Despite their deep pessimism about pretty much everything else, incels do look forward to one thing: the eventual arrival of sexy lady robots that will not only have sex with them but who will also strip flesh-and-blood ladies of their sexual monopoly.
As one budding incel futurist called blackraven explains on the Incels.is forums, with the
arrival of (easily affordable, realistic and overall finished product) sexbots … the STDridden roasties that don’t have anything else to offer [will] lose their status and society returns to normalcy.
There’s one obvious problem with this scenario, though, and that’s the fact that sexbots will be available to women as well as men. But fear not, incels, for blackraven is here to tell you that women won’t enjoy their sexbots like men will because, well, they’re all a bunch of vile ungrateful c*nts who want a human Chad to use and abuse them.
RoboChads won’t be Chads at all; they’ll be Nice Guys, and women hate that.
Women will hate how their chadbot is always at home, doesn’t raise the voice over set limit, doesn’t call her bad names, listens to her ramblings for hours and then tries to provide useful advice.
Also, and perhaps more importantly, they won’t have bragging rights if they’re just fucking a robot.
[E]ven if robot somehow managed to accomplish every single command, in a way female wanted them to (which most likely wouldn’t happen and they would flood support email to release Abuse Me and Treat me like slut mode) , they would still be unhappy.
Because foids are dumb groupthinking creatures
While I’m sure you brocels are kind gentlemen, foids are vile c*nts. You could give them the very best thing and they couldn’t enjoy their if other females have it. I don’t even need to put the infamous “Oh my god she has the same dress as me” instagram meme that has existed for decades and I’m not sure if it will ever die off.
Meanwhile, men will be happy other men get to enjoy the same RobyStacies as they do because, apparently, men are never competitive with each other when it comes to women and material things and (robot) women who are material things.
While men will share scripts, macros, extensions and best settings for RoboC*nt , women will get absolutely rampant that their work colleague can get the same quality of RoboChad. She wouldn’t be able to brag about it, nor virtuesignal that she pulled RoboChad with her great personality.
In short, blackraven concludes,
Angry feminazis screeching that RoboChad will replace men and demand to treat them like queens is false, because no matter how advanced robots get foids will deliberately wish for the version that treats them worse.
And even after getting the abusive boyfriend robot experience foids will seethe the fact that
• she can’t pretend she attracted the RoboChad with her amazing personality
• she can’t pretend to have any drama going on, since robots are programmed to fix problems
• no bragging rights that her Robochad is unique, every other foid can have it and launch the same scripts
• RoboChad will likely burn down when trying to fix foid made up problems with logic gatesMen on the other hand, wouldn’t care about the fact that most other guys have the same model of robot and happily share the best configuration for each task on facebook groups, subreddits and discord chats.
Dude, right now, many men, including most incels, are so threatened by the fact that women use plain old fashioned sex toys that they can’t enjoy sex toys for men. You think you’ll do better when women have sexbots? I don’t think the utopia you dream of will ever arrive, largely because you’re a bunch of jealous ungrateful little psychopaths who will likely abuse your sexbots so thoroughly you’ll go broke buying replacement models. Once again, the incel “critique” of women is heavy on projection and light on sense.
It’s true that many women (and many men, for that matter) won’t end up satisfied by sexbots because sexbots aren’t, you know, people. It’s one thing to have sex with a machine; it’s another to fall in love with one.
Incels are less about love than they are about jealousy. I guarantee that when the sexbots come, no matter how fancy and lifelike they are, incels will still feel jealous of the men having sex with flesh-and-blood women. “RoboCels” will be a thing. Because that’s how incels work.

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While I’m sure you brocels are kind gentlemen, foids are vile c*nts. You could give them the very best thing and they couldn’t enjoy their if other females have it. I don’t even need to put the infamous “Oh my god she has the same dress as me” instagram meme that has existed for decades and I’m not sure if it will ever die off….
…While men will share scripts, macros, extensions and best settings for RoboC*nt , women will get absolutely rampant that their work colleague can get the same quality of RoboChad. She wouldn’t be able to brag about it, nor virtuesignal that she pulled RoboChad with her great personality.
…no bragging rights that her Robochad is unique, every other foid can have it and launch the same scripts.
Somebody’s clearly never customized a Barbie or Built-A-Bear, much less hung out in Ball-Jointed Doll fandom. (About thirty years ago, when anime was still a nerdy fringe interest in the U.S. and its merchandise rare, exotic, and often just plain not to be had, I myself helped a correspondent mod Great Date Ken into Tuxedo Mask.)
@ Full Metal Ox:
Or a Raymond Scott Quintette number.
And then there’s:
The Govt seem to be taking a Stalinist approach to whose fault the rocket mishap was.
Your birthday? I hope it was wonderful.
The incels say women won’t like robots. But I liked Gigolo Joe (Jude Law) in AI a lot. I also liked Hymie in Get Smart. And don’t get me started on how cute, smart, funny, and loyal R2-D2 is.
@ kat
Thank you; I did!
As for robot boyfriends, this is a plot point in Asimov’s Robots of Dawn.
A lot of issues are examined; but one aspect is that, in a society where robot labour is ubiquitous, using robots as sex toys is culturally acceptable, but forming emotional attachments to them is seen at best as a subject of mockery and derision and at worst perverse and deviant.
If women wanted to be treated like garbage, they wouldn’t need to wait for a robot. They could date an incel today. The very fact these guys are single shows women want to be treated as people.
@Moon Custafer:
Or a Raymond Scott Quintette number.
And now you have me imagining the relentless piston-and cylinder assembly-line middle passage as a coital rhythm.
Your YouTube link turned out to be a dud; there’s a G-rated song about Robert the Robot from Fireball XL-5, but is this what you had in mind?
Not to mention this infamous panel from the Barbarella comic:
And of course…
There’s been an attempted coup in Brazil.
RE “psychopaths”
By FAR the most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to gain is that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine, big tech, big banks), nations and the world — the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE .. see The reality of the 2 Married Pink Elephants in the room
“… normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist
Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant and play victim like a little child?
“Never hide the truth to spare the feelings of the ignorant.” — Mikhail Bulgakov
And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is. You’ll then know why they want to control everyone and have been creating a new world order/global dictatorship, and many other formerly puzzling things will become very clear.
“Separate what you know from what you THINK you know.” — Unknown
But global rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the cited article explains because there are TWO pink elephants in the room… and they’re MARRIED.
Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.
And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are “part of the problem” and not part of the solution.
If you’re in the US and your employer mandates the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, register to receive a free Medical Exemption Certificate
“2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into…3 shots to feed your family!” — Unknown
@ surplus
Not accepting election results is now in the far right playbook it seems.
You have to admire the guy who took it as an opportunity to sell candy floss.
It just occurred to me that my generalization of “bad money drives out good” doesn’t only explain the execrable architecture and construction of McMansions; it also explains why NFT “art” is often so terrible.
Oh, look. Wrapped in the flag … literally.
@ surplus
Well Sturgeons’ Law has always been a thing of course. But, whilst I am a big fan of the digitisation and democratisation of creativity (there’s a lot of gatekeeping in the arts) there is a flip-side.
There are fewer filters to market now.
Like in physical media days, a band would have to find the money to hire a recording studio; and then the costs of actually pressing the records. So they usually needed record company support. That meant getting past the A&R people. So that excluded the majority of aspirants.
Now though you can knock out an album on a MacBook and sell your work directly online.
Same with art. Especially digital art. Art materials are expensive. It’s also perhaps of note that during the Renaissance you needed to be an accepted member of an academy to even buy them. That might explain why the art from then was so good.
Again though you can do all that with your computer. And it’s perhaps not surprising that people already used to working in a digital environment should be attracted to digital forms of ownership and payment.
“All I need to do is shoot my sperm, put it in an incubator and wait 9 months. Maybe less with today’s science. A woman can’t do that!”
World famous entertainer Akon says men are “Kings, Gods and the Divine of this Universe. The woman can never compare to the man. They have to understand this in America. Women don’t create life, the man is who creates life. Men, we’re gods. Let me give you an example of the science of it. Right now man can create life without a woman but woman cannot create life without a man.”
And then goes on to explain how in today’s world science is so advanced that right now men can just put sperm into incubators and babies will come out.
Incels can’t even get anything right about the PRESENT. No way in hell should we listen to their predictions about the future.
Oh look, a crank.
My best friend almost died of COVID, and now has insulin dependent diabetes (she didn’t before). I am immunocompromised myself, and have to live like a hermit every winter now because people refuse to take the most basic precautions (including staying up to date on boosters) during COVID season.
Get utterly fucked.
@ Full Metal Ox —
Yes, thanks!
Incels will never be satisfied with sexbots, because no matter how much they whine about it, sex isn’t what they really want. What they want is to abuse and dominate women. It makes them feel powerful (or at least they think it would, if only they could manage it). But a sexbot can’t feel fear, or pain, or humiliation. Sure, they can be programmed to act as if they’re feeling these things, but deep down, incels will know its not real, and abusing a sexbot will ultimately be no more satisfying than abusing a vacuum cleaner. They’d still be miserable, and still find ways to somehow blame real women for that misery.
The irony is that incels, and entitled men in general, might be enough to convince some women to give up on flesh-and-blood men entirely
Either plenty of moviemakers over the years have leaned incel, or the fear that robots and AIs may replace men might be more than just an incel thing. One movie critic compared HAL’s personality to a spurned gay lover. Others like KITT, C-3PO and Dr. Theopolis from Buck Rogers likewise spoke in lilts long associated with stereotypes of gay men, and were also fussy and prissy to some degree. They suggest an intention to make AIs less threatening to straight cis men.
One of the reasons women love the Marvel films (as well as movies like The Lord of the Rings, for that matter) is the attractiveness of the men. Women would absolutely buy Captain America or T’Challa or Thor bots if they were affordable. Just a thought.
Could Aragornbot give me a massage while singing in elvish, please?
Gods, I never thought of of HAL as in love with Dave, but that explains so much. Accepted as new headcanon, thanks.
TBH it might be a case of Arthur C. Clarke writing what he knew…