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Right-wingers do a victory lap after learning the Monterey Park shooter was Asian-American

Donald Trump Jr.

They didn’t even bother with “thoughts and prayers” this time. In the wake of the latest horrific mass shooting, which took ten lives in a Monterey Park, California dance studio, right-wingers seem almost giddy, doing a sort of victory lap because the suspected killer was not a white man.

The racist gif was a nice touch.

With few details available about the alleged shooter, now deceased, some trolls made up their own narrative in which he was a “Democrat.” I haven’t actually seen this reported and it seems rather unlikely that this would be a motive in the shooting of a number of elderly Asian-Americans.

Others pushed conspiracy theories.

Not a moment of thought or reflection, much less sympathy for the victims. It’s all about “owning the libs.”

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2 years ago

These people are convinced that we would be exulting if it turned out the shooter were a white Trump supporter. They don’t realize that we don’t really care who it is. We are just horrified that 10 people died, because, unlike them, we actually care about people. So they think the shooter not being racist is a big loss for us and therefore a big victory for them. It’s gross

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave
2 years ago

Correction. *11 people died. 🙁 Still waiting to find out if any are people I know, which is fun.

2 years ago

My reaction if the shooter had been a white MAGAt would have been “I am Jack’s lack of surprise.” But I wouldn’t be *happy* about it.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
2 years ago

Because one shooter not being a white man completely refutes all of the shootings by white men who left white supremacist manifestos.

These clowns are beyond shameful.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

What are they talking about “what happened to the outrage?” … “won’t hear anymore about it”??? It’s continuously looping on CNN’s youtube.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
2 years ago

How do we know he was a democrat?

I mean, he could have been, but just asking. It’s not like they’re citing any sources or anything.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Actual liberals (like us here, as opposed to the straw “libs” they’ve created in their tiny minds) are horrified when any mass shooting happens, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, or religion.

Also, we know that there are many different Asian countries, with hundreds or thousands of years of conflict between them.

For all we know, this guy had been a full Q/MAGA extremely online type and considered himself “one of the good ones” and the rest as bad ones. Maybe a RW “Christian” who didn’t like all this festivity going back to pre-Christian times. Or maybe he was senile or mentally ill and shouldn’t have been allowed to have a gun, and he shot the place up because the voices in his head were identifying families as packs of demons or space aliens.

@Dave: I hope it isn’t any of your friends. I wish it wasn’t anyone, of course. But I hope you hear something soon.

I am going to the Chinese supermarket this week to see if there’s anything left of the New Year’s noms, especially if they’re on sale.

1 year ago

@CD: All non-white people are assumed to be Democrats unless they are needed to prove that the Republicans are not racist.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
1 year ago

@Dave, they basically assume everyone else is just as soulless as they are, so it makes a horrible kind of sense.

I’ve been pretty offline lately so I hadn’t even heard about this shooting. no idea how US mammotheers even cope with this; take care, folks 🙁

Raging Bee
Raging Bee
1 year ago

<i>You think you’d hear a lot more about the mass shooting of 10 people in California… But don’t worry you won’t hear anything about it because it wasn’t done by a white conservative man with an assault rifle.</i>

Um…actually we HAVE heard about it. A lot. If Don Jr. was both able and willing to read a real newspaper, he’d know this.

1 year ago


I hope you find all your friends are safe and unharmed.

Uncertainty is tough.

1 year ago

Mass shootings that have no racial or homophobic motivations often still qualify as hate crimes. The commonality with most mass shooters is resentment of women, often a history of abusing the women in their lives,

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

As always it’s premature to speculate too deeply, but from what we do know of the shooter (to whit, he had recently complained to the police about his family defrauding him and other grievances dating back several decades ago) my working hypothesis is this is a terrible intra family murder.

So, no politics, no ideology, just people killing people they know. Which is the vast majority of murders.

occasional reader
occasional reader
1 year ago


And there just have another one (shooting) in Half Moon Bay (California again), in chinese community, also done by a chinese man – arrested, this time -. 7 deaths currently (and a grievly injured).
And still so many weapons sold…

Have a nice… whatever.

1 year ago

If Democrats were anything like Republicans, they’d be going on about false flags and how these guys are plants to make them look bad

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

What the hell is going on?! Some sort of Triad gang war?

1 year ago

Think how giddy they’d be if the shooter was a nonwhite woman.

Giddy and terrified.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago


If Democrats were anything like Republicans, they’d be going on about false flags and how these guys are plants to make them look bad

I’m almost going conspiracy nut over what’s happening in Atlanta right now. These white “protestors” from out of state descending upon a mostly Black city and causing all kinds of violence and chaos. Something’s off about it.

1 year ago

The Uvalde shooter was Latino and that shooting got plenty of coverage and outrage.

Lakitha K Tolbert
Lakitha K Tolbert
1 year ago

@Love is All We Need:


…Seven people were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism and criminal trespass, with other charges pending, the GBI said. They range in age from 20 to 34 years, and none are Georgia residents…

it has long been a conspiracy theory that outside agitators often started various riots, but we can now see, since the BLM marches of 2020, that there are people actually now doing the thing. It is not a conspiracy theory to suggest that these people came to Atlanta for the express purpose of turning what started as and was meant to be a peaceful protest into a violent riot. I very much suspect that this is the newest right-wing tactic, that every single time black people (and only us) gather to protest anything at all there will be a contingent of people (mostly white, mostly male, and right-wing) who will show up to turn it into a riot, so that any and every protest by us, for any reasons, can then be judged as violent, and dismissed by the mainstream public.

First of all, in the loooong damn history of black people rioting or protesting anything we have never used bombs. Black people don’t do bombs and explosives (outside of the occasional Molotov). Yes, rioters will burn stuff but it is something that happens in the moment, not something planned ahead of time or for later on. Black people as a general rule are not interested in making explosives and shit. That is a white guy thing!!!!

There has been a lot of ink spent on painting black protestors as violent mobs out to terrorize white people (something which is a pure historical projection on white people’s part) so now these same people are trying to make it actually appear as if we are because so far we have not been cooperating when it comes to committing acts of terrorism. They tried lying on us for decades and that didn’t work because we didn’t take the bait, so now they are putting a bit more effort into making us seem like terrorists.

I think a closer examination of the people who were arrested will show that’s not a conspiracy theory but a fact.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
1 year ago

Lakitha K Tolbert, exactly. And the people I have in Atlanta are split on this cop city. Some say Atlanta has gotten so crime-ridden it needs it, others don’t want it but aren’t about to get out there and protest.

1 year ago

@Lakitha K Tolbert

has long been a conspiracy theory that outside agitators often started various riots,

It was never a conspiracy theory, there’s well-documented examples going back 200 years in the US. Black and Native rights activists, organized labor, queer activists, antiwar activists (doesn’t matter which war), environmental activists (once there was such a thing), all have been targeted by agents provocateur who advocate ,organize, and commit destructive and/or violent acts then used to justify further oppression.
The only novelty about the current crop is that many of them appear to be doing it on their own recognizance; historically it’s been undercover cops, or undercover Pinkertons before there were cops organized enough to do that kind of thing. All that said, it’s not at all necessary for anything that even looks like violence to happen for the police to declare a riot and start spreading violence all over the place. I’ve been to a few of those.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

We’re just sad a shooting happened. It doesn’t matter who did it. I’m horrified for the victims and their families. I don’t care what the guy’s politics were. If we were actually trying to disown this guy for his politics, we’d do the same shit y’all do… “oh, he was a lone wolf, oh, he was just crazy, oh, he was just frustrated with the world, etc”. We don’t support violence for these things regardless of who the person is, we understand that calling this kind of thing “crazy” endangers vulnerable people, and being frustrated with the world doesn’t mean you get to hurt anyone. I.e., we don’t make excuses for this shit. And if this was a right winger, the right wing excuse mill would be rolling,

For us, this isn’t about owning anybody. We feel sad for the victims and angry at the shooter regardless of who any of them are. These “own the line” assholes will never understand this. We don’t seem to spend our lives thinking about and obsessing over hating a group to the point we celebrate their deaths. We… actually have other things we do with our time.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

@.45: so true! I happily forgot about that reaction

@Dave: I really hope you don’t know anyone. I wish no one knew anyone who was murdered, ever, really.

@SpecialFrog: unfortunately also true… right wingers really have trouble allowing anyone out of their “boxes” unless it’s convenient.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
1 year ago

Edit: I should say “we’re just sad and angry a shooting happened”. Because I am super angry. And once again, I don’t care who did it, the fact that they did it is horrific.