chad incels misogyny sexual insecurity sexy robot ladies

Women won’t appreciate sexbots like men will, incel futurist predicts

Will Robo-Chad be enough for the foids?

Despite their deep pessimism about pretty much everything else, incels do look forward to one thing: the eventual arrival of sexy lady robots that will not only have sex with them but who will also strip flesh-and-blood ladies of their sexual monopoly.

As one budding incel futurist called blackraven explains on the forums, with the

arrival of (easily affordable, realistic and overall finished product) sexbots … the STDridden roasties that don’t have anything else to offer [will] lose their status and society returns to normalcy.

There’s one obvious problem with this scenario, though, and that’s the fact that sexbots will be available to women as well as men. But fear not, incels, for blackraven is here to tell you that women won’t enjoy their sexbots like men will because, well, they’re all a bunch of vile ungrateful c*nts who want a human Chad to use and abuse them.

RoboChads won’t be Chads at all; they’ll be Nice Guys, and women hate that.

Women will hate how their chadbot is always at home, doesn’t raise the voice over set limit, doesn’t call her bad names, listens to her ramblings for hours and then tries to provide useful advice.

Also, and perhaps more importantly, they won’t have bragging rights if they’re just fucking a robot.

[E]ven if robot somehow managed to accomplish every single command, in a way female wanted them to (which most likely wouldn’t happen and they would flood support email to release Abuse Me and Treat me like slut mode) they would still be unhappy.

Because foids are dumb groupthinking creatures

While I’m sure you brocels are kind gentlemen, foids are vile c*nts. You could give them the very best thing and they couldn’t enjoy their if other females have it. I don’t even need to put the infamous “Oh my god she has the same dress as me” instagram meme that has existed for decades and I’m not sure if it will ever die off.

Meanwhile, men will be happy other men get to enjoy the same RobyStacies as they do because, apparently, men are never competitive with each other when it comes to women and material things and (robot) women who are material things.

While men will share scripts, macros, extensions and best settings for RoboC*nt , women will get absolutely rampant that their work colleague can get the same quality of RoboChad. She wouldn’t be able to brag about it, nor virtuesignal that she pulled RoboChad with her great personality.

In short, blackraven concludes,

Angry feminazis screeching that RoboChad will replace men and demand to treat them like queens is false, because no matter how advanced robots get foids will deliberately wish for the version that treats them worse.

And even after getting the abusive boyfriend robot experience foids will seethe the fact that
• she can’t pretend she attracted the RoboChad with her amazing personality
• she can’t pretend to have any drama going on, since robots are programmed to fix problems
• no bragging rights that her Robochad is unique, every other foid can have it and launch the same scripts
• RoboChad will likely burn down when trying to fix foid made up problems with logic gates

Men on the other hand, wouldn’t care about the fact that most other guys have the same model of robot and happily share the best configuration for each task on facebook groups, subreddits and discord chats.:feelscomfy:

:feelsstudy:Dude, right now, many men, including most incels, are so threatened by the fact that women use plain old fashioned sex toys that they can’t enjoy sex toys for men. You think you’ll do better when women have sexbots? I don’t think the utopia you dream of will ever arrive, largely because you’re a bunch of jealous ungrateful little psychopaths who will likely abuse your sexbots so thoroughly you’ll go broke buying replacement models. Once again, the incel “critique” of women is heavy on projection and light on sense.

It’s true that many women (and many men, for that matter) won’t end up satisfied by sexbots because sexbots aren’t, you know, people. It’s one thing to have sex with a machine; it’s another to fall in love with one.

Incels are less about love than they are about jealousy. I guarantee that when the sexbots come, no matter how fancy and lifelike they are, incels will still feel jealous of the men having sex with flesh-and-blood women. “RoboCels” will be a thing. Because that’s how incels work.

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Trying: Marvel would make even more billions with a line of Avengers sexbots. Women (and some men) would collect them all! I literally spent about a minute trying to decide between a Rogers-bot and a Thor-bot.

If women wanted to be insulted, they could buy an early-Loki sexbot, which would have it all over an incel since you could turn him off and not have to bow to his every whim and whine. Plus that accent and butt.

@Alan: Is that Boris they’ve edited out? Can’t say as I blame them. It does make the photo unbalanced; they should have moved the military chap over.

@FMOx: Exactly. Girls like to customize their dolls, and they grow up to be women who would absolutely customize their sexbots. And a Tuxedo Mask sexbot would sell a lot too. If you wanted someone more emo, there’s always Captain Harlock. (I am an old anime fan too — you could only get most of the shows if someone in Japan would tape it for you and spend the money to mail it! US military guys stationed there supplied much of US anime fandom for years.)

@Cyborgette: Co-sign.

Akon is not in touch with consensus reality in any way, is he? Like our new GooGooDoo. Someone needs to tell Akon that hasn’t happened yet, and he’d need eggs too. Also that women can create babies through one-night stands or sperm banks, and they want to have and raise them.

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
2 years ago


[giant megacorp CEOs are, by and large, psychopaths]

Tell us something we don’t know.

the toxic/lethal COVID jabs


Clarification: tell us something true that we don’t know.


Right now man can create life without a woman but woman cannot create life without a man.

Say what? I’m pretty sure that only the female of a species may be capable of pathenogenesis …


One of the reasons women love the Marvel films (as well as movies like The Lord of the Rings, for that matter) is the attractiveness of the men.

In the Marvel films, everyone is attractive. Especially Valkyrie and Captain Marvel. It’s not even just the superheroes. Spider-Man’s non-powered love interest is really cute, for one. I’m guessing that goes for the non-powered men also, though I only rarely notice male attractiveness.


Hold on a minute — Clarke was gay?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Surplus: Clarke was super-gay and liked ’em young. But of course he had to keep it on the DL most of his life, what with not wanting to end up like Turing. Professionally he always hung out with only men as well, so women aren’t good characters in his stories if they existed at all.

Also, considering there are very few superheroines, Marvel has at least given us girls and gays some lovely eye candy to look at while we’re not being represented. But yes the women are all attractive too — even Thor and Loki’s mom.

@Alan: Cotton candy guy is a savvy small businessman.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ surplus

Clarke was gay?

He described himself as “Mildly cheerful”

Michael Moorcock wrote:

Everyone knew he was gay. In the 1950s, I’d go out drinking with his boyfriend. We met his protégés, western and eastern, and their families, people who had only the most generous praise for his kindness. Self-absorbed he might be and a teetotaller, but an impeccable gent through and through.

In an interview in the July 1986 issue of Playboy magazine, when asked if he had had a bisexual experience, Clarke stated, “Of course. Who hasn’t?”.

In his obituary, Clarke’s friend Kerry O’Quinn wrote: “Yes, Arthur was gay … As Isaac Asimov once told me, ‘I think he simply found he preferred men.’ Arthur didn’t publicise his sexuality – that wasn’t the focus of his life – but if asked, he was open and honest.”

2 years ago

Akon must be insane. Currently, human parthenogenesis is a long way off, if it is possible at all. But it’s a heck of a lot more likely than making an embryo without an egg or womb.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

What I really need is a sexbot who can reach the high shelves and carry heavy things. That would take care of all the things I can’t do myself.

As regards women and sex toys, I had a friend in the late 80s who named her vibrator “Jean-Claude van Damme”. Written right on it, because she had a puckish sense of humor. Her husband worked out of town a lot, so Jean-Claude filled in.

AC Clarke was also a somewhat shy man, so he wouldn’t have made a big deal out of it even after laws were repealed. I mean, polite Englishmen born in 1917 didn’t talk about their sex lives anyway. He was fond of Chihuahuas; one appeared with him on a live via satellite (an idea of his!) Worldcon Q&A conducted by his brother Fred (also a cheerful solidly English chap).

2 years ago


Funny, I’ve gotten that “toxic/lethal jab” plus boosters and I had exactly zero issues with it whatsoever. I’m sure I would have noticed if it had killed me.

2 years ago

Or imagine Gigolo Joe doing the laundry and dishes before serving you an evening drink and cuddling on the couch. The incel idea that women (or nonbinary people like me) don’t want bots is as nuts as everything else they think.

Fred B-C
2 years ago

Even within their bullshit premises…

Every sexbot could be built to be a perfect domineering alpha. Better than any man.


They’re still wrong. And still coping over their own shittiness.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
2 years ago

I’m feeling a bit nostalgic, what with the influx of weird trolls.

You have to admire the guy who took it as an opportunity to sell candy floss.

Any Discworld fans thinking of Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler? 🙂

2 years ago

Akon may have heard of the alchemical idea of making a homunculus and gotten it garbled.

2 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw
Clearly none of the incels have ever heard of or read Tanith Lee’s *Silver Metal Lover*. Published in 1981. And yet, they seem to think the idea of sexbots originated with incels. Then again, incels are wrong about everything else, so…

2 years ago

@Surplus, @Dave
Wasn’t there an experiment a couple years ago that successfully fused two egg cells? I think it was with mice (as almost always, but at least no living mice were hurt here…), but it should be translatable to humans, too, when science is a bit further ahead.

@the idea of Marvel sexbots
If the sex part is left out (why I guess is fully in my control), I would get the full collection. They are all very aestetically pleasing people and I would love to look at them moving around up close. Or not, since robots can fall right into the Uncanny Valley. But then, the surveillance is a huge turn-off. I have to admit, tough, Loki is kind of my favorite. My boyfriend once pointed out that he looks kinda androgynous. That is likely why…

2 years ago


Dunno about that, but artificial sperm have been created from non-gamete cells:

AFAIK they don’t work yet, but I’m interested in where this could go.

2 years ago

Oh wow no, it looks like some researchers got artificial sperm working for mice?!

Badass. I hope they can manage for humans too soon.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 years ago

@Crip Dyke:


That broke my flow of reading, too. Hunh? You can sort of tell from context what he probably meant, but still, hunh?

@occasional reader

Can not wait for sexbots to blackmail for sextape release, or suddenly remote controlled bots which empty your crypto wallet…

While it wasn’t actually a sexbot, in the anime Carole & Tuesday the douchebro DJ character ended up getting most of his fortune stolen by his robot personal assistant.

@Alan Robertshaw:

You have to admire the guy who took it as an opportunity to sell candy floss.

That sort of thing (the sellers, not the riots) is pretty common from my brief experience in Brazil. While on the road for the drive from the hotel in Sao Paulo to the airport, we passed by several people on the roadside selling everything from drinks to cell phone charging cables. And the road was clogged with traffic slow enough that buying something wasn’t usually going to slow you down at all. The trip took long enough that the cell phone charging cables might have been needed mid-trip.

The ultimate ‘prissy robot’ might be Kryten from Red Dwarf. (Who we eventually find out was designed by a woman who made Kryten with the face and personality of the man who jilted her in revenge.)

2 years ago


If you wanted someone more emo, there’s always Captain Harlock. (I am an old anime fan too — you could only get most of the shows if someone in Japan would tape it for you and spend the money to mail it! US military guys stationed there supplied much of US anime fandom for years.)

the streaming service Crunchy Roll has the full series and has both paid and free (with ads) memberships.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fabe
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Fabe: Ooooh! The Mr. used to have a CR subscription but never told me about that. I will go for the free option. It’s going to come much quicker and look better than the 80s VHS with no subs or dubs that took weeks to record to fill up the tape, be mailed to a FOAF, friend would get mailed a clone that we’d then copy down another generation… I don’t miss those days.

@Trying: I would love a bot of Steve!Cap to do all that for me. Certainly manly enough for me, but a true gentleman. Or Thor or Sam!Cap, or pretty much anyone. Loki would be a big seller, what with him being openly bi in the MCU and turning into a mare in the legends. Not sure how he’d feel about taking out the garbage.

@Mish: Yes! I knew he was reminding me of someone, and CMOT is it.

Look at me, using my very own lungs to take in oxygen and my circulatory system spreading it around. Even with 2 shots, a couple boosters and a bivalent. And my damn phone STILL only gets 4G. Guess I’ll have to settle for continuing to move and breathe on my own, with all my fingers and toes still attached.

2 years ago

Does anyone else here remember Lance the virgin sex bot from the web comic “Angels 2200” ?

2 years ago

Was talking about this article:
Advancements all around in that area it seems

Full Metal Ox
2 years ago

Continuing the theme of girls and their toys: this 2018 Nancy comic arc seems applicable. (Note further that the current cartoonist, Olivia Jaimes, seems to be quite consciously portraying Nancy as autistic.)

2 years ago



Here’s to a glorious gay future 😀

2 years ago

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Silent Running with three cute human-ish robots named Huey, Dewey & Louie. Though it is from 1972 and it’s a real tearjerker ending. I won’t tell you why just yet.
Made a huge mistake thinking cute=suitable for children. My poor little 8 yr old nephew dissolved into hysterical weeping at the end. I think children who are ok after jdistress when Bambi’s mother is killed can do so because that event is part of a story line. Doesn’t work so well when the nasty stuff is the end point of the story.

2 years ago

If men stopped pursuing women because they had another outlet, a lot of us would be genuinely relieved. But I’m not optimistic because even with porn and the availability of real dolls, not only had it not offered women any relief, it has only encouraged dysfunctional and violent behavior. They can have their their compliant, inert sexual servant, and they still abuse and murder it. They are only practice dummies before they realize it’s not satisfying unless they can terrorize a real person.