You may have forgotten, but Canadian fusspot and anti-woke warrior Jordan Peterson has a second career as a clinical psychologist. I have no idea if he’s seeing any patients, but he could soon lose the right to due to his sometimes unhinged comments on Twitter and his general obstreperousness.
Peterson announced today (in a Twitter thread, natch) that the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) “has demanded that I submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining” or face a hearing that could result in the suspension of his license as a clinical psychologist. Peterson said that the demand is in response to, “among other crimes,” his criticism of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Peterson apparently wants us to believe he’s being silenced for his political criticism, but I want to hear more about these unnamed “other crimes.” Peterson, after all, tweets wildly unprofessional things all the time, once famously suggesting that a critic kill himself and, on at least one other occasion threatening an opponent with physical violence. He’s also very fond of the phrase “up yours.”
All in all, not the sorts of things that clinical psychologists should be saying in public, especially not to an audience of two million followers on Twitter.
But the particulars of his “other crimes” may not matter because Peterson says he’ll only submit to a hearing if the CPO agrees “to make absolutely every word of all this fully public so that everyone can decide for themselves what is actually happening,” something he admits won’t happen. So it sounds like he’s itching to get his license suspended, yet another reason for him to portray himself as a martyr to political correctness.
In other news, he’s got a new Twitter suit, and not in the legal sense.
Very snappy, Dr. P!

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Remember when he was attacked by an owl?
Wow, yikes. I try to be more professional than that, and my screen name is “Big Titty Demon” and in no way attached to my real name.
Then again, I tried to get rid of all my bullying behaviours back when my age still ended in “teen”. It’s a constant watch, since I had a real fucking bad family and no one to help me grow up, but we do our best. Sad to see a father figure do his best to introduce bullying into the world.
What took them so long? They should have yanked it back when he was ranting about lobsters and the university fired him. Because of his earlier rants.
Maybe they’d just forgotten about him till now. I’m sure Trudeau has.
Welp, the performative fusspotting should gain him enough money to afford steak and, uh, calming agents for a while longer.
@Tabby: Remind me, please?
Is he still on the all-meat diet? I figured he was a complete asshole before that, but that never pooping made him literally and figuratively even more full of shit.
The outfit he’s wearing in that video looks like a leftover from ’80s Doctor Who.
I wonder who will denounce who first, Musk or Peterson. Because you can be sure that those overinflated egos disguised as men will find reason to hate each other sooner or later.
. . . just like the boys on 4chan and 8chan do.
Personally, I consider myself to be quite the rebel in my family of origin because I refused to join their death cult. I knew, I just knew, that the world — as flawed as it is — had more to offer me than wanting to die. (It turns out that a much younger me was right.) I do understand that difficult situations can make a person want to die. Of course that’s true. But encouraging others to die is a different sort of thing.
But hey, what do I know. I’m working with a girl brain here.
He cries in almost every interview. Over nothing. I don’t get it.
imagine thinking it’s a good idea to have jordan peterson as your therapist
@Love Is All We Need
I don’t watch him because it would make me cry, so I haven’t observed this. Is it that kind of obviously fake crying that some types of narcissistic celebrities will do, or like just genuine random crying? If it’s that… not to be diagnosey but I used do that all the time, not in interviews, because I had untreated GAD and bad childhood trauma. Maybe he just really needs therapy?
@GSS ex-noob, yeah, now that I think about it, what did take them so long? Surely he’s been bringing the whole profession into disrepute and showing he’s a terrible psych for a loooooooong time now…
As @Love Is All We Need says, he really does cry constantly these days. Although I think the crying is more bearable than his dream about his grandmother’s pubic hair wafting over his face.
A very troubled man.
The benzos fried his brain. He can team up with SSC’s Scott Alexander and they can be like one of these duo boss fights.
“his dream about his grandmother’s pubic hair wafting over his face.”
What?!?! The man has been spiraling for years and needs a serious intervention. Doesn’t he have any true well-wisher looking out for him?
GSS ex-noob He wasn’t. I just prompted an AI with “jordan peterson attacked by an owl”. I’ve never tried linking an image here before so I don’t know if it’s showing up for you or not.
He still has a license to practice psychology? Why would he even want to do that? That means actually listening to other people, in private and without a camera or spotlight. He probably can’t handle that any better than I can play football.
His crying reminds me of myself when I’m drunk–just getting over-emotional over everything. Here he gets teary while talking about a guitar solo. (YT link)
Medical boards of various sorts tend to be very, very slow to act, sadly. Just like bar associations. Professional organizations like that are often more about protecting the reputation of the profession than protecting the public, which means they don’t like to actually discipline members until said members are being seriously disreputable.
Honestly, I expect that in this case, Peterson probably hasn’t even been practicing clinical psychology much in years (aside from his own medical issues, being on the outrage media circuit pays better) so there haven’t been any patients to complain about him. If there haven’t been any formal complaints, the professional organization wouldn’t be willing to do much unless he’s seriously making them all look bad.
@Love is All We Need:
Probably not that he listens to anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if by now he’s surrounded himself entirely with sycophants and has driven off anybody who would actually dare to try to correct him.
imagine thinking it’s a good idea to have jordan peterson as your therapist
I’d really rather not. I remember, rather early in Peterson’s growing fame, a comment from him on a public forum (Twitter?), where he said he had a client who had claimed she’d been raped, and he was having such a hard time figuring out if she was telling the truth about it. So now I’m kind of surprised he didn’t either lose his license back then, or just give up a job that involved listening to people he didn’t like or care about.
…his dream about his grandmother’s pubic hair wafting over his face.
I’m not even gonna ask. If he ever really said anything like that in public, that alone should have disqualified him from being taken seriously as a sane adult.
PS: Tabby: That’s about the most realistic and flattering AI-generated pic I’ve yet seen anywhere. Maybe you should be in charge of illustrating WHTM posts…
It does seem that after his medical induced coma and benzo addiction he has become increasingly worse.
This “Psychologist” is probably going the Rebel Media route to grift under the cause of political persecution.
As in “ I’m being persecuted by the government for hate speech, send me a donation”.
Now I have to move to Ontario just to found the
Canadian College of Clinical Psychologists – Ontario (C3PO)
@Tabby: I guessed it was generated, but I was hoping it was at least depicting a real event (It showed up fine). But that is indeed a very good AI response. Having their expressions being the same is *chef kiss* Would have gone right with when TFG was attacked by a bald eagle. Super obvious omen, people!!!
@Love is All: For someone who’s about being a Manly Man with control over his emotions, he sure cries a LOT. Performative or not, it doesn’t seem on brand. Guess it’s part of being a fusspot. He cries more in a rando YT video than I did at my mom’s funeral or my grandma’s. Combined. And I loved them! Also, who TF thinks everyone needs to hear his pervo dreams on gramma’s pubic hair?!
Really, IMO, dude needs a short stay in-patient, a real therapist, and then some ongoing meds if the real therapists think them necessary. And an internet detox. It’s sad no one really cares enough to get him some help; his daughter’s too busy living off his grift.
@milotha: He was a little weepy even before the benzos, but that and the stroke really made him worse. Brain damage like that is going to make a lot of your emotions come out weird.
@ tim g: I remember 80’s Who, and even Baker(2) and McCoy never stooped to wearing a tie with someone else’s face on it. You might have seen it on some sleazy bad guy, though (But I repeat myself).
@Crip Dyke: I needed that LOL, thank you.
@Crip Dyke:
But ma’am! The odds of successfully starting up a rival to a long-established monopoly are six thousand eight hundred and nineteen to one!
@LouCPurr, I clicked on that link. Some of the comments are funny:
“He knows a lot of words, that’s for sure. I’m not convinced it’s totally coherent though.”
“He cried man tears; the rarest kind.”
“If the feels you get when you listen to music are fundamental truth then I assume that facts do care about my feelings…”
“I do understand that difficult situations can make a person want to die. Of course that’s true. But encouraging others to die is a different sort of thing.”
Encouraging other people to die for your own personal amusement (which is why they do it) is depraved. Might as well just say it. Have said before, will say again: sometimes left-wingers play at decadence but most of the time it takes a conservative to excel at the real thing.