The right lives in its own little world, and in that world, these are three big concerns right now:
According to spiked magazine online, our culture suffers from this terrible affliction:
What we’re witnessing here is a severe bout of Rowlingphobia. The Harry Potter author has been turned into a kind of moral leper – someone best avoided or not acknowledged in public at all. And all because she has had the temerity to stand up for women’s rights and for the reality of biological sex. Trans activists may have signally failed to erase or cancel her, but that doesn’t make their attempts any less unsettling.
I almost feel bad for the beleaguered billionaire!
The “Woke” National Hockey League
Charlie Kirk had a little bit of a meltdown after hearing that the NHL had gotten its players to wear Pride Jerseys during Pride Night. On the Charlie Kirk radio show, he declared:
It’s diversity is our strength — as long as you wear the rainbow flag, as long as you participate in the new replacement civil religion that is birthed out of the LGBTQ alphabet mafia …
I don’t watch hockey at all. … I don’t wish them well. … I hope the NHL goes through some restructuring and I think that’s gonna require some misery and pain. … I hope their stadiums remain empty and I hope they go bankrupt because what they are doing is so aggressive. It is so hostile. It is so insistent that if you do not subscribe to the chemical castration of children, to the trans agenda, we are going to isolate you. We’re going to punish you …
The best way to explain the kind of new alphabet mafia is the people that came out of the closet now, want you to live in the closet.
Poor Charlie Kirk. Or, as I like to call him, “Mr. Tolerence,”
The “Woke Mob” persecuting Kyle Rittenhouse
Unconvicted double murderer Kyle Rittenhouse has been having some trouble booking events–venues keep canceling on him, just because of that little “murder” thing. As Mediaite reports, Rittenhouse recently complained about his poor fortunes on Sebastian Gorka’s podcast:
“But just recently, as of this morning, the Oak Room room at the Venetian canceled us and bent to the woke mob saying we aren’t going to host you guys anymore,” Rittenhouse said on the America First podcast.
He also blasted the Texas brewing company that cancelled his event once again, claiming they are not apolitical as their statement regarding him suggested.
“They said they are apolitical, but after doing a dive into their social media, they’ve hosted Pride parades, they’ve had political events there. It’s just because of my name and they’re just being unfair and biased,” he said.
So unfair!

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@ steph
Yeah; it’s certainly a lot easier in big cities. I do miss London Transport. Although I pretty much used to walk everywhere anyway, it was nice to know it was there if needed.
Some cities though use public transport (or lack thereof) for social engineering. A number of councils stuck all the people they didn’t want coming into town on sink estates; then canceled all the busses to and from.
The big supermarkets cottoned onto that of course; and laid on their own bus services. But only to and from their stores and you have to buy something to travel.
But now we have a two tier population. One stuck where they are, with occasional trips to out of town supermarkets; and people enjoying pavement cafes in newly gentrified town centres before driving back to their nice pads in the suburbs.
Cars do give people a lot more freedom; so I can see why, despite all the downsides, they are so popular across all demographics.
Another variation on the theme of “bringing the war home”: White people gentrifying other white people out of their traditional neighborhoods. What will the UK Tories think of next? <smh>
Hostile infrastructure can also be car-focused, and is a separate issue to what type of infrastructure is being built
@ dali
Do you mean that this plan is a species of hostile architecture aimed at people, or those schemes designed to discourage car use?
Also, you’re good at etymology. You know anything more about this husband(ry) thing?
@Alan, I believe at one time planners designed the urban freeways to spare the white districts and divide or obliterate the Black ones.
While we’re on the subject of transport, I finally got an official “degree of disability”. This means that:
a) I can apply again for a disabled parking permit. Last time they rejected me because a report from the surgeon saying, “I cut her entire leg off” wasn’t sufficient. Now that I have the required piece of paper it should just be a matter of waiting for the bureaucracy.
b) I get a reduction in sales tax on an adapted car. In my case that just means an automatic or electric car since, lucky me, I still have my right leg.
c) I won’t need to pay road tax on that car.
d) my tax threshold will go up a little. My income probably won’t reach the old threshold anyway, but I might get there next year.
Hostile architecture is a smaller and more focused aspect of what I was talking about. The scheme you described where bus routes were shifted to trap designated “undesirables” in particular areas is mirrored in the States by highways that run from segregated suburbs to business centers while those designated “undesirables” are stuck in maze-like narrow streets with few connections to the outside. And, of course, often can’t afford cars anyway, so they’re stuck there unless they’re lucky enough to have a bus (which rarely goes anywhere useful and typically runs rarely and at inconvenient times).
As Sheila notes, a lot of freeways were built on the bulldozed wreckage of formerly prosperous Black (and in the East sometimes Jewish) neighborhoods, and now serve to cut off the shattered remnants from one another.
Husband originally meant “House owner” (lit-House-bonded); the verb came from that, in the sense of acting to maintain the home and associated property. Usually a werman (human male; wer- persists in werewolf but mostly not otherwise), married a wifman (female human; eventually became both wife* and woman by slightly different routes), and thereby became a husband, i.e. the head of a new household).
*Hence “man and wife,” originally “werman and wifman.” This is also the context in which “man” comes to mean “humanity in general.”
@Sheila: I’m outraged but unsurprised that having a leg cut off wasn’t enough for the bureaucrats to OK it.
Get yourself the nicest car you can afford! You deserve it.