A Reddit “Red Piller” has come up with yet another reason why women should feel obligated to have sex with men they don’t want to have sex with: because if they don’t, the men will be driven to betray their “tribe.”
“When men are unable to get a wife, ultimately they will resort to betraying their tribe, this is how Ephialtes betrayed spartans, it is because he couldnt get laid,” declares HardTruthssss in the Purple Pill Debate subreddit.
A single man sees he is unable to continue his family genetic continuity, he will know whatever he do he wont be able to continue its genetic legacy in the tribe, so he will be lured to betray his tribe, either the enemy offers him to integrate into their tribe and he gets a wife to continue his genetic legacy or he is bribed by rewards, he doesnt care anymore, his genetic legacy doesnt live in the tribe anymore so he gives a damn what happens to the tribe.
No one cares this much about their “genetic legacy”–not even those who like to talk about preserving their “genetic legacy” when what they’re really complaining about is their inability to get laid.
History is full of these examples where lonely men at betraying their nations, enemies tend to offer wives and gf in order to earn his loyalty …
Spy agencies do indeed try to lure men into espionage work with “honey traps.” This has about as much relevance to the ordinary incel as does deodorant.
this is why in Europe, deals between the nations was done by marriages, they married princes with princesses from different nations in order to seal their alliances, since a paper is just a paper and it needs a stronger bond that is why marriages were made.
You can see in all history, in all cultures, civilizations, etc alliances and alike between nations was done by marriing different groups in order to seal those alliances.
Yeah, the royalty did this. Commoners didn’t, though they often used marriage to cement loyalties between families of the same “tribe.” Also, we’re not ruled by royalty any more.
Now 1/3 of male population is single, they can be bribed by the chinese in order to betray their nations, chinese can tell the communist chinese women that in order to secure geopolitical objectives they should become the waifu of lonely single western men.
I promise you that Chinese women aren’t out there luring incels into secret lives as enemy agents.
Governments know this, this is why a requeriment to be a diplomat is marrying a woman of his same nationality, they dont allow diplomats to marry foreign women.
As far as I can tell from a little Googling, this isn’t true, though potential foreign spouses will have to undergo some sort of security clearance process.
In a followup comment, HardTruthssss insists that
the west are having their best men, more productive turn into traitors. They are not weeding the bad, they are weeding the good.
This is not happening. And even if it were, incels are hardly our “best men” by any standards.
But you have to give HardTruthssss some points for creativity for this one; it’s an argument I haven’t seen before and believe me, I’ve seen plenty.

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So, it’s basically as if the Ontario provincial legislature tried to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act? Yeah, I can see why that wouldn’t fly. On the other hand, bucking the federal system isn’t always doomed, as witness all of the American states that have legalized marijuana even while it remains on the federal controlled substances list. Mind you that might depend on a delicate state of federal forbearance from enforcing that within the states that have chosen to legalize … and that forbearance (even while Trump was in charge!) might in turn be an indication of just how fragile the US ruling class thinks their union now is.
@Surplus, it was meant to say ‘incels’. Stupid autocorrect
@Surplus, IANAL but to the best of my understanding that’s not the case. The guy in the twitter thread Alan links to says something about this too; the Scottish Parliament drafted this legislation (and consulted/debated for six years) so as not to conflict with any UK-wide law, and did ensure that it affects only matters under their own jurisdiction.
The bill only concerns how and when trans people in Scotland can get a gender reassignment certificate (slightly less hassle to get it, and bringing the age limit down to match the existing Scottish age-limit for voting, getting married and joining the army iirc). It does not affect the standing and uses of that certificate once one has it, which remain just as they were.
Under previous PM May, there was a bill to do exactly the same for England-and-Wales; it’s just that Westminster dropped that (under Johnson) while Holyrood didn’t.
So it’s definitely legit to argue, I think, that the tories’ motivation here is essentially to try and make trouble for the Scottish Parliament (plus dogwhistling their transphobic voter base while distracting from the almighty omniclustershamblesfuck they are making of the whole UK economy). And of course they are 100% cynically quite happy to fuck over trans people by whipping up hatred, misrepresenting what the bill would do, and using this as a wedge issue against Scotland (and to some extent against Labour).
Bit more on the Scotland thing from Joshua Rosenberg. He’s really good at explaining technical stuff…
@ Alan Robertshaw:
Am now imagining a gender clinic setting up in Gretna Green, if things keep going in this direction.
@ moon custafer
Heh, this all got me thinking of Gretna Green too. But that is a legit point. Scotland has always had its own way of doing things.
In other news, further to my US Diplomatic Corp post, the US Secretary of State has just issued a communique saying that from now on, all embassy documents are no longer to be in Times New Roman, but Calibri!!!!
Another US foreign policy disaster.
@Alan, I joked a few days ago about needing to renew my passport because by the time I go up to Scotland in September, for the wedding of two trans men I know, I might need it to cross the border.
And then the Tories do this crap.
If I like my trip to Scotland, I might break my vow never to leave Lindsey on a permanent basis. I might be safer there.
Unless Cornwall breaks away too, and becomes a socialist haven, in which case I’m moving my mum, step-dad and gran (all from Devon and Cornwall but unable to afford to move back) to Hayle, where my step-dad comes from.
@ r j dragon
I like Hayle. There’s an interesting old foundry, a great chip shop, and a pub with a cool name (and backstory) “The Bucket of Blood”. It’s also a really nice pub.
There’s also a trendy place called Salt. You ever been there? The last time I went was for some posh dance night. Where the friend I went with threw herself back over one of the tables and shouted “Alan, impregnate me now!” Never been back since.
But yeah, locals being priced out is a real issue. A beach hut in Carbis Bay just sold for £450,000.