It’s tough being an Asian fetishist in the west. Sorry, not an Asian fetishist. Just a guy who happens to have a crush on this Chinese girl at his school and who thinks that feminism has turned western women into “ungrateful assholes with shit personalit[ies],“ unlike the relatively innocent and uncorrupted young women of Japan and China.
In a recent post on the Antifeminists subreddit, a teenage Latin poster called C834 complains that
literally being attracted to an asian woman is way harder than anything else becasue you have society tell you that you are a misogynist fetishizer, constantly judged for it, and idk but probably their parents will make her reject you if you don’t get perfect grades in school. so it’s even more struggle for the guy.
Poor baby!
A look through C834’s history on Reddit reveals that he’s posted a number of times in recent months about his crush and the apparent utter hell of being an Asian fetishist–sorry, Chinese girl liker.
I have a crush on a cute girl in school who happens to be chinese. SJWs make something as innocent and as that to make others look like terrible people. This has nothing to do with “fetish”, I am not attracted to all “asian” women, and I don’t watch anime, I am not obsessed or even care much about “asian culture” like they make everyone think. I am also very lucky that I go to a Catholic school, so no wokes, but when I become an adult, I will be judged and questioned by mentally ill liberals in college and that scares me. There will be no escape and I will have to limit myslef and who I am attracted to just to not get in trouble for being “racist” (I am not racist)
I mean, he asks, is he really a racist scumbag just because “I find people who look asian more attractive[?]”
He writes:
I’m starting to guess liking an asian woman does make someone a war criminal and contribute to sex traficking and mass murder. Hopefully nobody in real life actually thinks like this and it’s only mentally ill feminists online.
He wishes he could return to the days of the COVID lockdowns because
It’s the lack of lockdowns that leads men to suffer more. If we were in lockdown, I wouldn’t have to go to school with asian girls I have a crush on and feminists wouldn’t attack me for it and tell me I fetishize asian women. I hope every feminist and sjw who has attacked me for who I am can pay for their disgusting actions one day.
The whole situation makes him so angry that he vows, “If some woke idiot calls me out unfairly for asking out my crush in school, they are going to regret it.”
Of course, he also complains that, in the minds of western feminists,
if you are not settling down with a sodomite, abortioning, atheist, feminist, drug-addicted, low value piece of trash, then you are fetishizing. They want us to suffer and they want to make happiness look like evil and degeneracy to be the norm. They want to make our lives meaningless, numb, deppressing, empty, unbearable, and miserable and if we speak up against it, then we are evil far-right loser scumbags for not being satisfied with the absolute garbage thrown in our faces by western society.
Gosh, I can’t imagine why anyone would call him an Asian fetishist.

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@ moggie
Now you’ve got me on a Dave Allen binge
Sedavacantism is so based.
You can hear that at the 47:20 mark. I know I posted this video here already but at that time I had only listened to the beginning. My goodness the things Tonya revealed in it. She’s been doing a great job of exposing the latest and newest branch of the Manosphere, called “The Passport Bros”. They have been online for the last year bragging about their exploits in foreign countries. At the 27:00 mark an American woman who lived in China explains how these “passport bros” take advantage of the polite nature of Chinese cultural conditioning (which they misinterpret as “submissive” and “indicators of interest”. Now a Chinese woman is dead at the hands of one. This might be the thing that finally brings their whole house of cards down. Well worth a listen.
My experience might not mean anything but we had a lot of Chinese international students when I went to college. One of them I was roommates with for a semester and she told me a lot about how Chinese women get to be super picky when they date and Marry. Mostly because there is a big numbers gap with the number of women to men in China. There is a lot more men. She said for like ever one Chinese women their is 10 Chinese men. So even poor Chinese women can pick out the most successful, the richest, or the most handsome of Chinese men and do pretty well.
Now the boyfriend that she had was a jerk, and I think he had a white woman fetish. But all the other Chinese women I met had very high standards for their love life.
I don’t know, it’s just funny to think about these racist dipshits will go to China and expect to find a submissive beautiful Chinese woman and the women they talk to are like
“What car do you drive? Do you have money? You aren’t handsome so you better have money? You don’t? Boy bye”
One of my bar school friends was a Chinese girl. We were once out in a restaurant and she got on about Chinese stereotypes. She said she hated that idea that all Chinese people were chain smoking gamblers. Then the waiter came over with the bill and totally unironically she said “Toss you for it.”
She won so we got a free meal.
Alan, the waiter paid for the meal?
Treat Asian women like doormats and you may be very sorry.
@ love is all we need
The restaurant waived the bill. But if we’d lost we would have paid double. Apparently that’s a common thing. And I suppose it works as a business model as it will just average out.
ETA: We still left a tip. That’s not part of the deal.
@ love is all we need
In my London days I used to love this Chinese restaurant. The food was amazing and it was pretty cheap.
It had notoriously rude staff though. Which was part of the charm. You sit at long tables. I went with my girlfriend once and we got a bit out of synch so she ended up a few seats down from me. One of the other customers offered to change places so we could sit opposite each other. But the waiters wouldn’t allow it. “No. You stay there!” So we had to eat our meals occasionally waving at each other.
Phil Jupitus is also a fan. From 1:10
> Elaine the witch
Which had brought this :
Crying in a BMW
Have a nice day
“when I become an adult, I will be judged and questioned by mentally ill liberals in college and that scares me”
Son, in college all the mentally ill liberals will be too busy dating across race lines themselves to pay attention to what you’re doing. College is the place is the place where you mingle kinda freely, you know, especially if you’re a mentally ill liberal. So, relax.
@SpecialFFrog, Alan, Crip Dyke, moggie:
Well, I mean, when the current pope was selected the conservative fringe of the Church was in a full lather because the idea of a Jesuit as pope was just too horrible to contemplate. Jesuits are the intellectuals of the church, and they’re actually taught to question things (even if only to figure out how to create better apologetics) so the hardcore traditionalists considered Francis a worrisome liberal even before he took office or they knew much else about him.
Compared to many historical popes he is pretty ‘woke’… but that’s a rather low bar. John Paul II put on a good public face about being ‘woke’ even if within the Church he definitely wasn’t.
Of course, given the way the Pope is selected by the Cardinals, and the Cardinals were elevated by a previous Pope… the organization as a whole is structurally built to be very slow to change.
Alan, your story about the Chinese restaurant reminded me of a similar restaurant we went to a lot when I was a child. When my parents and some of our neighbors wanted to go out together and not have to hire a sitter, we’d all go to Tang Hall where they had those long tables. The adults would sit together and we kids would sit adjacent so there was supervision and loads of great food. With six we got eggroll, but with nine, we also got a big fried shrimp, too!
I don’t remember the staff being rude, but they probably recognized that seating all of us in a cohesive bunch was better so us kids wouldn’t be a problem for them. But we were always right up against other diners because the place was always busy.
Anyone else get the impression that literally nobody has said anything to him about his crush on a Chinese girl, and this entire obsession exists entirely in his head?
@Alan: It’s no surprise the big American casino companies pushed hard to get into Hong Kong and Macau.
Even in Las Vegas, there’s always proper Chinese food available, and the most impressive Lunar New Year’s exhibits that I’ve ever seen in all the casinos.
@ Alan, speaking of restaurants, did you grow up watching this?
@ love is all we need
Argh! ‘Growing up’!!! Now you’ve made me feel ancient. 😀
But to me this is just a recent TV show!
That is such a classic sketch though. Over here it came 3rd in the poll of all time best sketches; just behind Dead Parrot and Four Candles.
And I do sometimes ask “What’s the blandest thing on the menu?”
I’m reminded of GGM whenever someone brings up ‘negging. You seen the ‘Check please’ ones? If your dating technique is the subject of comedy, then maybe it’s time to rethink your approach.
WOW, what a misguided child. He’s at war with people who never picked a fight with him, over a girl he can’t even bring himself to talk to. No, jackass… you pining over an Asian girl you think is pretty isn’t the problem. Nobody out in meatspace will call you a sex-trafficking scumbag for striking up a conversation with a girl you fancy.
The human imagination is a funny thing, isn’t it? It can liberate us and help us bring our dreams to life- after all, Otto Lielenthal or the Wright Brothers never would have gotte off the ground, had Icarus never flown too close to the sun- but it can also shackle us to dooms and portents that will never come to pass, to be jailed by enemies that only exist in our own heads.
I feel sorry for this kid. He could be building castles in the sky… if only he’d kept his feet on the ground and not let the image of some shrieking well-meaning but misguided harpy with fire-engine-red hair and a syllabus on Feminist Theory to write colonize his clearly fertile imagination.
Also, one SHOULD watch anime and bone up on Japanese culture. It makes one broader-minded, bigger-thinking and just plain SMARTER to engage with people, places, stories and cultures far removed from the fields you know. I regret a lot of things in my own misspent youth, but I don’t regret my time spent abroad in Japan.