andrew anglin andrew tate dating tips incels misogyny reactionary bullshit

Does Andrew Anglin want to be the next Andrew Tate?

Well, he’s bald; that’s a start

With professional misogynist and accused human trafficker Andrew Tate out of the picture at the moment, it seems as though neo-Nazi troll Andrew Anglin is vying to become something of a Tate replacement in the affections of troubled young men, spouting reactionary Red Pill “wisdom” about women and giving advice to young men not altogether different from that proffered by the other Andrew.

Sometimes he sounds like a fundamentalist, railing against “satanic, rainbow America” and pimping the Bible.

Sometimes he sounds like an incel obsessed with Evo Psych.

And sometimes, he sounds like he’s channeling A Voice for Men.

Anglin has not exactly made his desire to recruit lonely men and incels a secret. Way back in 2016, he announced plans to launch local chapters of what he called Stormer Book Clubs that would not only provide firearms training “to prepare for the coming race war” but also help young men to “hunt and capture your own women as part of the [club’s regular] operations.” Minus the Nazi overtones, his advice at the time could have come from any pickup manual.

Anlin has some similarities with Tate that go beyond his reactionary takes on women. Both are bald. Both are named Andrew. But there are a few differences between Tate and Anglin as well, perhaps most notably their respective social media reach. While both were welcomed back to Twitter by Elon Musk after lengthy bans, Tate had millions of followers; Anglin, despite his notoriety, has less than 13 thousand.

Right now, the biggest advantage Anglin has over Tate is that he’s not currently in jail. But that could change if international authorities ever manage to track him down and arrest him for trying to evade nearly $15 million in judgments against him for harassment.

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An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
2 years ago

I finally decided to click on one of these links, because it was titled “Asian Family Problems” and I’m not Desi but whatever… and you know what, I’m just going to let this YouTube comment speak for itself:

Hamza, as great as the gratitude exercises are, there are plenty of young people out their who have either lost their family, or whose family are/were truly abusive and should be cut off. Not everyone’s situation is the same as yours, and the statement ‘people without families are degenerates’ is just wildly insensitive. It might be a nice idea to expand your thoughts on this to people who are forced to build their own family from friends and partners, and how we can show gratitude to those people for are there for us when family truly isn’t.

Why can’t people at least use, like, normal dudes like Hasan Minhaj for their Desi tokenizing lol

And since I brought it up and as long as we’re randomly veering off-topic… one of the early Patriot Act videos had a joke ending with “why isn’t it 100%” and it’s a contender for best Daily Show alum joke of all time, but since the Patriot Act channel has been cannibalized into “Netflix Is a Joke”, it’s become hard to find. I should have favourited it or something…

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

Also, aren’t the trophy wives/sex slaves going to hook up with the Chadly security guards and murder the oligarchs ASAP? The smart women are going to be making nice with the maintenance geeks. Or be them and just get rid of all the toxic people and raise unselfish bunker kids till it stops HTF.

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

Based Shaman is out here doing his part to help these guys

2 years ago

@ Gerald Fnord
You don’t need sex for pair bonding, though. There are so many things you can do, that really isn’t anything you need. And you can sleep with total strangers, so there is that. (For the record, I don’t care what you do or how much sex anyone has or with whom. Just pointing it out because sex is treated as something special by far too many allos and as an ace that is extremely frustrating and annoying, and I have been looked down on and infantilized far too often already)


Did you play Forbidden West, too? There is a lot more to come there…
Also, since you mention that guy, I want to point out that they also discuss quite a few issues with those survivor bunkers in Zero Dawn. Like the fact that they can also break down and all. The thing with the finite food and air supply. And quite a few others. I love those two games, they are amazing.

Last edited 2 years ago by KMB
Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago

“Autism was conceived as the psychological opposite of Nazism.”

2 years ago

What in the flaming fuck…
(And don’t fucking start, either. I absolutely guarantee I know this topic better than you do). Where the fuck do you get off just shitting that into the thread?

2 years ago

@Love Is All You Need
Yeah, what the hell is that about?

Love is All We Need
Love is All We Need
2 years ago


Prize-winning author Edith Sheffer presents her ground-breaking research on Asperger Syndrome with Google’s Eileen Naughton. Sheffer exposes how Hans Asperger, widely seen as a compassionate pioneer of autism and Asperger syndrome in Nazi Vienna, actually participated in the Third Reich’s murder of disabled children considered “unworthy of life” and crafted his definition of autism around Nazi ideology and institutions.

Sheffer and Naughton discuss the significance of these revelations for the treatment of autism now — and whether the term “Asperger’s” should remain in common use. Their conversation spans the state of psychiatry today, the proliferation of mental diagnoses, and the role of neurodiversity in the workplace. Sheffer is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for European Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. More information at

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

oh jeez. what is going on here 🙁
don’t just plop stuff like this onto a thread with absolutely no context, please. fuck.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Love is All We Need
So what? Someone else wants to pretend:
1) research hasn’t moved on.
2) there aren’t personality differences in the categories of people the nazies threw away.

What is the reason you posted it?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

Hey Brony! Good to see you back.

I was thinking of you recently and our chats about abiogenesis. You seen that new research on the role of volcanic glass? I find it very convincing.

And Mish! Great to see you back too.

2 years ago

And is also engaged in some old-fashioned historical erasure of women in science, although in this instance it might just be someone mirroring Asperger’s antisemitism.

2 years ago

I, uh, hope @Love Is All You Need’s last post wasn’t an attempt to pre-emptively head off discussion of this attempt by a Black woman to reach out to local law enforcement that went horribly wrong….

Last edited 2 years ago by Nequam
GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Nequam: That is utterly horrifying. And sadly unsurprising. Fascists always hate someone who won’t immediately bend the knee, and many autistic people are literally unable to do that. And certainly unwilling.

@Dali: Everyone just needs to up and decide it’s going to be “Sukhareva’s syndrome” from now on. Give the credit to a kind Jewish woman instead of a Nazi.

The autistic people I know aren’t using the “Asp” word to describe themselves any more, because who wants to describe yourself in terms of a Nazi who killed children like yourself?

@Brony: waves hi

Last edited 2 years ago by GSS ex-noob
RJ Dragon
RJ Dragon
2 years ago

@Love Is All You Need

Asperger was a fascist. He only wanted the autistic kids who were useful to survive, his ‘little professors’. Research has moved on since Scheffer published her book. Asperger got his job at the Lazar Klinic because he was friends with the fascist in charge, who was a member of the nazi party. He wasn’t qualified to be there. He learnt everything from Weiss and Frankl, who both had to leave Vienna due to antisemitism. Weiss and Frankl went on to work with Kanner in Baltimore; Kanner privately acknowledged that Frankl’s work lead his own. But Kanner was a bigger self-publicist, so people forgot about Weiss and Frankl.

Earlier work by Sukhareva, a Ukrainian Jewish woman who worked in an institution helping children with psychological conditions in Moscow in the 1920s, has come to light in the last ten years. She wrote her first papers on autism in 1925 (in Russian) and 1926 (in German). Both Kanner and Asperger had access to her work.

I could go on. Do you want me to? I do this stuff for a living. I literally spent the last 18 months researching this, writing a book on neurodivergent history and making a moveable display on the subject. I’m currently working on a website, and another book about autistic history from an autistic point of view.

Last edited 2 years ago by RJ Dragon
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I smelled ableism. I lurk otherwise. Too many social spaces fragments my mind.


This is the most interesting thing. My brain has cooperated some.
That is a “protein motif superfamily”. A bit of protein found in lots of proteins and appear related.

“The rudiment single hybrid motif has a β-barrel sandwich hybrid motif, consisting of a sandwich of half-barrel shaped β-sheets. This motif is found in the small domain of cytochrome f [1], as well as in the C-terminal domain of the biotin carboxylase subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase [2], and its family members, such as glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase C-terminal domain [3], N5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase PurK C-terminal domain [4], and glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase PurT C-terminal domain [5].”

[2] passes tla 1 C to a 2C to make a 3C used in elongation in fatty acid biosynthesis (membrane component). There’s your membrane biosynthesis link.

3, 4, and 5 are in early Purine (A G base) biogenesis.
Carboxylate interaction seems to be a theme.

That page presents information best and allows clicking to different parts of the classification hierarchy, but this other site has more interesting things in the organization and more individual examples.

But there is inconsistency between the groups.

And I have to post search results to get something to leads somewhere interesting here.
The “CO dehydrogenase molybdoprotein N-domain-like” result contains the fragments when the site finishes loading (you may have to scroll). Comparing with other boxes get you relatives of the bit of peptide. It’s still a long bit though. ~120 amino acids maybe. And the CODH protein itself makes the acetyl in acetyl CoA

They have a “single hybrid motif” but I’m still figuring out the significance.

There’s other interesting things in there. It’s a mess but maybe a primordial bicarbonate grabber. I haven’t looked at structures yet.

I’m reorganizing metabolism by 2 carbon chemistry where I did it by PRPP (Ribose) chemistry last time.

@ Dalillama
It’s unsurprising that there’s more bigotry. Good to know.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Pyruvate carboxylase is in there too. I’ve been trying to figure out where the Aspartate comes from. It’s one of the 20 amino acids, and it’s part of the pyrimidine ring (U C T) the way Glycine (smallest amino acid) is part of the Purine ring (A G).
Pyruvate is a 3C and the resulting 4C, Oxaloacetate, is a direct precursor to Aspartate.

Also I can’t stop seeing the carboxylation of the closed Purine ring as Glycine getting made into Alanine and Serine precursors. But that’s me reacting to shapes alone. (The step making CAIR in the lower middle of the top image. The second image is a protein amino acid list).
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Critical Dragon1177
Critical Dragon1177
2 years ago

Imagining Andrew Anglin in a position of power is literal nightmare fuel

Critical Dragon1177
Critical Dragon1177
2 years ago

“It is impossible for a Christian to support satanic, rainbow America against Christian Russia.

This is a battle of good v. evil.

Spoiler: Jesus wins.”

Given the fact that it’s Putin representing “Jesus” in the image that he uses, I don’t think “Jesus” is winning right now in Ukraine

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Sorry I was late with that.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
2 years ago

@ brony

I am so itching for a Europa or Enceladus mission. I really hope they happen in my lifetime.

If there is life there, potentially that could give us so many new insights. I’m really impressed with your work; it’s outstanding. But of course, like all biologists you’re stuck with just one example of life. I love how you’re building a model from the ground up from first principles; but imagine if you had another dataset to work with? It might even be that extra terrestrial life might provide actual realworld verification of your ideas.

I suppose though with such missions, even if they do find life, there are two main possibilities: the life could be almost identical to Earth; or it could be truly alien (say different base pairs, or non carbon based)

With the first it would be hard to know if this truly was a separate abiognesis. One possible explanation is convergent evolution. Maybe there’s just one set-up that’s optimal, so that always prevails evolution wise. But such a result also couldn’t rule out panspermia.

But a totally radical lifeform, that had to come into being totally independently, means the galaxy is probably teaming with life.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
2 years ago

@Brony: I thought of you today when I came across an old button that reads “Social Justice Necromancer” that I used to sport at cons. Someone I didn’t know gave it to me.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Like everyone else has said, Asperger is old news.

@Alan, heeeyyyyy how are you? heard you had a birthday recently?! you’re one of the few things I miss about Facebook 🙂

@RJ Dragon, I would very much like to read your work, if you’re comfortable sharing. My kid and me are both still getting used to our official diagnoses, and I’m soaking up as much info as I can.