homophobia jk rowling transphobia woke

“Rowlingphobia” and other supposed afflictions of our supposed “woke” culture

The right lives in its own little world, and in that world, these are three big concerns right now:


According to spiked magazine online, our culture suffers from this terrible affliction:

What we’re witnessing here is a severe bout of Rowlingphobia. The Harry Potter author has been turned into a kind of moral leper – someone best avoided or not acknowledged in public at all. And all because she has had the temerity to stand up for women’s rights and for the reality of biological sex. Trans activists may have signally failed to erase or cancel her, but that doesn’t make their attempts any less unsettling.

I almost feel bad for the beleaguered billionaire!

The “Woke” National Hockey League

Charlie Kirk had a little bit of a meltdown after hearing that the NHL had gotten its players to wear Pride Jerseys during Pride Night. On the Charlie Kirk radio show, he declared:

It’s diversity is our strength — as long as you wear the rainbow flag, as long as you participate in the new replacement civil religion that is birthed out of the LGBTQ alphabet mafia …

I don’t watch hockey at all. … I don’t wish them well. … I hope the NHL goes through some restructuring and I think that’s gonna require some misery and pain. … I hope their stadiums remain empty and I hope they go bankrupt because what they are doing is so aggressive. It is so hostile. It is so insistent that if you do not subscribe to the chemical castration of children, to the trans agenda, we are going to isolate you. We’re going to punish you …

The best way to explain the kind of new alphabet mafia is the people that came out of the closet now, want you to live in the closet.

Poor Charlie Kirk. Or, as I like to call him, “Mr. Tolerence,”

The “Woke Mob” persecuting Kyle Rittenhouse

Unconvicted double murderer Kyle Rittenhouse has been having some trouble booking events–venues keep canceling on him, just because of that little “murder” thing. As Mediaite reports, Rittenhouse recently complained about his poor fortunes on Sebastian Gorka’s podcast:

“But just recently, as of this morning, the Oak Room room at the Venetian canceled us and bent to the woke mob saying we aren’t going to host you guys anymore,” Rittenhouse said on the America First podcast.

He also blasted the Texas brewing company that cancelled his event once again, claiming they are not apolitical as their statement regarding him suggested.

“They said they are apolitical, but after doing a dive into their social media, they’ve hosted Pride parades, they’ve had political events there. It’s just because of my name and they’re just being unfair and biased,” he said.

So unfair!

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2 years ago

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Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

You know what I think would be far more useful? Software that detected when the driver was significantly impaired. You’re weaving all over the road, or you’re exceeding the speed limit, or it senses that you’re nodding off, and it fires off alarms to let you know you’re not safe, and if you exceed a certain frequency of warnings, it transmits alerts to the police.

What the fuck? I must have misread that. Let’s try again:

You know what I think would be far more useful? Software that detected when the driver was significantly impaired. You’re weaving all over the road, or you’re exceeding the speed limit, or it senses that you’re nodding off, and it fires off alarms to let you know you’re not safe, and if you exceed a certain frequency of warnings, it transmits alerts to the police.

What, really? PZ Myers just suggested that cars be designed to tattle on sufficiently-erratic drivers (as perceived by the machine) to the fucking cops?

I was on board with the rest of that (but as I understand it, most of those things are increasingly standard in newer autos already anyway) but … ratting people out to those no-good rotten violent fascist pigs? Including drivers of color and members of other marginalized communities?


And not one person in the comments has called him out about that bit either. Someone’s driving being erratic is surely one of those many things that would better be handled in some other way than by siccing armed agents of the state on people. This could be a granny with fading vision or an injured person or something, and is probably not a violent persistent felon or a hijacker or suchlike that actually would clearly warrant a response by armed agents of the state.

I’m not even sure I’d like the thought of vehicles tattling on their owners to the DMV or their insurance company. Especially since it might not even be the owner who’s driving in any particular instance. And the machine can’t see whether there’s an extenuating circumstance (icy roads? Winding mountain road with high winds? Problem with the machine’s own sensors, perhaps from snow or ice or even nesting insects? I’m remembering hearing somewhere about a 747 brought down by mud-dauber wasps who’d mud-daubed its pitot tubes shut, in concert with the 747’s own autopilot acting on the resulting faulty data…)

Best might be if it just sends the owner an email letting them know and suggesting resources that could be applicable (from optometrists to substance-abuse programs to “maybe it was just the weather or something. I could be wrong; I’m just a machine after all.” Perhaps with an option to configure it to also alert a trusted close kin, e.g. of an elderly driver, who can intervene if it’s *really* necessary, knows and cares about the person, and knows their situation so as to be able to think up an appropriate course of action.

PZ’s suggestion, on the other hand, would probably result in an annual spike of brown people being shot during “routine traffic stops” because they were “reaching for something” (license and registration, perhaps?) and the “officer felt threatened” in the northern and mountain states every February or March or so, once enough days of dealing with slippery and slushy roads had happened over the space of December and January as to trigger the things’ erratic driving tattle thresholds.

Meanwhile, I have now just survived two supply runs in a row where the local major taxi companies fucked up. “It’ll be 20 to 25 minutes”. I grumble and say OK, then hang up. 30 minutes later, no taxi. I call back and they say they never even sent it. Meanwhile everything in my bag is 30 minutes closer to missing its deadline for getting re-refrigerated, and this time there’s too much bulk and weight for hoofing it back home to be a realistic option.

A helpful store clerk was able to supply the number of an independent taxi driver, who got there in 5 minutes and had me home in another 10, fortunately. But I’m still concerned. Increasing the number of alternate taxi services in my phone contacts from 2 to 3 doesn’t feel like enough of a safeguard. And I don’t know why I am suddenly beset with problems getting transportation, again. Everything was working fine up until about two weeks ago (three, in the case of one of those services) and now they can’t apparently do their jobs properly for love or money? They don’t even have the weather as an excuse this time, as it was clear and calm and the roads were in good condition.

Anyone have any ideas here that might be helpful? (Not “move closer to the stores” — rent is too damn high as it is and is surely a lot higher right near the shopping district — or “get delivery” when I still lack a functioning credit card.)

2 years ago

Wow. Just wow.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

Over here, and maybe other places, insurance companies for young drivers will often offer a discount if the driver agrees to the installation of a ‘black box’. That transmits all the parameters of their driving, including things like if they’re wearing a seatbelt, to the insurance company.

The general consensus is to pay the extra to not be monitored. The companies send a report to the driver as to their driving. I can see the utility of that for a new driver. It’s valuable feedback. But of course the company could then decline either coverage, and that messes up your insurance record forever.

Having said all that, I am very aware that I am in control of two and a half tons of metal, often travelling at speed. But also just passing feet away from pedestrians, kids, cyclists, horse riders and a whole host of other vulnerable people. So I do see a responsibly on myself, and all other drivers, to ensure we drive as safely as possible. And if we’re not fit to drive, however inconvenient that might be to us, we owe it to everyone else to not put them at risk.

Even a momentary lapse of concentration at the wrong time can end and ruin lives in a matter of seconds.

The US gets through a 9/11 every six weeks in terms of road deaths. As we have tragically seen, in the wrong hands a vehicle is as deadly as a gun or even a bomb.

So whilst I am very glad I only self monitor (I do have recording equipment installed) I can’t really see a moral objection to efforts (jn general terms that is; even if there are problems in the details and application to be worked through) to keep people safe; however much an imposition that might be on personal liberty.

ETA: There is a black box installed on my truck. That records a few seconds of data if it thinks the vehicle has been involved in a major accident. But Land Rover will only unlock that by order of the court. I think though all US vehicles for the last decade or so have had to have them fitted.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

This is a detailed overview of the mud wasp incident.

2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
I took the simplest approach of not even bothering to get a license. There’s enough cars around as it is and I don’t trust my own attention span enough to not have something go horribly wrong. Unfortunately this is only an option for me because I live in a city with access to public transportation, so it obviously won’t work for everyone.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ anonymous

Yeah, I can totally get that approach. But here that is only really feasible in London. Where I am now then is a bit different. The first place I lived only had one bus in the morning and that took me two hours to get to work. The last bus back was at 4; so I would have to get a bus that took me about 3 miles from the village instead. So driving was a bit of a necessity. Having said that, I did sometimes take the bus just so I could have a nice walk back.

I also get what you mean about attention span. I do most of my driving almost in a fugue. I’ll arrive places with no conscious recollection of the journey there. That is an almost universal experience though. And you can still be perfectly safe. I’m a terrible driver; but I am also aware of all the dangers. So I do focus on driving as safely as I can; even if I then can’t remember doing so.

There are a few ‘hacks’ for that. A good one is to do a running commentary in my head of my journey. I also like to pretend that there’s a hit out on me. So I monitor all the vehicles and people around you in case they’re an assassin. Seriously; it’s a useful technique. I also drive as if I have a body and 2 kilos of heroin in the boot. That makes you very aware of who’s behind you and makes you drive so as not to attract attention.

(I’ve never understood ‘drive it like you stole it’. Wouldn’t that be very carefully so as not to alert the police?)

Generally though I just drive as chilled as I can. I assume everyone else is as rubbish a driver as me; and anticipate and allow for that. I also apply my general Marcus Aurelius approach, and don’t get worked up about other people’s less than stellar driving; especially when it’s obviously just a mistake. I usually just smile and that relives the tension and makes everyone safer. I hate all the road rage where tempers flare and people do idiotic things just out of pride or ego. That gets people killed. Just let it go.

I do though have little moments of clarity where I suddenly become very aware that I’m manipulating this death machine with dials and levers and one minor slip and it could be devastating. It only lasts a second or two; but it can be a bit disconcerting.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Southern Star Brewing is the brewery that refused to host Rittenhouse. Their Buried Hatchet Stout is delicious.

2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
There’s also the expenses involved in keeping a car at all (fuel, maintenance, and all that assorted crap) and my not wanting to contribute to global warming any more than I already do by necessity as part of living in an industrial Western society. So I have all the more reason to use Uber/taxis/public transportation as much as humanly possible. And honestly, I think I’m happier for it.

Given that a car is by definition a two thousand pound death machine that belches out poison gases simply by being active, I am the last person I’d trust to use one.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

Ngl, I got Rowlingphobia from that intro pic, it’s straight out of the Scary Stories Treasury, holy crap.

Also I have to laugh at the NHL being woke. I literally went to the first sportsball game in my life last November (work event) and it was an NHL game. It’s now saved on my phone in clips as a demonstration of brilliantly well-executed right-wing propaganda that legit looks like it’s from MegaCity One or some shit.

EDIT: Does anyone know off the top of their head, because I’m afraid to google but I also don’t want to ask anyone else to do what I don’t want to do, what is Kyle Rittenhouse’s event that keeps getting cancelled? What is it that a teenage race murderer can have a worthy perspective on, since I don’t imagine he has a skill to put on an entire show at his age (although I could be wrong, I just find it unlikely)?

Last edited 2 years ago by Big Titty Demon
2 years ago

I really like your site and your takes on things. It’s a real mistake for me to read the comments, though, as happened today. These are the sort of people who may accept me as an ally, if I shut up and nod. Maybe. Many of them, as seen her today, are the sort of ally that sends me home from any party very early on. My word, self- righteousness on an almost Xian or Maoist level! Because it’s all empty fucking words.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Continuing the conversation about driving, I don’t have a car, so my driving is limited to rental cars. On a cross-country road trip in the USA with my boyfriend several years ago, we were under pressure to make it back home (2,000 miles away) as quickly as possible so that I could return to work. It was an interesting experience.

We crossed into Wyoming in the middle of the night and saw that the highway was very dark. What lighting there was came from lights set into the median strip. On either side of us was darkness. We drove for several hours, and as the sun rose, the darkness to our right lifted to reveal incredible, steep, gorgeous mountains, seemingly almost in our laps. We were flabbergasted. Too bad Wyoming is so right wing. (Hello, Dick Cheney.)

My boyfriend and I took turns driving. I would drive until I was exhausted and then keep driving. When I would start to think that I might crash — but not care because I was so tired — I knew it was time to hand off the driving to him.

My boyfriend and I both still have a strong memory of the McDonald’s just outside Laramie, Wyoming. It was really big and fancy for a McDonald’s, with paintings and copper panels on the walls. We remember pulling into the parking lot at 5 a.m., when it opened, and being greeted by a chubby, cranky server whose hair color matched the copper panels and who poured us coffee. I don’t usually drink much coffee, but I did that time because it was my turn to drive.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
2 years ago

Note to Charlie Kirk:
Hockey isn’t played in a stadium, it’s played in an arena (well, except once a year in midwinter when a single game is played outdoors for nostalgic remembrance of frozen ponds).Hope you see someone shoot a three-pointer for a touchdown next time you go down to the baseball diamond(why aren’t there more manly men like him anymore?)

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

 I also apply my general Marcus Aurelius approach, and don’t get worked up about other people’s less than stellar driving;

Now picturing Marcus Aurelius behind the wheel of a Volvo or something on his morning commute. It’s easy enough—the real problem is getting back to his villa—all the roads leading out of Rome do this weird u-turn…

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ gss ex-noob

It was really big and fancy for a McDonald’s

When they introduced the first drive-through McDonald’s here they were quite advanced in the planning process before they realised they were set up for left hand drive cars.

Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ mooncustafer

Now picturing Marcus Aurelius behind the wheel of a Volvo

“You can be the man who complains about the branch blocking the road; or you can be the man who moves the branch from the road…..or if you’re a BMW driver you can just beep your horn at it until it gets out of your way.”

2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Yeah, I can totally get that approach. But here that is only really feasible in London. Where I am now then is a bit different.

Any big city really. My mom is in her 60s and has never had a license. She is in Birmingham. I have a license but have never driver since the day I passed my test back in 2006!

2 years ago

Did double murderers used to get handed glittering media careers before the wokists ruined everything then? Kyle Rittenhouse should thank his lucky stars for the culture war, it was once a lot harder to turn being a teen killer into a grift.

Last edited 2 years ago by LollyPop
2 years ago

Live in Chicago, haven’t ever owned a car. I have kept my driver’s license but it expires next month. I’ll need new contact lenses to pass the eye exam but my insurance won’t pay for new ones until March. So I think I will just settle for the state ID.

2 years ago

It’s actually kind of impressive how people defending Rowling pretend the stuff she did ended with her little essay full of misrepresentations and half truths that someone who didn’t know the reality or what the dog whistles could legitimately not see the problem with. Just blatantly ignoring how she became the public face of an openly genocidal hate movement in the two years since then, which anyone who even glances at her social media would know.

2 years ago

The best way to explain the kind of new alphabet mafia is the people that came out of the closet now, want you to live in the closet.

That’s exactly it. Every few weeks my brother is always complaining about me appearing with my wife in public. “What about the children?” he’s always screaming. Well, they are just going to have to learn the facts of life. Some men like women, and some women like men, and we will not be silenced. You know how it is.

2 years ago

We already see the abuses that come from the breathalyzer that jurisdictions force people with DUI convictions to install. Sometimes, it malfunctions. Sometimes it demands a test at the exact moment the driver is doing something dangerous. Whatever the cause of the report, police and insurance will never believe the black driver over the device. Having more automated systems like that will only compound the issues.

2 years ago

Me protesting at the local Barnes and Nobles sign saying “READ ANOTHER BOOK”


Why would that be?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

The general consensus is to pay the extra to not be monitored. The companies send a report to the driver as to their driving. I can see the utility of that for a new driver. It’s valuable feedback. But of course the company could then decline either coverage, and that messes up your insurance record forever.

So, you could get useful feedback that would improve your driving, make yourself and others safer, but lock you into having high insurance rates and being permanently listed somewhere as a bad driver even though you’re not anymore; or you can keep the default insurance rates, not get the feedback, and be a worse and less safe driver, until your first accident or thereabouts.

Seems there’s a wee bit of a problem with the incentive structure there.

And if we’re not fit to drive, however inconvenient that might be to us, we owe it to everyone else to not put them at risk.

I can’t really see a moral objection to efforts (jn general terms that is; even if there are problems in the details and application to be worked through) to keep people safe; however much an imposition that might be on personal liberty.

Not disagreeing. Not agreeing that “automated tattling to armed agents of the state” is the best way to deal with that. And again, even automated tattling to the DMV who might then suspend your license or insist you retake the tests or something could become a problem if (and they will) they just blindly trust the automation.

Meanwhile, I note that you’re using terms like “inconvenient” and “imposition”; that’s perhaps a bit of a class/European privilege issue. Poorer people in the Americas may find that loss of driving privileges is an acute threat to their very lives, if they have poor or no other transportation options, lack the funds to move, etc.; it could easily cascade into a job loss, then homelessness, an elevated risk of violent death (especially if black, female, gay, etc.), and in the more northern areas, just plain death once winter rolled around.

Consider the difficulties I’ve had lately transporting food home. Now imagine I was non-disabled and it was a job I kept being late for because of this, until eventually they fired me for repeat tardiness; and without disability the most jobless-nondisabled-me could get was welfare, which pays only around half as much as disability does; with half the income I actually had, there is no way to not be homeless in Canada (as the lowest rent anywhere in the entire country is now a little bit higher than the highest monthly amount welfare recipients can be eligible for!); without access to grooming and personal hygiene anymore, I quickly become incapable of passing any job interview, so unless I get very lucky and land a replacement job within a month or two and avoid homelessness altogether, my joblessness, and the homelessness, become effectively permanent; and I shouldn’t have to remind anyone that Canadian winters are not survivable without shelter, full-stop. Savings? What savings? A good third or more of the populations of the US and Canada live paycheck to paycheck, with emergencies soaking up any would-be savings as fast as they can be accumulated. And a lot of the time those emergencies are car repairs and similar transportation-related matters!

Even without involving gun-slinging yahoos, automated tattling tech would probably kill a significant number of poor people on this side of the pond and greatly worsen the poverty of a lot more.

The ideal fix would involve a much more robust welfare state and much more robust public transit over here. I’m pretty sure what we’ll get is tattle boxes instead, because that’s what the billionaires will favor: it’s much cheaper and it doesn’t dangerously empower the working class. The best we might realistically hope for, short of a full-blown revolution (party like it’s 1789!), is complete inaction: no welfare improvements, no transit improvements, but no tattle boxes either.

I do though have little moments of clarity where I suddenly become very aware that I’m manipulating this death machine with dials and levers and one minor slip and it could be devastating. It only lasts a second or two; but it can be a bit disconcerting.

I wonder if this is a common, but undiscussed, experience among drivers in general or if it’s limited to the non-neurotypical.


Also I have to laugh at the NHL being woke. I literally went to the first sportsball game in my life last November (work event) and it was an NHL game. It’s now saved on my phone in clips as a demonstration of brilliantly well-executed right-wing propaganda that legit looks like it’s from MegaCity One or some shit.

Could you please elaborate? I mean, sure, it’s a lot of toxic masculinity on display (even by sportsball standards — does any other sport, save boxing, regularly feature fisticuffs?) but you make it sound like it was a top-flight production of Triumph of the Will on Ice or something.


I really like your site and your takes on things. It’s a real mistake for me to read the comments, though, as happened today. These are the sort of people who may accept me as an ally, if I shut up and nod. Maybe. Many of them, as seen her today, are the sort of ally that sends me home from any party very early on. My word, self- righteousness on an almost Xian or Maoist level! Because it’s all empty fucking words.

Could you please elaborate? I don’t see a specific complaint about a specific comment(er) here, just vague insinuations of intolerance of some sort.

2 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements

Honestly, my idea of an ideal fix would involve restructuring life so people wouldn’t be so dependent on cars for a good quality of life in the first place. Things like community gardens, local production of food and other goods, and so on.

Unfortunately, that is if anything even less likely than your idea of the ideal fix right now- it would step on too many big businesses’ toes and a lot of people are attached to the idea that (for example) they should be able to have bananas in the middle of winter despite living nowhere near the tropics.