together and it’s together we will have to learn how to deal with those issues.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

epronovost, they would have some opposite gender teachers. and there would be social “mixer” events.