It’s tough being an Asian fetishist in the west. Sorry, not an Asian fetishist. Just a guy who happens to have a crush on this Chinese girl at his school and who thinks that feminism has turned western women into “ungrateful assholes with shit personalit[ies],“ unlike the relatively innocent and uncorrupted young women of Japan and China.
In a recent post on the Antifeminists subreddit, a teenage Latin poster called C834 complains that
literally being attracted to an asian woman is way harder than anything else becasue you have society tell you that you are a misogynist fetishizer, constantly judged for it, and idk but probably their parents will make her reject you if you don’t get perfect grades in school. so it’s even more struggle for the guy.
Poor baby!
A look through C834’s history on Reddit reveals that he’s posted a number of times in recent months about his crush and the apparent utter hell of being an Asian fetishist–sorry, Chinese girl liker.
I have a crush on a cute girl in school who happens to be chinese. SJWs make something as innocent and as that to make others look like terrible people. This has nothing to do with “fetish”, I am not attracted to all “asian” women, and I don’t watch anime, I am not obsessed or even care much about “asian culture” like they make everyone think. I am also very lucky that I go to a Catholic school, so no wokes, but when I become an adult, I will be judged and questioned by mentally ill liberals in college and that scares me. There will be no escape and I will have to limit myslef and who I am attracted to just to not get in trouble for being “racist” (I am not racist)
I mean, he asks, is he really a racist scumbag just because “I find people who look asian more attractive[?]”
He writes:
I’m starting to guess liking an asian woman does make someone a war criminal and contribute to sex traficking and mass murder. Hopefully nobody in real life actually thinks like this and it’s only mentally ill feminists online.
He wishes he could return to the days of the COVID lockdowns because
It’s the lack of lockdowns that leads men to suffer more. If we were in lockdown, I wouldn’t have to go to school with asian girls I have a crush on and feminists wouldn’t attack me for it and tell me I fetishize asian women. I hope every feminist and sjw who has attacked me for who I am can pay for their disgusting actions one day.
The whole situation makes him so angry that he vows, “If some woke idiot calls me out unfairly for asking out my crush in school, they are going to regret it.”
Of course, he also complains that, in the minds of western feminists,
if you are not settling down with a sodomite, abortioning, atheist, feminist, drug-addicted, low value piece of trash, then you are fetishizing. They want us to suffer and they want to make happiness look like evil and degeneracy to be the norm. They want to make our lives meaningless, numb, deppressing, empty, unbearable, and miserable and if we speak up against it, then we are evil far-right loser scumbags for not being satisfied with the absolute garbage thrown in our faces by western society.
Gosh, I can’t imagine why anyone would call him an Asian fetishist.

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Dude no feminist has a problem with you dating an Asian girl as long as you can tell me one thing you actually know about her, and like about her, other then
“She’s Asian and their for submissive”
Totally believe him when he identifies himself as “anti-sodomite”.
He definitely strikes me as the kind of guy who would never, ever let his crush go down on him or fantasize about fucking a woman’s ass. Nope. Not him. Anti-sodomy forever, this dude.
Although, on second thought, maybe he would do these things and he’s just so stupid he has no idea what he’s talking about?
Elaine, it sounds like he’s talked to everyone at the school except the girl in question about his
stalking victimcrush.I’d be willing to not call him a Asian fetishist if he’ll accept the description “passive-aggressive entitled shithead” instead.
Feminists as drug addicts? That’s a new one on me.
But I do recall that televangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blamed me, a feminist, for 9/11:
Counterpoint to Reverend Falwell and Reverend Robertson: I was just as scared as everybody else when the USA was attacked by terrorists. On the other hand, I was not surprised. Chickens will, sooner or later, come home to roost.
Dude, you’ve already done that, all by yourself.
He’s obviously very young, so I’m retaining a slim hope that he grows out of it, although there’s no chance if he stays in those specific festering subreddits.
This statement can be interpreted in such a way as to carry the remarkable implication that Mr. Falwell is a Muslim. Consider: which god, precisely, is the one who can count fundamentalist Muslims among his minions?
The 9/11 attackers were acting on their sincerely held religious beliefs. That’s a pretty damn good reason that “sincerely held religious beliefs” shouldn’t be a license to break the law.
I am not racist
probably their parents will make her reject you if you don’t get perfect grades in school
Yeah, thoses clichés are not racists at all.
Have a nice day.
Does he know there are actually feminists in China? Maybe his “crush” is a proud feminist!
Most people with healthy crushes on Asian women just…have healthy crushes. This dude is twisting himself into knots trying to be a victim. He took a straw man and boy did he run with it. I hope he’s out in the real world soon, where he can learn something and get out of his own self-absorbed bubble. Maybe. Let me have hope.
In real life, no one cares if you find Asians attractive unless you make it part of your personality and talk about it with such fervor that it becomes clear you do indeed have a fetish.
Who the hell even cares if a teenage boy (or adult man) dates an Asian girl/woman? Oo
Heck, I would date an Asian if we mash well with each other and would get along.
Nobody is gonna attack you for it if you don’t, as others stated, make it clear that you have a fetish. I find many Asian people aesthetically attractive, just as I do people of any other ethnicity. Nobody judges that unless you give them something to actually judge. Well, nobody but right-whiners and racists (mostly the same people) I guess, but they are more likely to look down on the poor woman for being inferior, and congratulating you for finding such a great, traditional and submissive partner (you know, kinda like what that dude thinks about Asians…). Or accuse you of a myriad of bullshit things if you are a white gal with a non-white partner (like that entire “black cock” stereotype they are vomiting around).
I’m pretty sure most people could or would form a crush on an Asian person at some point. Why not, we are all humans after all. The difference is, those people won’t run around and whine about how everyone else bashes them for it in their heads. That’s quite the unhealthy attitude. And if you really don’t have a fetish, and actual flesh-and-blood people really bash you for it and call you a fetishist… why do you talk about it so much and in such a way that people think you do indeed have a fetish?
The only garbage is this guy. This is what happens when young men spend their time online getting programmed with hate and alt-right rhetoric. I am betting he says this crap at school causing all the women to avoid him and talk negatively about him.
One of the saddest parts of this is that he’s scared of going to college, because he knows his ideas will be challenged there. How can you expect to grow as a person without ever having to defend or reexamine your beliefs? Education is wasted on this guy.
As the descendant of generations of Chinese women marrying white men, I can tell you that Chinese women aren’t submissive, get-along to go along folks without a mind of their own.
Yeah, this seems like a “nobody would assume you had a fetish if you didn’t keep loudly proclaiming that you don’t have a fetish” situation.
No woke Catholics? However did they manage to root them all out, I wonder? Also, I assume Mr. C834 has spoken to everyone at his school in depth so he knows he’s secure in his completely non woke safe space.
Elaine, it sounds like he’s talked to everyone at the school except the girl in question about his
stalking victimcrush.I sure bet she knows about it, though. (Anyone else remember that fun school game, “HE wants to be your BOYFRIEND!”(1), in which the point is to playfully threaten the target with the most grotesque worst-case-scenario love interest possible? C834, if you find yourself crowned Least Eligible Boyfriend, that’s a status you—unlike any number of secondary schoolyard targets—have earned.)
(1) Also available as “SHE wants to be your GIRLFRIEND!”
Christians and Muslims ostensibly worship the same god. Mind you, that didn’t prevent the Crusades from happening.
@Hambeast: I bet this same person thinks the Pope is woke.
The #passport bros fetishize Asian women as “submissive” all the time. One of them (a US citizen) went to China and killed somebody because she rejected him. Now he faces the death penalty.
@ specialfrog
Well he kinda is.
@Alan: Thinking gay people shouldn’t be arrested is a pretty low bar.
@ specialfrog
By Papal standards though he’s practically Peter Tatchell!
Some Catholics think every pope since Vatican II is woke.